
Branche Solan (Corée)

Prix $200.00

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La description

Selank is a psychotropic drug that relieves anxiety without ataractic and hypnotic effects.  Selank is a peptide containing threonyl-lysyl-prolyl-arginyl-prolyl-glycine-proline diacetate.  Selank is actively used in medical practice. Proved to be an effective pharmacological agent.

Selank effects

The active substance Selank is a synthetic analogue of the endogenous peptide taftcin, which has an original principle of action, having a neurospecific effect on the CNS, binding to special receptors on the cytolemmas of nerve cells. Affects the metabolism of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine in those parts of the brain that cause various emotional states, and the activity of enzymes that limit the rate of biosynthesis of catecholamines and involved in the synthesis of serotonin, melatonin. At experimental decrease in amount of serotonin in an organism, raised its level to normal. Enhances the resistance of brain neurons to high-intensity loads. The action of Selank is characterized by a good anti-anxiety effect with a stimulating component. Has a positive effect on the ability to remember, learn, analyze. Provides maintenance of an optimum level of functioning of vegetative nervous system. In this case, Selank does not act as a hypnotic or muscle relaxant.

Les indications

Selank is prescribed to adults for the treatment of: – anxiety-neurotic and anxiety disorders, corresponding to the diagnostic signs of mental disorders, the main symptom of which is persistent anxiety, not related to specific objects or situations; – asthenic neurosis; – disorders of adaptive reactions.


The dose is determined by the doctor taking into account the clinical picture and the age of the patient. It is administered as nasal drops. Absorption activity decreases with a runny nose, so the nose must first be cleaned of mucus. Sitting with the head tilted back, the drops are first buried in the 1st nostril, clamped briefly with a finger, and then in the 2nd. Dosage – 300-450 mkg max in each nostril for 1 reception. If it is necessary to increase the dose, the drops are re-administered not earlier than 15 minutes after the first use. Max. single dose (including repeated) – 900 mkg. During the day, you can do 900-2700 mcg, dividing them into 3 doses at equal intervals. Cycle duration is 10-14 days. A repeat cycle may be scheduled after 7-21 days after the last use.