Buy IGF-1 online
IGF-1 is the abbreviation for Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1. This is a naturally occurred long-chain polypeptide protein hormone and not a dangerous steroid. IGF-1 has molecular structure, which is quite similar to insulin. IGF-1 plays a vital role in childhood growth, especially bones and stimulates anabolic effects (muscle growth) in adults. IGF-1 greatly boosts muscle mass by inducing a state of muscle hyperplasia (increase in number of new muscle cells) in the body
Long R3 IGF-1 is a more potent version of IGF-1. It’s chemically altered to prevent deactivation by IGF-1 binding proteins in the bloodstream. This results in a longer half-life of 20-30 hours instead of 20 min.
There are 70 inter-connected amino acids that make up a single chain of IGF-1. This hormone is produced when the liver is stimulated by human growth hormone (HGH). When levels of HGH rise in the blood, the liver responds by producing more IGF-1. These higher “bursts” spur growth and regeneration by the body’s cells, especially in muscle cells. Increases in IGF-1 levels have shown positive effects on increases in muscle strength, size, and efficiency. When you do not have enough IGF-1 in your body, whether caused by disease, malnutrition or a hormone imbalance, your growth can be stunted.
Hovedformålet med IGF-1 er å stimulere cellevekst. Hver celle i menneskekroppen kan påvirkes av IGF-1, men celler i muskel, brusk, bein, lever, nyre, hudvev, lunger og nerver har en tendens til å bli mest positivt påvirket.
Products which increase IGF-1 can help improve muscularity and healing and recovery times. IGF-1 can also stimulate a decrease in body fat, an increase in lean muscle mass, improved skin tone and restful sleep. IGF-1 has also been documented to increase the rate and extent of muscle repair after injuries or strains. Not only do muscles recover more quickly, they also tend to return stronger and healthier than ever when levels of IGF-1 in the bloodstream are at their highest.
IGF-1 har også en positiv innvirkning på aldringsprosessen. Det kan forhindre aldersrelatert degenerasjon av muskler, hudvev og bein. Fordi IGF-1-nivåer har en tendens til å avta og falle raskt når leveren ikke stimuleres av HGH-produksjonen, er disse fordelene størst når konstant høye HGH-nivåer opprettholdes.
Combined with other supplements and monitored responsibly, IGF-1 can be beneficial for those individuals who suffer from stunted growth or growth hormone deficiencies as well as those individuals who strive to be in the best physical shape possible. Athletes, bodybuilders and physical competitors around the world are learning all about the benefits of IGF-1 and implementing the growth hormone into their daily regimented workouts. Whether you are an athlete yourself, or you prefer to workout more than a few times a week, IGF-1 can be beneficial for you. Even if you aren’t an athlete at all, but are looking to get as healthy and fit as possible for your own reasons, IGF-1 can be beneficial for you.
IGF-1 dosages and length of cycle
IGF-1 novices will be able to use a smaller dose than a more advanced user. For your first IGF-1 cycle, you need to remember that less is more, meaning that you don’t have to use a lot to get great results. This is not like testosterone where you need big doses for big muscles. For your first or second cycle with IGF-1, you will use 50mcg per injection day, 3 days per week (or 20-25 mcg daily), and split into two daily injections. For LONG R3 IGF-1 you can inject less frequent. for advanced users dosages may grow but never exceed 120 mcg daily.
The same is true for the length of cycle. IGF-1 effectiveness falls rapidly after prolonged use. Some users report 40 days, some 60 days, but our advice is to limit IGF-1 cycle for 4-5 weeks to get maximum effect then take rest. Some advanced users may do 50 days but only if they know what they’re doing. Too much IGF-1 will result in deregulation of IGF-1 receptors on the surface of muscle cells. This will jeopardize any gains from the injected IGF-1 since very little receptors means very little response! Time gap between cycles should be 20-40 days.
IGF-1 is also best taken either subcutaneously (preferably) or IM, having more direct effects on the body when injected. It’s also recommended to be taken during the morning/evening only (novice) or after work out only (novice) or morning/evening plus after weight training sessions (advanced user). So advanced user makes from two to four injections daily.
IGF-1 bruk
Assuming that we use the lyophilized form (dry powder) of Long R3 IGF-1, equivalent to a 1000 mcg vial, it is best prepared by using 1ml or 2ml of acetic acid. Let the acetic acid seep into the vile after removing the vacuum from the container. Then, let the mixture in the vial sit for a while. Put it in the fridge where the IGF-1 mixture can dissolve without accidentally knocking the vial or shaking its contents. Then afterwards, it’s all about diluting your Long R3 IGF-1 in NaCl or bacteriostatic water before intra-muscular or subcutaneous entry.
In most cases you have 1mg (1000mcg) bottle of substance, with 1 ml of pre-made acid. Since we want to use 25mcg for our injection, you need to use an insulin syringe (29 gauge 50 IU for easier measuring) and withdraw to the 2.5 tick mark on the syringe. Yes, that is a very, very small amount to withdraw which is why we recommend the 1/2cc or even 30 IU syringes. Now using acetic acid can be very painful, and it is almost impossible to inject such a small amount so you will now use bacteriostatic water or NaCL water to add more volume to the syringe. This will also help reduce the pain of the acid injection. After you withdraw your small 2.5 IU on the slin pin, just finish filling the syringe with the water.
But what to do if IGF-1 comes in powder and there’s no acid supplied (generic brands)?
That’s not easy subject to answer
If you dissolve in bacteriostatic water lifetime will be too short. Some users claim it’s just 2-3 days under +4C, so in this case you have to dissolve TOO small dosages, which is very difficult. However, in special acid solution it lives up to 4 weeks. Put 4 ml solution into 1 mg IGF-1. 1 mg = 1000mcg
How to prepare acid solution? You need bacteriostatic water, acetic acid, syringe 10 ml, and filter 0.22 mm or better 0.11mm
Take 1 ml 99% acetic acid then 7ml sterile water, shake well then leak out 7 ml out of total 8ml. Add 7ml of water AGAIN, so finally we receive 1,5% acetic acid solution.
Preferably put filter onto the syringe and put 4 ml of solution into 1mg IGF1 vial.
Insulin syringe has 40 IU for 1 ml (when measuring insulin and IGF). Thus 4 ml of solution contains 250 mcg per ml.
1000mcg/4mL: 31 mcg per 5 IU
40 IU = 250 mcg
20 IU = 125 mcg
10 IU = 62,5 mcg
So, if your dosage is 30 mcg utilize 5 IU, if dosage is 25 mcg, utilize ~4.5 IU
It’s not advisable to freeze liquid but if there’s no other way – do it no more than 1 time
Stacking IGF-1
The IGF-1 that’s produced from the use of fast acting Nandrolone eller Trenbolon is nothing significant when you compare to the amount that’s contained in a single 10mcg Long R3 injection. Having said that, it’s safe to inject exogenous IGF-1 while taking either one of these compounds.
IGF-1 and Human Growth Hormone?
Long R3 IGF-1 can directly stimulate muscle growth when compared to human growth hormone (HGH). This is because HGH indirectly results in growth and repair by first inducing IGF-1 release in the liver. If you don’t have to worry about IGF-1 release in the liver (because your directly injecting the IGF-1), new growth will be optimized.
Usage of IGF-1 brings more faster results than HGH because HGH acts indirectly and process is slower.
If stacking with HGH after workout you can do for example like this: 5 IU HGH then 50 mcg IGF after 20 minutes (or smaller dosages if you make more frequent injections).
Is there a benefit to using both of these substances together?
“Many research studies have shown that GH and IGF-1 act synergistically to augment the effect of either hormone taken individually. So, the greatest results will take place when effective dosages of both hormones are injected. Usually 10-20mcg of IGF-1 (post workout) and 4-8 IU HGH EOD (with breakfast and at 1 p.m.) is the ideal stack for optimal results and minimal side effects.
Medical usage
Tissue build up is one of the main features of IGF-1, so I’d say it’s of greater value. IGF-1 can genetically change muscular and cellular counts within the body; it can also enhance the body’s ability to regenerate damaged tissue. In fact, IGF-1 is now under intensive research for its potential to repair tissue in burn patients, and for its regenerative effects on AIDS patients suffering from muscular wasting. Immediate effects are, of course, impossible to observe since it takes a respectable amount of time to see any visible changes in muscular repair.
There’s no known lethal risk of administering IGF-1 to diabetic patients. In fact, IGF-1 can reduce the body’s need for insulin, and according to one short study, it can reduce insulin dependence of the body by as high as 45%. This may bring very promising results if we are allowed to study this matter further. If anyone experiences any uncomfortable side effects, stop it’s usage and see if the side effect disappear.
Side effects of IGF-1
IGF-1 is commonly known to cause feelings of fatigue. Some people feel very tired quickly when using this compound. It can, however, be looked at in a more positive light since more sleep means better growth. Other side effects include muscular stiffness, headaches, occasional nausea, and some also claim that it’s sometimes responsible for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.
You can purchase Long R3 IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) here.