Gainer is a kind of sports nutrition, which contains proteins and carbs. Sometimes creatine, vitamins, amino acids and fat may be added. The major function of a gainer is to increase body weight and quickly replenish energy.
The history of gainers is quite long. In the very beginning they were made from cheap proteins, loaded with sugar and fats to maximize calories. One portion could contain up to 3000 kilocalories. The quality of proteins was quite poor.
What is it used for?
It is intended for athletes who has no problems with fat and seek to gain weight quickly. If you add three portions of gainer to your regular diet and regularly do your bodybuilding routine, then you will begin to grow steadily. For athletes with fast metabolic rate, this is sometimes not enough, so you have to include additional sports supplements and raise the calories of your daily diet. Athletes with weight problems are not recommended to take a gainer, since most of the carbs will be deposited in adipose tissue. So it is more reasonable for them to consider protein mixtures, and consume slow carbs mostly.
Also, the gainer is suitable for athletes involved in aerobic sports – boxers, runners, fighters. If you take it before training it will allow to maintain a high level of energy during it and helps to restore strength and muscles after it. Following the correct diet and weight gainer regimen, will let you easily maintain weight at the desired level. Modern gainers are good not only for gaining mass, but also as restorers.
How to take it
In bodybuilding, the best time is few minutes after training. This will allow you to quickly restore strength and energy, regenerate muscles and suppress catabolism.
You can take gainers before training as well. The high level of carbs will allow you to train harder and longer, and a high concentration of amino acids will suppress catabolism from the very beginning of training. However, there is a significant drawback – this may decrease fat burning during training, and increase the likelihood of fat deposition.
Some athletes recommend taking the gainer two, three or even four times a day. This is reasonable if you want to gain mass as quickly as possible and are not prone to fat deposition, otherwise you risk gaining mass mainly due to fat. It is more reasonable to take it 1 time a day and the remaining 2-3 doses should be protein.
Dosage and Preparation
On average, each portion contains: 20-40 g of protein, 50-80 g of carbohydrates and a few grams of unsaturated fat. The amounts of other substances vary depending on the brand of the product. Do not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, as large amounts simply will not be fully absorbed. It is quite simple to prepare gainer – a portion of dry powder is stirred in milk or water, after which it is ready for use.
Combination with other sports nutrition
The gainer works well with creatine. Carbs and proteins included in it help creatine to be absorbed better and faster. They can be mixed in one cocktail and taken after training.
In addition, to make bodybuilding as productive as possible, it is advisable to also take protein, a pre-workout complex and a vitamin-mineral complex. It goes well with anabolic complexes.
Never take a gainer during your drying and weight loss cycles.
Gainer harm and side effects
Some people ask: “How harmful is a gainer?” You should understand that it is created from natural ingredients, so it is no different from ordinary food. It is suitable for both males and females, and any age. There is a possibility of individual intolerance and indigestion, due pancreas malfunction. Also, you should remember that improper storage conditions (moisture) may cause spreading of bacteria in the product. In this case a typical food poisoning occurs. Therefore, you should keep it in dry place. Possible digestive disorder may be also linked with lactose intolerance. In case of intolerance try to reduce the dosage.