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Top 6 Pet Care Tips For Your Dog

Whether you are planning to buy your first pet dog for the first time or are already raising one, you must take care of your beloved four legged friend by keeping track of his mental and physical health.

If your dog is already suffering from a chronic illness and taking steroids and meditations for it. You need to make sure that your pet takes his medications regularly in the prescribed dosage. Dog care is incomplete if you don’t give your time, unconditional love and affection to your pet.

When your pet is on steroids and suffering from any allergies or chronic illness, then it becomes even more essential to take good care of your pet.

In this article, we will discuss some important ways to take good care of your pet.

Maintain a clean and pet-friendly environment for your dog

To create a clean and healthy environment for your pets, the first thing you need to do is protect your pet from indoor air pollution, and other potentially harmful pollutants that are present indoors. During warm or humid weather, you can use air conditioners or coolers to purify the air.

Keep your pet cool and hydrated

As mentioned earlier, if your pet is on steroids or meditations, you need to take even more care of your pet’s daily diet. Some common side effects of medication and steroids in dogs include increased thirst, diarrhea, and urination. All these side effects can cause dehydration in dogs. Constant dehydration can make your dog feel weak and tired, especially during the summer months. Therefore, you need to make sure that your dog is drinking the right amount of water per day. Try to give fresh and clean water to your pet by changing their water and keeping their water bowl clean and sanitized.

Take care of your dog’s nutritional needs

Obesity is something that can severely affect the overall health and fitness of your pet. Avoid obesity in your pet by following the nutritional recommendations given by the veterinarian. Ideally, it would be best if you fed your dog according to his size, breed, lifestyle, age, and physical activity. Try to opt for organic pet food for your dog. If your dog is allergic to any food like corn, beef, dairy or poultry products, then avoid buying those types of pet food that can trigger allergies.  Make sure to give him healthy treats instead of sharing your own meals with him as a reward.


Don’t skip regular vet checkups

Your local veterinarian can provide you with all the necessary information regarding your dog’s vaccination and deworming. Make sure that you have one or two copies of your dog’s vaccination record with you at all times, especially while traveling to a new city or country with your pet. Save your veterinarian’s number in your phone to contact him in case your dog is not feeling well.

Keep your pet physically active and mentally stimulated

Make sure to spend quality time with your pet to keep his mind fresh and stimulated. You can do fun activities with your pet, like going for a quick walk or making his favorite homemade treats. Make sure to clean his paws after coming home from a walk. Moreover, avoid coming near to your dog if you are not feeling well and suffering from any flu or fever-like symptoms. You can ask anyone in your family or your neighbor to feed your dog for you. When you spend quality time with your dog, you understand your pet’s likes, dislikes, behavioral patterns, etc.

Take care of your pet’s grooming and hygiene

Oral hygiene is a vital part of pet care. A lot of dogs have weak gums, and if proper oral health is not maintained, it can cause mouth infections or tooth loss. Long and overgrown nails can make it hard for senior dogs to walk properly. Moreover, long nails tend to be weak and can break up quickly, which is something that can be very painful.

To sum up

During these stressful times, where people are confined to their homes due to the corona outbreak, you need to take extra care of your pet’s physical fitness. A lot of pet owners avoid taking their dogs to public parks and prefer to stay indoors to prevent getting infected from the coronavirus. Therefore, to keep your pet physically fit and active, you can let your pet play in the lawn or backyard of your house.