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Winstrol Depot (StanoJect, Stanozolol, Stanabol, Stromba, StrombaJect)

Winstrol (depósito de winstrol, winstrol oral) es una marca de esteroide anabólico muy popular llamado estanozolol, que es un derivado de DHT (dihidrotestosterona). Tiene una relación androgénica baja y, por lo tanto, una baja posibilidad de aromatización y efectos secundarios relacionados con los estrógenos.

It’s primarily usage in bodybuilding is cutting (relief) cycles. However, Winstrol es ampliamente utilizado no solo por culturistas sino también por atletas no culturistas como corredores, ciclistas, jugadores de fútbol, jugadores de fútbol o hockey y luchadores de todo tipo (kickboxers, por ejemplo); es decir, en los deportes en los que hay que ser rápido pero no demasiado pesado, porque te aporta masa magra y mejora tu fuerza sin ganar músculos excesivos.

Estanozolol is, one of the chemicals, which allowed amazing results to famous runner and simply exceptional athlete Ben Johnson. This substance provided him with a noticeable gain in muscle mass and relief, which could be perfect even for professional bodybuilder.

So, winstrol is a very effective steroid when used properly. It is important to distinguish between two forms of winstrol-stanozolol,  first is long-acting injectable version called winstrol-depot. Second is short-acting oral one (winstrol oral). Winstrol depot is more effective and thus preferred by most athletes.

The main usage of Winstrol (Winstrol Depot) in bodybuilding is preparation for a competition. When complemented by a proper calorie-rich and protein-rich diet,  Winstrol Depot provides the muscles with firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, due to its low androgenic component, it is unable to protect the athlete from damages to muscle tissue. The absence of androgenic effect is compensated by stacking with Parabolan. The combination of injectable Winstrol 50 mg per day and Parabolan  2-3 amps / week is “a combination of top championships”.

Winstrol es bueno no solo para la preparación para una competencia, sino también en la fase de carga. Debido a la baja retención de agua, es poco probable que se produzcan aumentos de peso rápidos con Winstrol. Proporciona una cantidad bastante moderada de masa magra y seca, que conserva una vez finalizado el ciclo.

Las inyecciones de Winstrol en ciertos grupos de músculos están ganando popularidad porque los atletas han notado que esto conduce a un crecimiento acelerado de los músculos afectados.


Dosis y uso

Injectable version is just slightly more efficient than the oral one and it’s not being destroyed by the liver. Because of this oral Winstrol requires a little bit higher dosages, however, most of athletes underdose it due to gastroenterial pain and increased liver values – oral winstrol is liver-toxic. So, here is where the myth of superiority of injectable winstrol comes from. People simply can’t take equal dosages of oral version. Common  dosage of oral stanozolol is  15-30 mg / ED, daily dosage should be split on two parts – in the morning and evening during a meal, drink a liquid along with it.

La característica del Winstrol Depot inyectable es que su sustancia se disuelve en el agua y no en aceite a diferencia de la mayoría de los otros esteroides. Por lo tanto, los intervalos entre inyecciones con Winstrol Depot deben ser más cortos en comparación con otros esteroides a base de aceite como Primobolan, Deca-Duraboline, Sustanon, Parabolan, etc. porque su vida útil es mucho más corta. La práctica ha demostrado que Winstrol Depot debe administrarse al menos dos veces al día y los mejores resultados se observan con una dosis diaria de 50 mg. (300-350 mg / semana). La dosis más leve es 50 mg / EOD (150 mg / semana)

Inyecte profundamente en los músculos y gire constantemente las manchas. Sin embargo, si el atleta quiere promover un grupo de músculos en particular, se deben realizar inyecciones en él.



Winstrol (stanozolol) is all-purpose steroid, however, we should admit that in first turn it’s a cutting agent for bodybuilder and it plays rather limited role in bulking cycles. The main reason for using it in non-cutting cycles is that in limited dose it can lower SHBG, which, in turn, increases the amount of free testosterone in the body

Depending on the level of the athlete, one usually takes 50 mg of long-acting Winstrol /ED or EOD and Parabolan 76 mg/ every 1 – 3 days. Although there is no scientific evidence in favor of special interaction between Winstrol Depot and Parabolan, it’s very likely that a synergistic effect appears basing on real-world evidence. Other steroids that well stack with winstrol during pre-competition (cutting) cycle are Masterolone, Boldenone, Halotestin, Oxandrolone (anavar), Testosterone propionate, Primobolan and human growth hormone (HGH).

Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol injectable with Dianabol, Anadrol 50 (Anapolon, Oxymetholone), Testosterone,(long-acting) and Deca-Durabolin. With the combination of Anadrol 50 100 mg  / ED, 50 mg Winstrol depot 50 mg / ED and 400 mg of Deca / week athlete is slowly coming to the ambitious results.

Los atletas de edad avanzada y los principiantes en esteroides pueden lograr un buen progreso con Winstrol depot y Deca-Durabolin o Winstrol depot y Primobolan


Ciclo 0

winstrol depot 50 mg / ED is a cutting stack. Some people may do 50 mg/Ed, it’s more aggressive.


Cycle  1:

Winstrol 100-150 mf / semana + primobolan 200-300 mg / semana durante 6 semanas como fase de corte DESPUÉS del ciclo regular de deca-dianabol


Ciclo 2

Oxandrolona (anavar) 20-30 mg / ED + winstrol 150 mg / semana + clenbuterol 120 mg / ED durante 12 semanas; prabolan 152-228 mg / semana durante las primeras 8 semanas; proviron 300 mg / semana + cytomel aumento de 25 a 100 mg / semana durante las semanas 9-12


Ciclo 3

Winstrol 150 mg / w + parabolan 152 mg / w


Ciclo 4

winstrol (150 mg / w) + dianabol (20-30 mg / ED) + propionato de prueba (150 mg / w) durante 8-10 semanas + clen al final


Ciclo 5

Winstrol 50-100 mg / w + deca 300-200 mg / w


Ciclo 6

Winstrol oral 40-60mg / ED + equilibrio (boldabol) 100-200 mg / w


Ciclo 7

winstrol + trenbolone + clenbuterol – relief cycle for novices.


Ciclo 8

primobolan 200-300 mg/w + winstrol 150-300 mg/w + oxandrolone 20-60 mg/ED + clenbuterol + PCT (tamo and HCG) – relief for advanced users


Ciclo 9

boldenone 300 mg/w + winstrol oral 40 mg / ED + nandrolone phenilpropionate 300 mg / w – relief for advanced users


Tiempos de detección

Oral stanozolol – 3 weeks
Injectable stanozolol (winstrol depot) – 3 months


Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with winstrol / stanozolol

Only small number of athletes report water retention or  other negative effects. However, one should be aware that oral winstrol can be toxic to the liver in excessive dosages.


Otros efectos secundarios no androgénicos que pueden ocurrir son: dolores de cabeza, espasmos musculares, en casos raros puede ocurrir presión arterial alta. La posibilidad de daño hepático en forma de Winstrol inyectable es muy pequeña, pero aún en dosis altas puede aumentar los valores hepáticos.


Because the Winstrol Depot is dissolved in the water, injection,  in common is more painful comparing to oil-based gear and have to be taken more frequently. This leads to another negative effect – scar tissue on the often injection spots, which cause athletes t inject not only  into buttocks but also to shoulders, legs or even calves. Athletes wishing to avoid this take Winstrol Depot twice a week for 2-3ml. This decreases effectiveness but decreases pain and prevents scar tissue appearance.

Como ocurre con la mayoría de los otros esteroides, Winstrol suprime los niveles hormonales naturales, aunque no tanto como muchos otros. Ejecutar testosterona en un ciclo que contiene Winstrol ayuda a evitar una posible disfunción sexual.

After winstrol cycle is over it’s necessary to do PCT: First week: 40mg of tamoxifen or 100mg clomiphen / ED or combo of both. One-two more weeks:  20mg of tamoxifen or 50mg clomiphen or combo of both.


Uso femenino

It’s one of the few substances, which could be used more or less safely by females in low dosages because it has more anabolic properties than androgenic ones. But occasionally winstrol can cause virilization, even this small androgenic component may, become noticeable for women with a dose of only 50 mg per week. And troubles are almost guaranteed for female athletes with a dosage of 100 mg / week. Despite Winstrol moves out quickly, it can cause undesired accumulation of androgens in the female body, which cause virilization effects such as deep voice, hair growth, hypersexuality, etc. (something similar happens to some of natural brunettes). However, ambitious female athletes still use it 50 mg / EOD disregarding all side effects.

Normally, female athlete can tolerate around 5-10mg of stanosolol per day, which perfectly fits for oral winstrol usage


Winstrol oral

As it has been already mentioned, injectable version is more efficient than the oral one but this is mostly because oral winstrol is used in lower dosages than injectable one and athletes simply don’t receive enough substance. If you take 50 mg of oral winstrol a day, the results will be almost par with 50 mg of Winstrol depot, however, you may have problems with stomach and liver.

Por otro lado, el winstrol oral es un buen equipo para las mujeres, pueden consumir solo 5-10 mg / ED y, por lo tanto, no se producirán los efectos negativos descritos anteriormente. Además, Winstrol oral permite dividir la dosis diaria en dos partes iguales,


Falsificaciones de Winstrol

Due to popularity of winstrol there are many fakes on the market. The first thing to mention is that British Dragon winstrol depot and stanozolol (oral winstrol)  is no longer manufactured since they got busted, It might be still in circulation till the end of 2011 but anything with manufacture date after 2008 is a fake.


Breve descripción de estanozolol:
Actividad: 48 horas
Clasificación: esteroide anabólico / androgénico
Dosis: Hombres 25-100 mg / día
Acné: raro
Retención de agua: raro
Presión arterial alta: rara
Hepatotoxicidad: Sí, está alcalinizado en 17-alfa
Aromatización: No, es un derivado de DHT
Conversión DHT: No
Disminuir la función HPTA: Débil

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