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Proviron (DHT, Masterlone, Masterolone, Mesterolona)

Proviron (Masterolone) es una forma oral de 1-metilado DHT (methyl-dihidrotestosterona). This is very strong androgen which is 3-4 times more effective than “normal” testosterone, it possesses no anabolic characteristics and no capabilities of converting to estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and achieve some progress. Unfortunately, there is a control mechanism for DHT in the body. When levels get too high it is being converted to an inactive compound. This inactive compound can equally be transformed in the opposite direction to dihydrotestosterone by the same enzyme when low levels of DHT are detected. But this means that very large amounts of this substance are useless to achieve muscle hypertrophy. Very common usage is fighting estrogen just like with Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomiphen. Provironhas four distinct applications in bodybuilding.First of all, proviron serves as anti-estrogen, it prevents  aromatization of other steroids as a process and also partially blocks estrogen receptors. In this instance its action differs from tamoxifen, which only blocks  estrogen receptors. Thus side effects such as gynecomastia and increased water retention are successfully eliminated. Proviron hits the root of the problem, while Tamoxifen fights only symptoms and should be used for longer period until all excessive estrogens are washed out of the body.
The second application is based on expanding the capacity of testosterone. 97-98% of testosterone in the body of a healthy person is inactive and bound to certain proteins. Proviron in this case replaces testosterone, thus more of latter is being released into the blood and helps to build muscle mass.

Thirdly, mesterolone is added in pre-competition cycles to increase the rigidity and quality muscle volume. It also decreases water retention in the body, giving the user a visual effect of a dry, high-quality, lean muscles. Proviron is often used not only among bodybuilders, but even the actors and models, who use it to acquire the necessary sportive form  before the shooting. Just like the another methylated DHT structure called drostanolone, mesterolone is particularly strong in achieving this effect.Finally, Proviron is used for recovery of sexual activity during the cycles of steroids such as trenbolone and nandrolone, which decrease libido. Proviron is also commonly prescribed by doctors for people with low levels of testosterone, or patients with chronic impotence.Mesterolone is preferred by many athletes because it has virtually no side effects on men. In large doses it can cause some virilization symptoms in women. Doses of 25 and 250 mg per day shall be applied without adverse effects. 50 mg per day is usually sufficient to reach goals for any of four applications that we mentioned above. Thus, there is no need to increase the dose.

Los atletas masculinos deberían preferir Proviron a Nolvadex. Con Proviron el atleta logra una mejor dureza muscular, ya que aumenta el nivel de andrógenos y la concentración de estrógeno permanece baja. Esto es particularmente evidente cuando se prepara para una competencia junto con la dieta.

Sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta que la pérdida de fuerza causada por la disminución de la producción natural de testosterona después del ciclo no se cura. El atleta debe usar otras drogas como HCG y clomifen para ello.

Dosis y uso

Proviron es un compuesto muy eficaz, una dosis diaria de 50 mg es suficiente, aunque algunos hombres toman 100 e incluso 250 mg / día. El atleta normalmente toma una tableta de 25 mg por la mañana y la otra por la noche. En algunos casos, incluso una tableta de 25 mg es suficiente. La combinación de 50 mg de Proviron por día y 20 mg de Nolvadex por día da como resultado una supresión casi completa de los estrógenos. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que el estrógeno no es un mal absoluto, también juega un papel importante en la construcción de músculo. La supresión completa de estrógeno significa ganancias más bajas, por lo que uno debe mantener un equilibrio y disminuir el nivel de estrógeno solo hasta el punto en que no tenga efectos secundarios pero aún produzca efectos positivos.

In the past athletes used it throughout the whole season to make dry and fit outlook all the time, however, we don’t advice such practices nowadays. Clenbuterol / albuterol (ventolin) can do the same but with less side effects.


Proviron is an oral 1-alpha-alkylated substance mostly used as  an anti-estrogen drug. Mesterolone may actually contribute to gains.  It is taken daily in 50-100 mg doses.

The best stack is certainly with testosterone. This results in qualitive, lean gains as free testosterone levels are increased and less converted to estrogen.

Por supuesto, proviron también se usa en muchas otras pilas, por ejemplo con dianabol (metandrostenolona), undecanoato de boldenona y nandrolona para reducir las actividades relacionadas con el estrógeno y aumentar la dureza muscular.

Combo of proviron with boldenone makes dead lock for a cutting stack. Sometimes it’s even become possible to add deca into that cutting stack, preferably along with winstrol. It’s good idea to use proviron with nandrolone, because nandrolone temporarily decreases libido.

Tiempos de detección

2 meses

Efectos secundarios con proviron

When athlete do it for more than 10-12 weeks it may slightly increase liver values although in general proviron is well tolerated by it. Side effects of Proviron for men with a dose of 2 – 3 tablets are very small, so that Proviron, in combination with a steroid cycle can be relatively safe to be taken over several weeks.

DHT can increase blood pressure. High dosages may lead to premature baldness and sexual overstimulation, which leads to prolonged erection. Since this state is painful and can cause penis damage, it makes sense to reduce the dose or discontinue its use altogether.

Only 34% of recipients observe minor decrease in endocrine glands function. Proviron did not stop work of HPTA (glands) for noone who took the drug for a year at a dose of 150 mg / day. In general it’s pretty safe and has little impact on the work of HPTA.

No hay ningún efecto sobre la tasa de LH (hormona luteinizante) y FSH (hormona estimulante) a una dosis de 100-150 mg / día.

Proviron no sustituye a Clomid como terapia hormonal, pero tampoco causa problemas.

El impacto de la mesterolona no produce cambios en los niveles de esteroides, hormonas tiroideas, gonadotropinas y prolactina.

Uso femenino

Las atletas femeninas deben tener cuidado al usar Proviron, ya que no excluye todos los posibles efectos secundarios androgénicos. Se aconseja a las mujeres que no tomen más de un comprimido de 25 mg / día. Las dosis más altas y el uso prolongado durante más de 4 semanas aumentan los riesgos de virilización. Las atletas femeninas que no tienen problemas con Proviron obtienen buenos resultados tomando 25 mg de Proviron al día y 20 mg de Nolvadex al día. Dicen que en combinación con una dieta acelera la quema de grasa y el rápido endurecimiento de los músculos.

Female athletes who naturally have higher estrogen levels,  often add Proviron to steroid cycle, which results in increasing of muscle density. In the past female athletes did proviron whole year in order to look lean, especially before contests and starring. Nowadays, clenbuterol / albuterol do the same work, because they do not cause virilization effects.

You can buy cheap Proviron (Masterolone, dihydrotestosterone) online here.