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Nandrolone – (aka Nandrolone Decanoate, 19-nortestosterone, Deca etc.) is an anabolic steroid, which is naturally produced in human organism after heavy exercises or during pregnancy. It has high anabolic and low androgenic properties.

Its molecular structure lacks carbon in position 19, therefore it is similar to progestins. That is why its androgenic properties are low, as compared to testosterone.  However, progestin-like structure and its ability to bind to progesterone receptors entails certain side-effects.

Steroid characteristics

Anabolic properties – 150% (comparing with testosterone)

Androgenic properties – 30%

Transformation into estrogens – low

Liver toxicity – low

Available forms – injection

Duration of action – 2 weeks (half-life – 7 days)

Doping tests – detectable up to 1.5 year

Endogenous testosterone suppression – high (owing to progestin-like structure)


Efectos secundarios

Nandrolone belongs to safe steroids. Due to low androgenic properties acne, alopecia, prostate enlargement are extremely rare. Usually they occur when the recommended dose is exceeded many times.

Though Nandrolone can transform into estrogens without aromatase, the rate of this conversion is very low (5 times less than in testosterone) Therefore Nandrolone has no estrogen related side effects (e.g gynecomastia). They are possible only in case of overdose. All above said explains the popularity of this substance among athletes.

It may also cause headache, rhinitis, back pain, rash, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, irritability,  depression.

Progestin-related side effects

By attaching to progestin receptors in hypophysis, nandrolone increases prolactin production and inhibits gonadotropic hormones. Prolactin in its turn may decrease the endogenous testosterone production (thus decreases libido) and rarely may cause gynecomasia.

However, these side-effects can be easily prevented by using prolactin inhibitor – Cabaser (Cabergoline). This drug also greatly enhances sexual drive and improves the quality of orgasm (both in men and in women).

Besides it was recently discovered that Winstrol can act as antiprogestin agent, so one can combine Nandrolone and Winstrol together.

Dosis y uso

This drug causes slow but steady growth of muscle mass. Unlike testosterone and similar agents, it doesn’t produce pullback phenomenon, so the gained muscles remains.

The usual dose is 200 mg/week, however you should start with lower dosage and gradually increase it. The length of Nandrolone cycle is 2 months; however, some bodybuilders use it up to 6 months.

During Nandrolone cycle it is obligatory to take testosterone in order to prevent unwanted effects of low testosterone and progestin.

Do injections once a week. Due to long activity (about 2 weeks) you don’t have to do frequent injections. However, if the dosage is high, it’s better to divide it into 2-3 injections.

The maximal dose is 600mg/week, but in this case the risk of side effects increases. Therefore, one can achieve better results doing two cycles at moderate doses with a break, rather than in one cycle at extreme doses.
In order to get maximal results one should take sports nutrition and follow a mass gaining diet.


If your cycle is longer than 2 months than chorionic gonadotropin is required. In case you didn’t use gonadotropin during your cycle, use it in the end, before (!) PCT.

You can prevent progestine side-effects by using bromocriptine (1.25mg 2 times a day), also starting from 2Dakota del Norte week and ending 2-3 weeks after the final injection.

However it’s better to take Cabaser instead of bromocriptine (0.25mg every 4th day during the course and 2-3 weeks after it).
You can also reduce prolactin production by taking Winstrol from the second week of your cycle.

In order to restore hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles axis you need to take Citrato de clomifeno (50-100 mg with a gradual decrease) starting from the last week of a cycle and ending 2-4 weeks after it. Tamoxifeno is bad option in this case, because it increases the number of progesterone receptors and thus, increases sensitivity.

Combinations with Nandrolone

Nandrolone makes a good combination with Testosterone, which helps to reduce the side effects of the former. It is highly advised to use testosterone with Nandrolone. The dosage of testosterone should exceed the Nandrolone doses approximately two times.

One can also combine it with Dianabol e.g. Dianabol  20-40mg/day , Nandrolone 200mg/week, however testosterone is also necessary in this cycle.

The best combination with Nandrolone :

Nandrolone 100-300mg/week

Enantato de testosterona / Cypionate / Sustanon  500mg/week

Cabaser (Cabergoline) – 1 tab/week

Aromatase inhibitors.

You can buy Nandrolone aquí