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Boldenone Undecylenate / Equipoise cycles and usage

Boldenone er kjent under handelsnavnet Equipoise. It’s not officially licensed as human grade substance, thus technically it should be considered as veterinary steroid. Despite of this, many UG brands are of a perfect quality, which could be par to human grade at all instances.
Boldenone Undecylenate is a derivative of testosterone, which has strong anabolic effect and only moderately androgenic. It provides a slow but steady and consistent gain in quality mass and strength along with with good relief. Best results are achieved when Equipoise is combined with other steroids. It is generally considered to be a stronger and a bit more androgenic than Nandrolone Decanoate. It’s cheaper, and could well replace Deca in most cycles.

Another great effect of boldenone is its ability to increase the number of red blood cells at much greater extend than most of other anabolic steroids although not as much as :epo: injections. Also, users usually report an increased appetite.

Dosering og bruk

Boldenone stays active for quite a long time, in medicine injections are required every 3 or even 4 weeks. However, athletes must do it every other days to maintain stable levels. If this is not possible, do it no less than once per week. Average dosages of Equipoise are 400-600 mg (in rare occasions 200 mg) per week.  This is quite sufficient, do not increase the dosage above 600 mg since it will not produce any additional benefits.

Vanlig bulking sykluslengde er 10-12 uker, kortere sykluser er mye mindre effektive fordi dette er saktevirkende medikament!


For mass, Boldenone stacks very well with Dianabol, Anadrol or injectable testosterones like Sustanon or long-acting  testosterone cypionate /  enathate. The result should be an incredible gain of muscle size and strength and less sides comparing to standalone use of named androgenic components. For instance, possible stack could be 400 mg of boldenone plus 250-500 mg of testosterone weekly with duration 10-12 weeks.

Equipoise is highly effective not only for mass but also for contest preparation (cutting) since it aromatizes very poorly. Muscle hardness and density can be greatly improved when Boldenone is combined with steroids like Proviron (mesterolone), Parabolan (trenbolone hex), Halotestin  (fluoxymesterone), or Winstrol (stanozolol). For cutting it also stacks with nandolone phenilpropionate, possible cycle is 300-500 mg of boldenone plus 300-500 mg of nandrolone-ph for 6-8 weeks. It could be used in a final (relief) part of a longer cycle at 100-200 mg/week along with winstrol (stanozolol) 50 mg/day for around 6 weeks.

For noen idrettsutøvere er imidlertid til og med den lave opphopningen av østrogen assosiert med denne forbindelsen nok til å henvise bruken til bulking sykluser.



Boldenone vil være det beste for utholdenhetsløp fordi det stimulerer frigjøring av erytropoeitin (EPO) i nyrene som signaliserer kroppen til å øke produksjonen av røde blodlegemer.


Bivirkning og PCT

Boldenone is associated with mild sides – low aromatization, conversion to estrogen is approx 50% comparing to testosterone. Water retention is mild, comparable to deca but much less than with test. There’s some risk of developing  gynocomastia for estrogen-sensitive athletes when high dosages used. All of these could be easily cured by using tamoxifen or clomiphene, stronger antiaromatisers are not needed.

Androgenrelaterte problemer kan også oppstå med høye doser Boldenone brukt. Dette er fet hud, kvisedannelse, økt aggresjon og hårtap. Å bruke proscar / finasterid er praktisk talt ubrukelig mot boldenon fordi de blokkerer forskjellige metabolitter, så den beste beskyttelsen er å kontrollere doseringen.

Besides these, users also report suppression of endogenous testosterone production. Thus, it’s always advisable for the athletes to never take the drug alone. Failure to do so can result to possibility of sexual dysfunction. A combination of HCG and Clomiphene/Tamoxifen may likewise be needed at the end of each cycle to avoid a “crash”, particularly when running long in duration.

Hvis injeksjoner med høyt volum gjøres for ofte til samme injeksjonssted, kan det dannes en oljeabscess. Det vil ofte forsvinne av seg selv, men i verste fall kan det kreve kirurgisk avløp. Idrettsutøvere bør ta forsiktighet og rotere injeksjonssteder, dette gjelder også for mange andre steroider. Begrens hver injeksjon til 3 ml og bruk samme flekk igjen ikke oftere enn en gang i uken, helst annenhver uke.



Detection period is up to 5 months due to the high oil solubility of boldenone undecylenate’s long chain ester. Such property enables the drug to remain deposited in fatty tissues for a long time. This notably slows down the release of steroid into the blood stream and allows small residual amounts to remain present in the body far after the initial injection.


Bruk av kvinner

Kvinner kan være ganske komfortable med Boldenone hvis de brukes ved 50-75 mg / uke, viriliseringssymptomer er høyst usannsynlig. Maksimal tillatt dose er 150 mg / uke.


You can buy cheap Equipoise (Boldenone, Boldever) here