Turinabol (Turanabol) is an AAS that is similar in effects and chemical structure to methandrostenolone. Unlike methan, turinabol contains an additional chlorine atom at the fourth carbon atom. Initially it was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm and patented in 1961.
Turinabol profile
- Anabolic properties – 180%
- Androgenic properties – 50%
- Conversion into estrogen – no
- HPTA suppression – moderate-high
- Liver Toxicity – moderate
- Administration – tablets
- Half-life – 16 hours
- Detection time – up to 250 days (due to long-living fat-soluble metabolites)
Maximum plasma concentration 3 hours after administration.
The drug can be described as Methandrostenolone without water retention.
It is a slow acting steroid. During the cycle, weight, strength and relief progress very slowly, however the results are impressive.
Another feature of the drug is the absence of estrogen related side effects water retention, gynecomastia, etc
Also, it has been noted that the concentration of SHBG decreases, therefore testosterone levels in the blood go up. There is also evidence that turinabol reduces the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels and heart.
The regular dose with minimum side-effects is 20-40 mg / pd, which should be divided into three portions. However, bodybuilders often neglect this, bringing the dosage up to 100-150 mg per day
The drug can be used both for gaining muscle mass and for drying. Turinabol cycle does not require the inclusion of gonadotropin (if it does not exceed 6-8 weeks), however, PCT is carried out with estrogen receptor blockers (tamoxifen).
Turinabol solo cycle is considered one of the easiest and safest in bodybuilding, therefore it is often recommended for beginners. For the first cycle, the optimal dosage is considered to be 40 mg / day for 6 weeks. This allows you to get impressive results, both in terms of gaining high-quality muscle mass, and in the progress of speed-strength results.
For gaining muscle mass, a combined course of Turinabol (20 mg per day) + testosterone enanthate 250 mg per week (or + sustanon) is better suited. Cycle duration is 6 weeks. First, enanthate is canceled, and after a week turinabol.
Athletes who are not interested in gaining mass and strive to increase speed and endurance (boxers, wrestlers, runners, etc.) are recommended lower doses – 10-20 mg per day.
However, one should remember that today turinabol can be easily detected in doping tests due to long-lived metabolites which can be detected within six to eight months. The latest developments in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry have contributed greatly to this incredibly long detection period.
Turinabol is a 17-alkylated anabolic steroid that allows oral administration, which causes liver toxicity comparable to methandrostenolone. In general, side effects are quite rare and are most often associated with too long duration of a cycle and high doses. This drug strongly suppresses the secretion of its own testosterone.
Qualitative test
The presence of halogen (chlorine) in the turinabol molecule makes it possible to detect a fake even at home. There is a qualitative method for the determination of halogens in a sample – the Beilstein test.
To perform the experiment, you will need a gas burner, copper wire, and a sample to analyze. The sample is ground to a homogeneous powder. We bend the end of the copper wire, making a loop, and keep it in the burner flame until the greenish tint of the flame disappears. Next, we remove the wire from the flame, place a dry sample on the loop and put it back into the burner flame. If it turns green, the sample is positive.