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Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 is a mix of various testosterone esters, also known under such trade names as Sustamed, Tetrasterone, Sustager etc. In medical practice it was initially used as a hormonal replacement therapy in patients with insufficient testosterone production.

Sustanon formula includes 4 different testosterone esters:

Note that the storage of testosterone in bottles with rubber caps is strictly prohibited.

Each ester has its own rate of absorption and time of action. This combination allows you to keep high level of hormone for a very long time. Therefore there is no need to do frequent injections. For instance, for medical purposes patients take Sustanon once in every three weeks. Some bodybuilders regard Sustanon as a combination, however it is not so, as each ester eventually transforms into testosterone.

Effects of Sustanon

Sustanon has the same effects as testosterone itself.

Gaining of muscle mass (about 6kg/month)

Anticatabolic effect

Erhöht den Appetit

Improves endurance by increasing the number of erythrocytes.

Increased libido (during Sustanon cycle)


Up to 3 months.


As well as testosterone, Sustanon is prone to aromatization. Therefore it can cause estrogen related side-effects – gynecomastia, water retention, suppression of testosterone production etc. You can prevent these side effects by using antiestrogens, preferably aromatase inhibitors. Selective Estrogen Receptors Modulators (SERMs), such as Tamoxifen, are taken only during PCT.

Due to suppression of natural testosterone production such side-effect as testicular atrophy is possible. If your cycle doesn’t exceed eight weeks you can prevent it by taking anti-estrogens. In case of longer cycles you should take :gonadotropin:.

As testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone, Sustanon can cause androgenic side effects: hypertrophy of prostate, baldness, acne, virilization in women. Also, flu-like condition may accompany your cycle. Sustanon can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. However you can prevent it by taking Omega-3 fatty acids during your cycle.

Dosierung und Anwendung

Usually bodybuilders take Sustanon for gaining muscle mass. Make sure you don’t have contraindication before taking it.

The cycle of Sustanon lasts 8-10 weeks. If your cycle is longer than 8 weeks the use of gonadotropin is necessary. Inject the substance once a week at the dosage of 250-500mg intramuscularly.

Take aromatase inhibitors (AI) starting from the second week of your cycle (usually 0.5 mg anastrozole every other day). You should stop taking AI in 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

In 3 weeks after the last injection start taking tamoxifen, which is a part of PCT. Testosterone boosters are also necessary within 3-4 weeks in order to restore the natural testosterone production.

In order to increase the effectiveness of your cycle take sports nutrition and follow a mass gaining diet.


You can combine Sustanone with :nandrolone: – for a mass gaining cycle, or with :winstrol: – for a cutting cycle. Combination can reduce the frequency of side effects and improve the effectiveness of your cycle.