You can buy TB-500 (Thymosin) here
TB-500 (Thymosin) is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring peptide hormone found in all types of cells. The usage of TB-500 accelerates wound healing, and exhibits a multidirectional protective effect. Recent studies have shown that Thymosin has some effect on athletic performance. For the first time Thymosin was found in thymus.
In medical practice TB-500 accelerates wound healing, and is used for restoration of myocardium after infarction, and for treatment of different types of ischemia.
As a doping it was initially used for racing horses and later on for athletes of different kind of sports. For long time it was considered undetectable in doping tests, however nowadays it is detectable by liquid chromatography.
Thymosin speeds up recovery of all types of muscles (including heart), ligaments, joints and skin. Actually it has beneficial effect on all the tissues.
Reduces inflammation
Promotes the formation of new blood vessels in all tissues, which improves their nutrition.
Has protective effect on nervous system.
Increases production of luteinizing hormone, and testosterone accordingly.
Increases the sensitivity of tissues for insulin, which is beneficial in case of diabetes.
Improves joint mobility and elasticity of ligament
Regenerates heart muscle and reduces the risk of heart attack
Unlike popular misconception TB-500 has no significant effect on muscle growth and strength.
Thymosin Cycle
Thymosin Beta 4 cannot be taken orally, since stomach acid easily destroy it, therefore it should be injected into the muscle or under the skin. Its major application is for treatment of injuries, and as cardioprotector.
Loading phase: dose 2-6 mg a week, split into two injections (2-3 mg each: Monday, Thursday). The length of the loading phase is 4 weeks.
Supporting phase: 2-4 mg a week, split into 2 injections. Duration 4-8 weeks.
Alternative scheme: 10 mg for the 1st week (1-2 mg daily), then 5 mg a week (optimally split into two injections) for 5 weeks and a maintenance dose of 10 mg per month (2 mg every 6 days ) is optimal and effective in the opinion of many US athletes using the TB500. In total, we get 18 vials of 2 mg for the first 6 weeks + 5 vials of 2 mg for 4 weeks to maintain the results.
Preparation and storage of the solution
Cool the bottle to room temperature and introduce the required volume of water for injection (which should flow down the wall of the bottle), then stir with rotating movements (do not shake), or put it in the refrigerator for a while. It is better to use saline solution, which allows it to be frozen.
In the refrigerator, the solution remains stable for about 8 days, in the frozen state – up to a month.
According to different studies there are no toxic or serious side effects even at a dose of 1260 mg.