In this article we’ll discuss the role of finasteride in bodybuilding
Our body produces an enzyme called 5 – alpha – reductase. This enzyme converts Testosterone into the most powerful physiological androgen, Dihydrotestosterone. When this enzyme in normal quantities, then everything is fine, but when too much 5-alpha-reductase is produced, then steroid user begins to face such “unpleasant little things” as: baldness, increased hair growth, oily skin , excessive sweating (which smells like a real goat), acne, hyper-expressed libido and the most unpleasant thing – prostatic hypertrophy.
Finasteride is a specific, competitive inhibitor of 5 – alpha – reductase. When entering the blood plasma, it extremely quickly binds to this enzyme in the same way as Testosterone does, only in this case the conversion to DHT no longer occurs.
Actually, in the human body there are 2 types of 5 – alpha – reductase. The first is located mainly in the skin of the body and is dominant in the part of the head where hair grows. The second type is found in the tissues of the genital organs, the prostate.
So, Finasteride primarily has an affinity with the type 5 – alpha – reductase, which predominates in the genitals and the prostate gland. As for the type due to which AAS users are actively bald, then Proscar also interacts with him, but to a lesser extent.
Nevertheless, the competent use of Finasteride is really the only salvation for those whose conversion to Dihydrotestosterone exceeds reasonable limits. Therefore, this substance will at least partially stop losing hair on your head and slow down the growth of the prostate.
But first of all, you need to understand in the case of taking which specific AAS , it generally makes sense to take Finasteride. And there are actually quite a few of them, but they (with the exception of two) are the sales leaders:
- Testosteron
- Methandrostenolone
- Nandrolone
- Methyltestosterone
- Fluoxymesterone (Halotest)
As everyone knows, if specifically, you weren’t happy to be born a pure mesomorph, then in relation to Bodybuilding and Powerlifting, any cycle without Testosterone is the road to nowhere (except perhaps the last 14-10 days of drying, when you decided to achieve direct peak dryness and muscle hardness).
With regards to Methandrostenolone, then you can do without it absolutely calmly, but for some reason most do not want to do without it. Nandrolone turns into Dihydronandrolone – a substance that is completely inert in activity both in muscles and in peripheral tissues (the same scalp and prostate), but then Dihydronandrolone can lead to a sharp disruption of neuro-muscular conduction, which on the one hand means a lack of growth muscles and strength (strength can finally fall), and on the other hand, it can provoke problems with erection. So here Finasteride is in the subject.
Methyltestosterone and Fluoxymesterone are the very exceptions discussed above. In general, it is completely pointless to suppress their androgenic side, because thanks to it they have the main effects, moreover, without conversion to DHT, they have strong androgenic activity. So there is only one piece of advice – to avoid.
The list of steroids that do not turn into DHT at all, or the degree of their conversion is scanty so much that it can be safely neglected. They do not possess noticeable androgenic activity by themselves:
- Methenolone (Primobolan),
- Boldenone,
- Oxandrolone,
- Oral Turinabol.
And finally, there is a list of steroids against which Finasteride is powerless and useless:
- Trenbolone,
- Oxymetholone,
- Stanozolol,
- Drostanolone,
- Mesterolone (Proviron).
This article does not indicate specific schemes and doses for Finasteride, because firstly the article is not about this, and secondly, the plan should be selected individually for the person based on the results of blood tests and dosages of the AAS themselves.
Due to the ability of type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to suppress the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, finasteride preparations can cause abnormalities in the development of the external genital organs in a male fetus if they are prescribed to pregnant women.
Women going to become pregnant or are pregnant should avoid contact with crushed or disintegrated finasteride tablets due to the potential for finasteride to enter the body and the subsequent potential risk to the male fetus. A small amount of finasteride has been detected in semen. In this regard, women who can potentially become pregnant or are pregnant should avoid contact with the sperm of patients taking finasteride.
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