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Trestolonacetaat (Trestolon A50, MENT)

Trestolone Acetate is another brainchild of the production of the world famous corporation Magnus, which has not only anabolic, but also androgenic effects on the athlete’s body. For those who decide to order Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg, you should know that its activity can be compared with mibolerone and methyltrienolone. However, compared with these drugs, Trestolone Acetate has a less toxic effect on the liver. You can buy original Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg without problems and endless expectations in our online store.

Kenmerken van Trestolone-acetaat
It is worth noting that Trestolone Acetate belongs to the category of 19-Nor steroids. In other words, this drug contains grenbolone norethandrolone, nandrolone, ethylestrenol, etc., while also being a derivative of nandrolone. However, unlike nandrolone, the drug differs by the presence of a methyl group in the 7th position. This explains the fact that Trestolone Acetate is not affected by 5-reductase. However, this drug is affected by aromatase, thus Trestolone Acetate affects the athlete’s body much more strongly than nandrolone. As noted by numerous reviews of athletes with experience in taking Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg, the drug allows you to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass. Moreover, the active components of Trestolone Acetate increase the concentration of glycogen, accelerate the production of IGF-1 and growth hormone, as well as other reactions that accelerate the growth of muscle mass and strength indicators. With all this, the price of Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg is indicated within reasonable limits.
Opgemerkt moet worden dat Trestolone-acetaat, volgens talrijke wetenschappelijke resultaten, dezelfde effecten heeft als testosteron. Maar een belangrijk voordeel van het gebruik van dit medicijn is het feit dat Trestolone-acetaat een orde van grootte minder moet worden ingenomen dan testosteron, en dit heeft een gunstig effect op het functioneren van het lichaam als geheel.

De nuances van het nemen van Trestolone-acetaat
As experienced athletes note, the drug can show very good results even at a dosage of 50 mg. Especially clearly the result makes itself felt for the first days of the course. In this case, the course can be from 2 to 6 weeks. It should be noted that both the dosage and the duration of the course are indicated to specialists, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete’s body, the experience of taking sports pharmacology drugs and the goals of the athlete. In our online store, Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg is sold on the most favorable terms.
Afgaande op de talrijke beoordelingen van Trestolone Acetate (Magnus) 10ml 50mg veroorzaakt het medicijn bij correct gebruik niet zulke negatieve aspecten als:

• Nacht zweet;
• Slapeloosheid;
• Verminderd libido;
• Puistjes;
• Aanvallen van agressie;
• Angst, enz.