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Vermodje verification code

“Vermodje New Line” has hit the market with great variety of high quality anabolic steroids and peptides, which gained popularity among athletes. Although some folks become skeptical while hearing “Vermodje”, but it is not the old Vermodje you know – it is absolutely NEW brand!

The factory has NEW owner, NEW supplier of active substances and NEW up-to-date technological facilities. Now this company produces only high quality steroids, and gradually Vermodje New Line has become a dangerous rival to such pharmaceutical giants as Balkan Pharmaceuticals or SP Laboratories in the “quality/price” ratio.

However, as it always happens with good and popular products, some bad guys try to counterfeit them and thus blacken the name of the company. But it is not so easy! Luckily, Vermodje has foreseen this situation and introduced a system of verification codes. From now on, nobody will be deceived! Each product produced by Vermodje has a sticker with identification code, which can be used for checking against online Vermodje Identification System. In this way you’ll know that your product is legit.

How to find Vermodje verification code?

·         Take the vial

·         Find the silvery stripe with on it

·         Scratch it… and make three wishes (kidding)

·         Insert the revealed code into

It is important to note that you can check the validity of the code only one time!

What about Vermodje identification code on tabs?


Just do the same

·         Take the tabs

·         Find the silvery stripe with on it

·         Scratch it to reveal the code

·         Insert the code into above mentioned site is an official Vermodje partner, so If you are interested in legit Vermodje New Line products, please visit our page to enjoy the quality of NEW Vermodje!