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Steroid Combinations for Gaining Muscle Mass

Steroid Combinations for Gaining Muscle Mass

It’s not a secret that all professional bodybuilders take combinations of steroids to achieve optimal results. But sometimes it’s hard to find safe and efficient steroid combinations. So, in this article we collected classical stacking of steroids for gaining muscle mass, also concerning the issues of safety.

Usually steroid combinations involve stacking of androgenic substances with predominantly anabolic ones. One should mention that :boldenone, :methenolone:, :nandrolone:, :oxandrolone: and :stanozolol: belong to anabolic group of steroids, while :testosterone-u: and :oxymetholone: belong to androgenic substances.

On the one hand this approach reduces the risks of androgenic side effects (alopecia, acne, prostatic hypertrophy etc.). On the other hand it can decrease the likelihood of estrogenic side-effects. Therefore it became popular in 1960s when anti-estrogens were inaccessible. Besides combinations of androgenic and anabolic substances can produce synergistic effect and increase the efficiency of a cycle, comparatively to cycles containing only anabolics.

Now that powerful aromatase inhibitors are available, one can easily avoid water retention and gynecomastia. Thus testosterone-based cycles (cypionate and enanthate) start to prevail. Nevertheless, it’s reasonable to include anabolic substances especially at the beginning of a cycle.

The following cycles are suitable for men of lean physique, over the age of 25 and without contraindications to taking anabolic steroids.

Short cycle for gaining muscle mass

:turinabol: – neutralizes the androgenic effect of testosterone. Divide the daily dosage into two portions:  in the morning and in the evening.

:testosterone-p: quickly launches anabolic process in the body, which reduces the length of a cycle. One should mention that propionate is also suitable for cutting cycles, as well as :winstrol:. Some bodybuilders use enanthate instead of propionate in this cycle. The difference between them is not in the mechanism of action. :testosterone-e: has longer half-life which is more convenient.

Aromatase inhibitors. Since testosterone is highly aromatizable substance, aromatase inhibitors are required even at low doses. The intake of anastrozole at low doses can prevent estrogen related side-effects, while keeping the necessary levels of estrogen in the body.

Remember that gynecomastia is often irreversible. However excessive suppression of estrogens can lead to erectile dysfunction and decrease of libido. In this case you should reduce the dosage.

:tamoxifen: is the basis of Post Cycle Therapy, which begins in 3-5 days after the last injection of propionate. You can also replace Tamoxifen with less toxic :clomiphene: .

Long cycle for gaining muscle mass

Remember that if your cycle duration is more than 6-7 weeks, the risk of testicular atrophy increases. You can solve this problem by using gonadotropin. The maximum of muscle growth and athletic performance occurs at the 6-8 week. Then a gradual decline comes, meanwhile the risks of side effects increases. Therefore there is no need to expand your cycle over 10-12 weeks.

Turinabol boosts anabolic processes in the body during the first 2-4 weeks, until the moment when Testosterone Enanthate concentration reaches high values. Divide the daily dosage into 2 portions and take it in the morning and in the evening.

Testosterone enanthate can be replaced by cypionate. According to recent studies chorionic gonadotropin is necessary for long cycles (lasting more than 6 weeks). It will help you to quickly recover after the cycle.

The following steroid combination is similar to previous one. Here Turinabol is replaced with Methandrostenolone. Also divide the daily dosage into 2 portions, take on an empty stomach.

Here is another example of steroid combinations with :methandrostenolone: used as an anabolic booster.

In this cycle you can replace Methandrostenolone with Turinabol (30 mg/day). Boldenone is replaceable with :primobolan: (200-400 mg/week). Whereas Testosterone Enanthate is replaceable with  :testosterone-c: (or :sustanon: ).