24 heuresPPC ORG

Livial (Tibolon) 2,5 mg 28 comprimés

Livial has estrogenic, gestagenic and weak androgenic activity, stabilizes the hypothalamic-pituitary system after the cessation of ovarian function, causes a decrease in the secretion of gonadotropic hormones. It inhibits bone resorption in postmenopausal women, alleviates such manifestations of climacteric syndrome as “hot flashes” of blood to the skin of the face, increased sweating, headache. It has a positive effect on libido and mood (increases the concentration of central and peripheral sediments). It has a stimulating effect on the vaginal mucosa without stimulating the proliferation of the endometrium. Suppresses ovulation in fertile women.

Empêche le développement de l'ostéoporose, réduit la concentration de phosphates et de calcium dans le sérum sanguin.