
How to buy BitCoins via BitPanda

Here is an easy and secure way to buy Bitcoins via BitPanda with your credit or debit card.

  • First of all you have to create an account on BitPanda and verify your e-mail.
  • Login to your account and click “Buy” in the top menu.
  • On the following page select the cryptocoin you want (Bitcoin) and choose the payment provider (Visa/MasterCard). Then input the amount of euro you want to spend or amount of Bitcoins you want to purchase.

Please note that the fees (3-4%) are not shown publicly, but introduced into the buy price when completing your purchase. It may seem inconvenient, however BitPanda is known for its lowest fees among Bitcoin brokers.

  • On the next page you need to confirm the payment method.

Note that only 3d-Secure Mastercard and Verfied Visa cards are accepted. If you don’t have one you can use other services such as CoinMama , Coinbase or other payment method.

  • Then confirm the amount of money you entered before and agree to BitPanda’s exchange rate. “the Current Price” field reflects the exchange rate (BitPanda’s fees are included, which is mentioned above). Note that you have only 1 minute to lock in your exchange rate and confirm!

  • Verify your payment via SMS or a phone call:

  • In case of successful verification press the button “Click here to start the payment process”. Note that you have 10 minutes to complete your order.

  • On the following page enter your credit card details through mPAY24. After that press “Bezahlen”

  • That’s it! By clicking “History” tab you can check the trade details in your BitPanda account.

Now you can withdraw bitcoins you bought to your wallet.