Methandienone Injection (Averbol, Andrometh, injectable dianabol) 10 ml 100mg/ml

Genesis (Singapore)

Price $60.00


Methandienone Injection by Genesis is an anabolic drug that has been used effectively in bodybuilding. Its active ingredient is methandienone (a classic steroid). For what purposes do athletes use the drug? More often, to quickly increase the muscle mass and strength.

Methandienone Injection is an anabolic steroid well known to athletes around the world for a long time. It has more than half a century of history in traditional and sports medicine. For the first time “methane” (slang name) appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the late 50s of the 20th century. It was sold under the brand name Dianabol (5 mg tablets). Since then, methandienone preparations not only have not lost their relevance as sports doping, but have only become more popular. All thanks to the excellent balance of low cost and high efficiency.

Methandienone Effects

Methandienone Injection, like its direct counterparts, in a short time contributes to a gain of muscle mass of strength, an increase in efficiency, acceleration of recovery, increase in appetite, and even strengthening of the skeletal system. These are all significant improvements in bodybuilding.

As a sports drug, it is widely used in strength and mass gaining courses, usually in combination with other steroids, various hormones or peptides. Fortunately, “methane” is combined with most of them without consequences. The only exceptions are hepatotoxic active substances.

Side effects

The drug can provoke androgenic or estrogenic side effects: acne, increased aggression, impaired libido, water retention, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia, body and facial hair, or baldness.

In a severe course, in order to minimize the risks, it is possible (and sometimes necessary) to connect drugs such as mesterolone (Proviron or an analogue) and anastrozole.

Nevertheless, if you adhere to the recommendations (dose, frequency, duration of admission), then serious problems are unlikely to make themselves felt.

Dosage and Usage

The cycle of Methandienone Injection should not exceed 4-6 weeks, so as not to provoke side effects. Further – already abuse, which is associated with the risk of short-term or long-term consequences. When using methandienone (tablets and injections to the same extent), the main threat comes from hepatotoxicity, as well as androgenic or estrogenic side effects.

Application frequency. The drug has a quick but short effect (the half-life of “methane” does not exceed 12-24 hours), so it has to be used once a day or every other day. Usually, these are just daily injections that are performed in the morning or afternoon.

The effective dosage is chosen individually by the athlete, taking into account the following factors: gender, age, experience in sports pharmacology and tolerance to active substance. The average dosage for men is 50 mg, which is equivalent to 1 ml per day, for women – 5-25 mg, which is equivalent to 0.10-0.50 ml, per day.

Examples of combined cycles

1. Methandienone Injection  + Testosterone Cypionate (SP Cypionate or equivalent), for beginners to quickly gain strength and mass.

2. Methandienone Injection + Testosterone Ester Blend (Sustamed or equivalent) + Nandrolone Decanoate (Nandro D or equivalent), for the experienced athlete for a pronounced increase in strength and mass.

PCT. The main means of post cycle therapy in bodybuilding are tamoxifen (Tamoximed 20 or equivalent) and clomiphene citrate (Clomed or equivalent). They are estrogen receptor blockers that have the ability to normalize decreased testosterone synthesis.