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Clenbuterol – a drug for weight loss

In the beginning Clenbuterol (aka Clen) – was used as a cure for asthma. Nowadays it is a drug of choice among bodybuilders and other athletes owing to its fat-burning properties.

In cutting cycles it is usually stacked with Zaditor (Ketotifen) to quicken the weight loss. It does not belong to steroids, therefore women can use it without the hazard of androgenic adverse effects. Its half-life is about 35 hours

Hoe het werkt

Clenbuterol has affinity to beta-2 adrenergic receptors in fat and muscle tissues. This binding initiate a chain of reactions, which causes buildup of cAMP. In its turn cAMP induces enzymes that initiate lipolysis in fat cells.

The effects of Clenbuterol

  • Increases the levels of noradrenaline and epinephrine, both of them are powerful lipolitic agents.
  • Enhances metabolism
  • Stalls lipoprotein lipase, thus blocking fat deposition.
  • Increases the production of thyroid hormones – which also act as fat burners.
  • By inhibiting ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, Clenbuterol provides anticatabolic effect. Thus, it prevents destruction of muscles, which is important for athletes.
  • Activation of Crtc / Creb proteins causes anabolic effect
  • Enhances stamina and strength
  • Increases mental activity
  • Decreases appetite

Dosering en gebruik

The common dosage for men is 120-140mcg/day. Women should take it at the dosage 80-100mcg/day.

The length of a cycle is two weeks. After that period the tolerance occurs and efficiency is reduced. Then you have to take a two-week break using Zaditor, and then repeat the cycle. If you don’t use Zaditor, you have to prolong the recovery period.

Note: For optimal results you should follow a weight-losing diet, take BCAA and cortisol blockers during your cycle.

Clenbuterol without Zaditor

(days : dosage)

1: 20μg (0.02mg)

2: 40μg (0.04mg)

3: 60μg (0.06mg)

4: 80μg (0.08mg)

5: 100μg (0.10mg)

6-12: 120μg (0.12mg)

13: 80μg (0.08mg)

14: 40μg (0.04mg)

Break (more than 2-week)

Gradually increase the dosage within the 1st week. Take it in the morning in order to avoid insomnia. When the dosage becomes higher, divide it into two portions and take them in the morning and after lunch.

Clenbuterol + Zaditor (Ketotifen)

Zaditor is an antiallergic drug, which restores the sensitivity of receptors to Clenbuterol. This happens owing to inhibition of phosphodiesterase – enzyme that regulates cAMP-dependent metabolism.

Therefore with the help of Zaditor, you can speed up the weight loss by 15% and prolong your cycle up to two months. Besides, Zaditor helps to reduce agitation, tremor and other side-effects.

(Days : dosage)

1: 20μg

2: 40μg

3: 60μg

4: 80μg

5: 100μg + 1mg Zaditor

6-27: 120μg + 2mg Zaditor

28: 80μg + 2mg Zaditor

29: 50μg  + 1-2mg Zaditor

30: 33-35μg + 1mg Zaditor

Break (2 weeks)

Note: Take Zaditor at night, Clenbuterol – in the morning.

Side effects (frequency)

  • Heart palpitation (60%) – you can eliminated it by beta-1-adrenoblockers (5 mg of Zebeta (Bisoprolol), or 50 mg of metoprolol in the morning).
  • Tremors (20%) – (you can remove the symptoms by Zaditor)
  • Sweating (10%)
  • Insomnia (7%) – (you can remove the symptoms by Zaditor)
  • Anxiety (6%) (you can remove the symptoms by Zaditor)
  • High blood pressure (6%) (you can remove the symptoms by 5 mg of Zebeta, or 50 mg of metoprolol in the morning.)
  • Diarrhea (5%) – usually occurs only during initial stage of drug administration
  • Nausea (3%)
  • In rare cases headache is possible, mostly due to high blood pressure.

As you can see most of the side effects can be removed by Zaditor and Zebeta (or metoprolol). Besides some side-effects are pronounced during initial stage of Clenbuterol intake. They may completely disappear in several days. Do not use alcohol during Clenbuterol cycle.
You can buy Clenbuterol hier