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Anavar (oxandrolone)

Anavar (oxandrolone)

Oxandrolone (also Oxanoger,  Anavar, Oxandrin etc.) is one of the safest oral steroids. It has high anabolic index, meanwhile its androgenic properties are extremely low. This steroid greatly stimulates immunity and increases insulin sensitivity.

Therefore it was initially introduced into the medical practice as medication for immunocompromised HIV patients and overweight associated diabetes. It is also effective as a treatment of osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, Turner’s syndrome, anemia etc. Later, when its anabolic properties were discovered, it became popular among bodybuilders.

Steroid characteristics

  • Anabolic properties – 400% of testosterone
  • Androgenic properties – 25% of testosterone
  • Transformation into estrogens – no
  • Hepatotoxicity – moderate
  • Administration – oral (tabs)
  • Half-life – 8-12 hours
  • Detection time – up to 60 days

The Effects of  Oxandrolone

  • Improves relief and hardness of muscles
  • Bruciare i grassi
  • Increases growth hormone levels
  • Increases strength

Different experiments showed that Anavar is more efficient in fat burning than in gaining muscle mass. Therefore it is for those who have sufficient muscle mass and want to increase muscle hardness and reduce body fat.

Side Effects of Oxandrolone

Despite the fact that Oxandrolone has methyl group at 17th position, its liver-toxicity is negligible. Clinical studies revealed that Anavar, at the dosage of 20 mg/day (during 12 weeks) does not affect the level of hepatic transaminases – enzymes that indicate the liver damage.

As Anavar is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, there is no conversion into estrogen. Therefore it doesn’t cause estrogen-related side-effects, such as gynecomastia and water retention.

Comparing to other steroids, moderate doses of Oxandrolone doesn’t greatly affect natural testosterone production and HPG axis.  However at high doses, the body reduces the levels of gonadotropin. Therefore the lack of stimulation can lead to testicular atrophy.

For instance, after 12 weeks of Anavar administration (at the dosage of 80 mg/day) the level of testosterone drops by 67%. This eventually leads to decreased libido. In order to avoid this side-effect you should combine Oxandrolone with gonadotropin or introduce androgenic steroids into your cycle.

Anavar may also cause decreased appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, high blood pressure etc. However, at moderate doses the side-effects of Anavar are rare, therefore it is known as one of the safest steroids.

Oxandrolone cycles

In “solo” cycles Anavar improves your muscle relief. The total duration of a cycle is 6-8 weeks. Start your cycle with small doses (20 mg/day). Divide the daily dosage into two portions and take it in the morning and after lunch. In one week increase the dosage up to 40mg/day. Maximal dosage is 80 mg/day, which should be divided into 3 portions.

In 2 days after the end of  Anavar cycle, start taking Tamoxifen at a dose of 10 mg/day to restore the natural testosterone production (for 1-2 weeks). Make sure that you don’t have contraindications before taking Oxandrolone (prostate hypertrophy, liver problems etc.).

Oxandrolone combinations

In order to prevent some side effects of oxandrolone (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, liver toxicity) and to get muscle gains, it is recommended to combine Anavar with androgenic compounds: Testosterone, Sustanon, Primobolan etc.

When combined with other steroids, the daily dosage of Oxandrolone should be about 40 mg/day. Include proper sports nutrition and mass gaining diet into your cycle to achieve optimal results.

You can buy Anavar here.