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Andriol / Testosterone Undecanoate / Restandol profile: usage and stacks

Kroppsbyggere bruker ikke bare injiserbare testosteronestere, men også en oral ester (etere) - dette er  testosteron undekanoat kjent under merkenavn  andriol, restandol, etc. and metyltestosteron. But now let’s talk about andriol.

This is very special drug with it’s unique advantages and disadvantages. Professional bodybuilders usually use it only in the pause between cycles but amateur bodybuilders, females and athletes too concerned with safe usage can use it in separate cycles.  Testosterone undecanoate is being converted in the body into dihydrotestosterone, which almost does not aromatize, therefore estrogen-related side effects are not an issue.

Andriol is taken orally, therefore, on the first glance, it cannot bypass the liver where all oral testosterones are being destroyed. However, pharmacologists invented following solution: testosterone undecanoate (Andriol) is being made in capsules, which contain very specific fatty acid, which makes andriol bypassing the liver and reach it’s target through lymphatic system. Unfortunately, it did not work out as planned completely. Part of substance is being absorbed through lymphatic system and converted to test as planned. Another part is moved out of the body faster than it become effective. The good thing is that the liver is not affected.

Average dosage is 6 capsules a day (and this is 240 mg/ ED); however, only 6.83% of substance actually  reach bloodstream, the rest is wasted. Furthermore, it is being moved out of the body very quickly through the kidneys. Try to imagine what happened if you inject let’s say regular testosterone suspension at a dosage 240 mg/ED (1700 mg/week)! But with andriol dosages below 240 mg/ED have very low effect, even 6 caps/day produces relatively moderate effect.

Dermed er andriol ubrukelig for "seriøse" kroppsbyggere på tunge sykluser og brukes vanligvis til å forbedre libido under PCT (post-syklusterapi) for å opprettholde testnivået.

However, it has it’s own unique niches! Because of low testosterone release it is extremely safe and could be used by cautious athletes and females. Furthermore, it is not detectable just in one week after cycle is over thus making it a good drug when contest is coming close.

Ekstra fordel med Andriol er at det ikke påvirker naturlig testosteronproduksjon med mindre det tas for lang tid og i høye doser.
Dosering og bruk

Vanlig daglig dose av testosteronundekanoat varierer fra 240 mg (6 caps) til 480 mg (12 caps) fordelt på tre deler med samme tidsforskjell. Drikk med vann etter måltidet. Ikke tygg.

When used between cycles, it is good idea to combine andriol with oxandrolone (anavar). This will help to maintain testosterone level and thus libido and prevent muscle loss. Also Andriol /  anavar combo could be used as a safe standalone cycle: 240 mg of andriol / ED  plus 30-40 mg anavar / ED with possible addition of primobolan (400-600 mg/week) for ten-twelwe weeks. This is very safe combination. PCT is needed only if  included. Athletes over forty can find this very effective and safe, too.

En annen, stack er andriol 240 mg / uke + anavar 20 mg / ED + deca 200 mg / uke i 10-12 uker. Noe PCT (tamoxifen, clomid) er nødvendig. Kortere syklus er mulig hvis mer deka brukes (400 mg / ED).

I visse tilfeller kan andriol kombineres med testosteronpropionat - dette er for folk som ønsker å redusere injeksjonsvolumet. Men etter vår mening er dette sløsing med penger.

Andriol er også egnet for sykluser før konkurransen.

Bivirkning og PCT

Andriol er testosteroneter og androgenrelaterte bivirkninger kan være et problem i teorien. På grunn av svak virkning er disse effektene imidlertid så svake at andriol kan betraktes som veldig trygt medikament med mindre dosen er for høy. Bare doser over 400-500 mg begynner å vise alle vanlige testosteron bivirkninger og påvirker naturlig hormonproduksjon.

Ingen PCT (post syklus terapi) er nødvendig under 400 mg / uke ..


Det kan påvises ved dopingtester bare en uke etter bruk.
Bruk av kvinner

Andriol (testosteronundekanoat) er det eneste stoffet som kan brukes av kvinner uten fare. Daglig dosering er 120-240 mg. Også det kombineres godt med anavar (oxandrolone) og noen ganger primobolan.

For eksempel kan kvinnelig atlet gjøre 120 mg andriol / ED og 50 mg / uke i fire-seks uker, og deretter ta en pause i tre uker og fortsette med 50 mg / uke sammen med winstrol (stanozolol) 10 mg / ED i ytterligere 4 -6 uker. Moderat PCT anbefales.

Buy cheap andriol online

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L-thyroxine (Levothyroxine Sodium, T4)

Buy Levothyroxine T4 online
T4 is pro-hormone, which your body converts into T3 at necessary rate only and thus it could be considered as much milder and safer drug than T3.

Levothyroxine sodium is an excellent fat burner since your metabolism is greatly increased while being on it. You can afford to be a little sloppier on pre-contest dieting since it will still burn fat when you are taking in a lot of calories since your metabolism is going haywire. It’s biological activity is 4-5 times less than liothyronine T3 if comparing mg to mg, however, hormonal levels remain more stable and price is also much lower. And there are some other unique advantages, which makes it very competitive with T3 such as appetite suppression, less need of sleep and increasing of physical durability (stamina), so question “which one is better” depends on your goals.Clinical pharmacology book by Goodman says: “Liothyronine is less desirable for chronic replacement therapy due to the requirement for more frequent dosing (plasma t1/2 = 0.75 days), higher cost, and transient elevations of serum T3 concentrations above the normal range. In addition, organs that express the type 2 deiodinase use the locally generated T3 in addition to plasma T3, and hence there is theoretical concern that these organs will not maintain physiological intracellular T3 levels in the absence of plasma T4”

Levothyroxine is widely used by bodybuilders and fitness addicts on pre-competition cycle in order to get relief, also used by overweighed people to reduce weight. It increases metabolism and produces general stimulating effects. However, this substance should be used wisely.

t4 dosage bodybuilding

It is recommended that levothyroxine be taken with an empty stomach approximately half an hour to an hour before meals to maximize its absorption. It is also recommended that the patient take the tablet with one glass of water to ease swallowing as well as to help the tablet dissolve for absorption. Dosages vary according the age groups and the individual condition of the patient, body weight and compliance to the medication and diet. Maximum dosage may reach 400 mcg per day but that is rare. Monitoring of the patients condition and adjustment of the dosage is periodical and necessaryMost people need to be careful to start with a low dosage, about 25 mcgs. per day and increase by about one tab of 25 mcgs every 3-5 days.

On days that you take multiple tabs, divide the tabs evenly across the day (i.e. 100 mcgs. would be 4 doses of 25 mcgs. spread evenly across the day.) Don’t take for more than 5-7 weeks at a time to keep the thyroid functioning properly. After doing a cycle of this drug, make sure you go 4 weeks (better 8 weeks or more) before doing it again as to allow normal thyroid functioning to return.


Cycle 1: classic

Start with 25 mcg / day of T4 and increase by 25.

Do 25 mgs of Metoprolol at the morning (this is beta-blockader, which eliminates heart overload and heartbeating). If heart rate at the afternoon is more than 70 beats/min, take 25 mgs more.

Increase daily dosage of T4 to 150-300 mcg / ED split on 3-4 equal parts. The last one should be consumed before 6 p.m. At high dosages you can increase Metapronol to 100 mg / ED (two times by 50 mg), but in fact metapronol dosage should be found  individually keeping heart rate between 60 to 70 beats / min. If heart rate is more than 80 – increase metaprolol by 25 mg, if below 60 – decrease by 25 mg.

Watch your blood pressure, it should not be higher than 140/100 mm Hg. Art. Metoprolol reduces blood pressure, too.

Length of treatment should be 4-7 weeks. Do not quit suddenly, smoothly decrease T4 dosage starting 2 weeks before the end of cycle, this will help to restart your thyroid.

In case of diarrhea – use loperamid.

Minimal gap between cycles – 4 weeks


Cycle 2: clenbuterol + L-thyroxin (T4) + yohimbine

When taken with clenbuterol, this is the single best fat-burning combination that is available today (with the possible exception of DNP). It also helps to make steroids more effective since it is such a good aid for protein synthesis.

This powerful combo is used in some ready-made fat-burners, however, you can save a lot of money if acquire every of these substances separately. High effectiveness of the cycle is supported by the ability of T4 (or T3) not only increase metabolism and launch fat-burn) but also increase response of the receptors responsible for clenbuterol and yohimbine.

Let’s consider ONE UNIT of this stack like following:

Clenbuterol – 40 mcg +
L-Thyroxine – 25 mcg +
Youhimbine – 5 mg (you can acquire it in sport nutrition shops. If you can’t find it – just disregard)

Recommended cycle:

Day 1-3: 1 unit
Day 4-6: 1,5 units
Day 7-9: 1 unit at the morning and 1 unit afternoon
Day 10-12: 1,5 unit
Day 13-15: 1 unit
Day 16-19: 0,5 units.
Day 20-21: 0, 25 units

Take 30 mins before breakfast with water.

After the cycle make 3 weeks rest before the new one.

In case of fever use 1-2 mg of ketotifin afternoon. For heart protection do beta-blockaders like metaprolol 100 mg split on two times/day


Tricky ways of usage Levothyroxine T4

Human body produces 90-110 mcg of l-thyroxine daily. For fat-burn it does not make sense to take just replacement dosages because your thyroid simply decreases production in response and you’ll come to what you started with – the same T3/T4 levels in your body. Thus you have to consume dosages, which are higher than natural. But it’s possible to cheat the gland. If you take 12-25 mcg once every three days it will not affect endogenous T4 production thus making aggregated level higher (!)

I.e. in order to encourage metabolism, optimal dosage is not replacement dosage, but a dosage, which can increase general hormone levels without affecting endogenous thyroid production! Replacement dosage may help only to the people with low thyroid production, but why take more risking toxic effects while you can use much lower dosages?

For instance, normal production is 100 mcg/daily. Patient has 80 mcg/ daily. If he takes 100 mcg / daily he’ll get back to normal, but natural thyroid production will be shut down. However, if he does 25mcg every three days, his body will still produce this very same 80 mcg thus making around 90 mcg in total. Got the idea? Anyway you should discuss this with your GP. For bodybuilding you can use the same scheme – either toy with high dosages or make just minor “tuning” with 25 mcg every three days.

This is safe way of usage, but, of course, effect is incomparable to 150-300 mcg/day. It’s advisable only for relatively small fat-burn.


Medical usage of T4

This medicine is a hormone replacement usually given to patients with thyroid problems, specifically, hypothyroidism. It is also given to people who have goiter or an enlarged thyroid gland.

Precautions and side effects

There are also foods and other substances that can interfere with absorption of thyroxine replacement. Avoid taking calcium and iron supplements within 4 hours of the medication and avoid taking soy products within 3 hours of the medication as these can reduce absorption of the medication. Other substances that reduce absorption are aluminium and magnesium containing antacids, simethicone or sucralfate, Cholestyramine, colestipol, Kayexalate. Other substances cause other adverse effects that may be severe. Ketamine may cause hypertension and tachycardia and Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants increase its toxicity.On the other hand Lithium causes hyperthyroidism by affecting iodine metabolism of the thyroid itself and thus inhibits Synthetic levothyroxine as well. Synthetic levothyroxine may have adverse side effects like: palpitations, nervousness, headache, difficulty sleeping, insomnia, swelling of the legs and ankles, weight loss and/or increased appetite. Allergies to the medicine are unlikely, but if the patient develops a severe reaction to this drug such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or swelling of the face and tongue it is imperative that the patient immediately seek medical attention. Acute overdose may cause fever, hypoglycemia, heart failure, coma and unrecognized adrenal insufficiency. Acute massive overdose may be life-threatening; treatment should be symptomatic and supportive. Massive overdose may be a require beta-blockers for increased sympathomimetic activity. The side effects of overdosing appear 6 hours to 11 days after ingestion.

Prolonged use of high dosages in theory may lead to serious problems with thyroid and suppression of endogenous hormone production (fortunately, studies shows only 20% down after 3 weeks of usage). However, when used properly at recommended dosages, thyroid function restores after 3-4 weeks

Levothyroxin has adrenalin-like effects including increased heart rate and nervousness, which could be avoided by using beta-blockaders


Advantages of T4

  • Extremely powerful fat-burner in combination with clenbuterol
  • Increased stamina
  • Lower sides comparing to T3
  • You can buy Levothyroxine T4  here

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Long R3 IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor)

Buy IGF-1 online
IGF-1 is the abbreviation for Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1. This is a naturally occurred long-chain polypeptide protein hormone and not a dangerous steroid. IGF-1 has molecular structure, which is quite similar to insulin. IGF-1 plays a vital role in childhood growth, especially bones and stimulates anabolic effects (muscle growth) in adults. IGF-1 greatly boosts muscle mass by inducing a state of muscle hyperplasia (increase in number of new muscle cells) in the body

Long R3 IGF-1 is a more potent version of IGF-1. It’s chemically altered to prevent deactivation by IGF-1 binding proteins in the bloodstream. This results in a longer half-life of 20-30 hours instead of 20 min.
There are 70 inter-connected amino acids that make up a single chain of IGF-1. This hormone is produced when the liver is stimulated by human growth hormone (HGH). When levels of HGH rise in the blood, the liver responds by producing more IGF-1. These higher “bursts” spur growth and regeneration by the body’s cells, especially in muscle cells. Increases in IGF-1 levels have shown positive effects on increases in muscle strength, size, and efficiency. When you do not have enough IGF-1 in your body, whether caused by disease, malnutrition or a hormone imbalance, your growth can be stunted.

Hovedformålet med IGF-1 er å stimulere cellevekst. Hver celle i menneskekroppen kan påvirkes av IGF-1, men celler i muskel, brusk, bein, lever, nyre, hudvev, lunger og nerver har en tendens til å bli mest positivt påvirket.

Products which increase IGF-1 can help improve muscularity and healing and recovery times. IGF-1 can also stimulate a decrease in body fat, an increase in lean muscle mass, improved skin tone and restful sleep. IGF-1 has also been documented to increase the rate and extent of muscle repair after injuries or strains. Not only do muscles recover more quickly, they also tend to return stronger and healthier than ever when levels of IGF-1 in the bloodstream are at their highest.

IGF-1 har også en positiv innvirkning på aldringsprosessen. Det kan forhindre aldersrelatert degenerasjon av muskler, hudvev og bein. Fordi IGF-1-nivåer har en tendens til å avta og falle raskt når leveren ikke stimuleres av HGH-produksjonen, er disse fordelene størst når konstant høye HGH-nivåer opprettholdes.

Combined with other supplements and monitored responsibly, IGF-1 can be beneficial for those individuals who suffer from stunted growth or growth hormone deficiencies as well as those individuals who strive to be in the best physical shape possible. Athletes, bodybuilders and physical competitors around the world are learning all about the benefits of IGF-1 and implementing the growth hormone into their daily regimented workouts. Whether you are an athlete yourself, or you prefer to workout more than a few times a week, IGF-1 can be beneficial for you. Even if you aren’t an athlete at all, but are looking to get as healthy and fit as possible for your own reasons, IGF-1 can be beneficial for you.

IGF-1 dosages and length of cycle

IGF-1 novices will be able to use a smaller dose than a more advanced user. For your first IGF-1 cycle, you need to remember that less is more, meaning that you don’t have to use a lot to get great results. This is not like testosterone where you need big doses for big muscles. For your first or second cycle with IGF-1, you will use 50mcg per injection day, 3 days per week (or 20-25 mcg daily), and split into two daily injections. For LONG R3 IGF-1 you can inject less frequent. for advanced users dosages may grow but never exceed 120 mcg daily.

The same is true for the length of cycle. IGF-1 effectiveness falls rapidly after prolonged use. Some users report 40 days, some 60 days, but our advice is to limit IGF-1 cycle for 4-5 weeks to get maximum effect then take rest. Some advanced users may do 50 days but only if they know what they’re doing. Too much IGF-1 will result in deregulation of IGF-1 receptors on the surface of muscle cells. This will jeopardize any gains from the injected IGF-1 since very little receptors means very little response! Time gap between cycles should be 20-40 days.

IGF-1 is also best taken either subcutaneously (preferably) or IM, having more direct effects on the body when injected. It’s also recommended to be taken during the morning/evening only (novice) or after work out only  (novice) or morning/evening plus after weight training sessions (advanced user). So advanced user makes from two to four injections daily.

IGF-1 bruk

Assuming that we use the lyophilized form (dry powder) of Long R3 IGF-1, equivalent to a 1000 mcg vial, it is best prepared by using 1ml or 2ml of acetic acid. Let the acetic acid seep into the vile after removing the vacuum from the container. Then, let the mixture in the vial sit for a while. Put it in the fridge where the IGF-1 mixture can dissolve without accidentally knocking the vial or shaking its contents. Then afterwards, it’s all about diluting your Long R3 IGF-1 in NaCl or bacteriostatic water before intra-muscular or subcutaneous entry.

In most cases you have 1mg (1000mcg) bottle of substance, with 1 ml of pre-made acid. Since we want to use 25mcg for our injection, you need to use an insulin syringe (29 gauge 50 IU for easier measuring) and withdraw to the 2.5 tick mark on the syringe. Yes, that is a very, very small amount to withdraw which is why we recommend the 1/2cc or even 30 IU syringes. Now using acetic acid can be very painful, and it is almost impossible to inject such a small amount so you will now use bacteriostatic water or NaCL water to add more volume to the syringe. This will also help reduce the pain of the acid injection. After you withdraw your small 2.5 IU on the slin pin, just finish filling the syringe with the water.

But what to do if IGF-1 comes in powder and there’s no acid supplied (generic brands)?
That’s not easy subject to answer 🙁

If you dissolve in bacteriostatic water lifetime will be too short. Some users claim it’s just 2-3 days under +4C, so in this case you have to dissolve TOO small dosages, which is very difficult. However, in special acid solution it lives up to 4 weeks. Put 4 ml solution into 1 mg IGF-1. 1 mg = 1000mcg

How to prepare acid solution? You need bacteriostatic water, acetic acid, syringe 10 ml, and filter 0.22 mm or better 0.11mm

Take 1 ml 99% acetic acid then 7ml sterile water, shake well then leak out 7 ml out of total 8ml. Add 7ml of water AGAIN, so finally we receive 1,5% acetic acid solution.

Preferably put filter onto the syringe and put 4 ml of solution into 1mg IGF1 vial.

Insulin syringe has 40 IU for 1 ml (when measuring insulin and IGF). Thus 4 ml of solution contains 250 mcg per ml.

1000mcg/4mL: 31 mcg per 5 IU
40 IU = 250 mcg
20 IU = 125 mcg
10 IU = 62,5 mcg

So, if your dosage is 30 mcg utilize 5 IU, if dosage is 25 mcg, utilize ~4.5 IU

It’s not advisable to freeze liquid but if there’s no other way – do it no more than 1 time

Stacking IGF-1

The IGF-1 that’s produced from the use of fast acting Nandrolone eller Trenbolon is nothing significant when you compare to the amount that’s contained in a single 10mcg Long R3 injection. Having said that, it’s safe to inject exogenous IGF-1 while taking either one of these compounds.

IGF-1 and Human Growth Hormone?

Long R3 IGF-1 can directly stimulate muscle growth when compared to human growth hormone (HGH). This is because HGH indirectly results in growth and repair by first inducing IGF-1 release in the liver. If you don’t have to worry about IGF-1 release in the liver (because your directly injecting the IGF-1), new growth will be optimized.

Usage of IGF-1 brings more faster results than HGH because HGH acts indirectly and process is slower.

If stacking with HGH after workout you can do for example like this: 5 IU HGH then 50 mcg IGF after 20 minutes (or smaller dosages if you make more frequent injections).

Is there a benefit to using both of these substances together?

“Many research studies have shown that GH and IGF-1 act synergistically to augment the effect of either hormone taken individually. So, the greatest results will take place when effective dosages of both hormones are injected. Usually 10-20mcg of IGF-1 (post workout) and 4-8 IU HGH EOD (with breakfast and at 1 p.m.) is the ideal stack for optimal results and minimal side effects.

Medical usage

Tissue build up is one of the main features of IGF-1, so I’d say it’s of greater value. IGF-1 can genetically change muscular and cellular counts within the body; it can also enhance the body’s ability to regenerate damaged tissue. In fact, IGF-1 is now under intensive research for its potential to repair tissue in burn patients, and for its regenerative effects on AIDS patients suffering from muscular wasting. Immediate effects are, of course, impossible to observe since it takes a respectable amount of time to see any visible changes in muscular repair.

There’s no known lethal risk of administering IGF-1 to diabetic patients. In fact, IGF-1 can reduce the body’s need for insulin, and according to one short study, it can reduce insulin dependence of the body by as high as 45%. This may bring very promising results if we are allowed to study this matter further. If anyone experiences any uncomfortable side effects, stop it’s usage and see if the side effect disappear.

Side effects of IGF-1

IGF-1 is commonly known to cause feelings of fatigue. Some people feel very tired quickly when using this compound. It can, however, be looked at in a more positive light since more sleep means better growth. Other side effects include muscular stiffness, headaches, occasional nausea, and some also claim that it’s sometimes responsible for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

You can purchase Long R3 IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) here.

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Cytomel (liothyronine sodium, triiodtironine, T3)

Det er tre relaterte skjoldbruskhormoner som er ansvarlige for metabolismen - trikodid-tyronin (L-T3), L-tyroksin (L-T4) og tyrotrof hormon som er ansvarlig for å starte T4-produksjonen. Det meste av naturlig T3 produseres ikke direkte av skjoldbruskkjertelen din, men konverteres heller fra T4-skjoldbruskkjertelhormonet. Cytomel er et syntetisk produsert liothyroninnatrium (T3) som ligner det naturlige T3-hormonet.

Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium, L-T3)  has proven to be 4-5 times more biologically active and to take effect more quickly than levotyroksin T4. T3 has a faster onset of action as well as a shorter biological half-life, probably due to less plasma protein binding to thyroxine-binding globulin and transthyretin.

I skolemedisin Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) brukes til å behandle skjoldbruskkjertelinsuffisiens (hypotyreose). Blant andre sekundære symptomer er fedme, metabolske forstyrrelser og tretthet.

T3 er ikke farlig - det vil midlertidig slå av den naturlige skjoldbruskkjertelen din, noe som kan gi et forsinkelse etter tilskudd med mindre du taper riktig - det spiser imidlertid muskler, med mindre du tar anavar, winny eller primo mens du tar den. Det er en flott stabel med klen.
Cytomel T3 innen kroppsbygging og kondisjon

Natural T3 is a regulator of the oxidative metabolism in cell’s mitochondria. Thus higher T3 level means  an increase in overall metabolic activity – your body spends more energy and burns more fat because of this. In low dosages, especially if taken along with steroids, it can even serve for certain muscle growth – due to increased metabolism. However, in high dosages it shifts towards catabolism and burns fat along with muscles.

Kroppsbyggere utnytter disse egenskapene og stimulerer stoffskiftet ved å ta Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium), som forårsaker en raskere konvertering av karbohydrater, proteiner og fett. Kroppsbyggere er selvfølgelig spesielt interessert i økt lipolyse, noe som betyr økt fettforbrenning. Konkurrerende kroppsbyggere bruker spesielt Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) i løpet av ukene før et mesterskap, siden det hjelper til med å opprettholde et ekstremt lavt fettinnhold uten å kreve et sult diett. Idrettsutøvere som bruker lave doser av Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) rapporterer at ved samtidig inntak av steroider blir steroider mer effektive, mest sannsynlig som et resultat av raskere konvertering av protein.

Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium), is a good replacement for proviron on pre-competition cycles, especally for females. The over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace. Those who combine T3 and clenbuterol receive synergetic effect especially because of better regulation of beta 2 receptors in fat tissue, which clen tends to deregulate. As a result these two compounds burn an enormous amount of fat.

Riktig protein med høyt proteininnhold er viktig. Det er ønskelig å ta ikke-bulking steroider som winstrol eller primo mens du tar T3, ellers kan idrettsutøver miste for mye muskler, spesielt under slanking.

En god stabel for maksimale resultater i løpet av minimal tid kan være Insulin, T3, AAS som primo eller winstrol og HGH.


Bruk av kvinner

Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) er også populært blant kvinnelige kroppsbyggere. Siden kvinner generelt har lavere metabolisme enn menn, er det ekstremt vanskelig for dem å skaffe seg riktig form for en konkurranse gitt dagens standarder. En drastisk reduksjon av mat og kalorier under 1000 kalorier per dag kan ofte unngås ved å ta Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium). Kvinner er uten tvil mer utsatt for bivirkninger enn menn, men kommer vanligvis godt overens med 50 mcg / dag. Et kortvarig inntak av Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) i en rimelig dose er absolutt sunnere enn et ekstremt sultdiett.


Cytomel bivirkninger

T3 øker også produksjonen av veksthormon (HGH), som ikke er dårlig i seg selv, men kan føre til enda større muskelforbrenning sammen med fett fordi HGH også er en sterkt lipolytisk forbindelse, og dette er en annen mekanisme der T3 kan utøve effekten. I tilfelle T3 + HGH frittstående stabel kan dette være et problem, men bruk av noen anabole steroider kommer til å hjelpe med dette.

Mulige bivirkninger er: skjelving i hender, kvalme, hodepine, høy svette og økt hjerterytme. Disse negative bivirkningene kan ofte elimineres ved midlertidig å redusere den daglige dosen.


Dosering og bruk av Cytomel T3

Når det gjelder doseringen, bør man være veldig forsiktig siden Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) er et veldig sterkt og svært effektivt skjoldbruskkjertelhormon. Det er ekstremt viktig at man begynner med en lav dose, og øker den sakte og jevnt i løpet av flere dager. De fleste idrettsutøvere begynner med å ta en 25-mcg tablett per dag og øke denne dosen hver tredje til fjerde dag med en ekstra tablett. En dose høyere enn 100-mcg / dag er ikke nødvendig og anbefales ikke. Det anbefales ikke at den daglige dosen tas på en gang, men deles opp i tre mindre individuelle doser slik at de blir mer effektive.

Det er også viktig at Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) ikke tas i mer enn seks eller maks åtte uker. Minst to måneders avholdenhet fra stoffet må følge. De som tar høye doser Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium) over lang tid, risikerer å utvikle en kronisk skjoldbruskkjertelinsuffisiens. Som en konsekvens kan utøveren bli tvunget til å ta medisiner fra skjoldbruskkjertelen resten av livet.

There are some opinions that using cytomel is absolutely safe for a long time and it’s easy to restore thyroid production afterwards.

-I quote – The horror stories of people on permanent thyroid replacement just aren’t true. …people recovering their thyroid hormone relatively quickly (within months, at most) after going off of several YEARS (!) of thyroid replacement therapy. …we can safely spend an athletic career using Cytomel 9-10 months out of the year, and just taking those few months off to normalize ourselves. Is this aggressive? Yes. Is this unsafe? NO. – end of quote-

Maybe that’s true. But maybe not. So in this 50/50 situation we would advice to stay on “cowardly” side and use T3 with all precautions until the opposite will be scientifically proven.

Det er også viktig at dosen reduseres sakte og jevnt ved å ta færre tabletter og ikke avsluttes brått.

De som planlegger å ta Cytomel (Liothyronine Sodium), bør først konsultere en lege for å være sikker på at det ikke eksisterer en hyperfunksjon i skjoldbruskkjertelen. Hvis du aldri har brukt T3 før, foreslås det at du reduserer konstant tid og øker oppkjøringsperioden for å bestemme reaksjonen din på t3 før tung bruk.

Some people wait until your thyroid shuts down in a cutting cycle (as it will when on DNP , heavy ECA , clen – anything that raises the body temp high), however, it should just be part of the whole cycle, not just replacement therapy on the end when you are on low endogenous T3.

When it’s used in a bulking cycle to help absorb all the protein – never go over 50mcg / ED, better even do 25mcg / ED. For cutting cycles dosage might be higher.

T4 kan også brukes med god effekt på samme måte, men selvfølgelig er dosene forskjellige - forholdet t4: t3 er omtrent 4: 1 eller 4,5: 1 så 100mcg t3 = ca. 400-450mcg t4

Common approach is to increase T3 from zero to full dosage during the fists 4-7 days and then decrease at the same rate at the end. However, thyroid shuts down rather quickly, so, in order to restart the gland after the cycle it’s better to lengthen “decrease” period, for instance you spend 5% of time of increasing dosage then 40-50% of time on max throttle then remaining time on slow and even decrease of the dosage over the weeks. With this you may come to the end of cycle with warming up thyroid and smoothly finish using of tabs.

For instance, here’s an example of 3 weeks cycle and .25 tabs

4 dager = 1, 1,5, 2, 3 faner
7 dager = 4 faner
10 dager = 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, .5, .5 faner

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Nebido [Testosterone undecanoate injectable]

Testosteron undekanoat - Nebido-merke fra Bayer er ikke kroppsbygging, men heller medisinsk produkt, unikt ved sine egenskaper på grunn av ekstremt lang virkning sammenlignet med oral testosteronundekanoat (andriol / restandol) eller androgel / testogel som er mye brukt til testosteronerstatningsformål. Den kommer i 4 ml ampuller, som totalt inneholder 1000 mg testosteronundekanoat. Det aktive stoffet er testosteronundekanoat 250 mg / ml (tilsvarende 157,9 mg rent testosteron). Andre innholdsstoffer er benzylbenzoat og raffinert lakserolje. Nebido er en klar, gulaktig oljeaktig væske. Innholdet i pakkene er: 1 ravgul glassampulle med 4 ml injeksjonsvæske, oppløsning. Testosteron er primært mannlig kjønnshormon. Nebido is used for treating symptoms of testosterone deficiency, also known as hypogonadism in adult men whose testes do not produce enough of it.  Nebido works by replacing or supplementing endogenous testosterone production.Low testosterone levels should be confirmed by two separate blood testosterone measurements and include following symptoms, which Nebido intends to cure: impotence, infertility, low sex drive, tiredness, depressive moods, bone loss caused by low hormone levels. In general, mild testosterone replacement therapy is advisable for men over 40, for men over 65 it’s vitally important since endogenous production becomes critically low.

Testosteronundekanoat kan også brukes til andre forhold som bestemt av legen din.

Dosering og bruk - medisinsk og kroppsbygging

I følge produsenten, vanlig Nebido dosen er en enkelt 1000 mg injeksjon som gjøres hver 10-14 uke, dvs. ~ 4 ganger i året. Dessverre følger mange leger den påstanden og tidsplanen. Jeg later ikke til å være smartere enn disse legene, men det er ingen uavhengige studier, bevist dette. Videre er kroppsbygging en helt annen historie. Med tanke på at halveringstiden for testosteronundekanoat er 21 dager, innen kroppsbygging monthly, bi-weekly (or even weekly?) injections are advisable to maintain testosterone level stable. I’m not saying that it’s absolutely necessary to inject bi-weekly, but in general it’s much better than taking it once every 6 or even 12 weeks as stated by manufacturer. Disregarding of what ester you use – frequent injections is the best way to keep your test levels stable. Longer half life just means that you can do it less frequent comparing, for instance, to sustanon (3 shots / week) or enanthate (2 shots / week). Dosages in bodybuilding should be much higher than medical dosages, something like 1000 mg monthly, and this is one more point to use more frequent injections than stated by manufacturer. We do not advice higher dosages of nebido, if you need more effect, just use different testosterone forms.

Men hvis dette er et medisinsk problem, ta bare testosteronundekanoat som anvist. Diskuter poenget ovenfor med fastlegen, men den endelige avgjørelsen er opp til ham. Ikke ta mer av det og ikke ta det oftere enn legen har foreskrevet. Å gjøre det kan øke sjansen for bivirkninger.

Nebido er ment strengt for intramuskulær injeksjon (helst i baken). Spesiell forsiktighet bør tas for å unngå injeksjon i et blodkar Testosteron frigjøres gradvis hele tiden fra reservoaret i blodet og forblir effektivt i veldig lang tid.


In bodybuilding stack just as regular testosterone undecanoate (andriol /  restandol) – with other safe dugs like anavar, primobolan, etc. Stacking with stronger drugs like deca will just negate it’s very-low-side-effects advantage.

Fordeler med å bruke Nebido

Testosteronerstatningsterapi kan gi dype fysiske og / eller mentale endringer hos pasienter med lavt testosteron. Fordelene med testosteronerstatning på fysisk og seksuell funksjon, energinivå, fett og muskelmasse, blodlipider og bentetthet hos menn med lavt testosteron er godt akseptert. Dermed bør man observere følgende effekter med Nebido:

Økt seksuell interesse vises vanligvis etter 3 uker og nivåer seg etter 6 uker
Økninger i ereksjon og seksuell tilfredshet oppstår innen 6 måneder
Forbedringer i livskvaliteten er klare innen 3-4 uker og fortsetter i noen tid
Forbedring av depresjon eller humør er notert etter 3-6 uker og når maksimum etter 18-30 uker
Gunstige effekter på blodlipider vises etter 4 uker og når maksimalt etter 6-12 måneder
Forbedringer i blodsukkernivået blir tydelige etter 3-12 måneder
Endringer i kroppssammensetning og muskelstyrke skjer innen 12-16 uker og stabiliserer seg 6-12 måneder
Forbedringer i bentetthet vises etter 6 måneder og fortsetter i minst 3 år
Minor changes in prostate size and a slight increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen occur with treatment, leveling off after 12 months. Any further increases may be related to normal aging rather than testosterone treatment.

Kilde: Effekter av testosteronbehandling og tidsperiode til maksimale effekter oppnås. Saad F, Aversa A, Isidori AM, et al. Eur J Endocrinol 2011; 165 (5): 675-685.


Nebido kan føre til positive resultater i legemiddeltester. Oppdagelsestiden er lengre sammenlignet med muntlige former, dessverre er det ikke tilstrekkelig informasjon om dette emnet.

Nebido (testosteronundekanoat) bivirkninger og PCT

Behandling med høye doser testosteronpreparater stopper ofte eller reduserer sædproduksjonen, selv om dette blir normalt etter at behandlingen opphører. Høydosert eller langvarig administrering av testosteron øker av og til forekomsten av vannretensjon.

Nebido er testosteroneter og androgenrelaterte bivirkninger kan være et problem i teorien. På grunn av mild virkning er disse effektene imidlertid så svake at Nebido kan betraktes som veldig trygt medikament med mindre dosen er for høy.

Imidlertid, hvis du observerer østrogenrelaterte bivirkninger som brystvekst eller kvinnelig mønster fettavleiringer, begynner du å bruke tamoxifen. Hvis du leker med høye doser, kan det være nødvendig med clomiphen etter syklusen.

Hvis du er diabetiker, kan det være nødvendig å justere insulinet ditt.


Bruk av kvinner

Medisinsk bruk av Nebido er kontraindisert for kvinner og må absolutt ikke brukes til gravide eller ammende kvinner. Noen unntak er transseksuelle kvinner.

Dessverre kan vi ikke gi noen pålitelig informasjon om dette emnet innen kroppsbygging så langt. Oralt testosteronundekanoat er den eneste formen for testosteron, som kan brukes av kvinner uten alvorlige bivirkninger ved daglig dosering på 120-240 mg, det kombinerer godt med anavar (oxandrolone) og noen ganger primobolan. Imidlertid, med injiserbar form av testosteron, er situasjonen annerledes fordi mer testosteron leveres inn i systemet (og mindre bortkastet) sammenlignet med oral form, så etter vår mening bør doseringen være lavere enn hos andriol hvis den brukes av kvinner.


Nebido er ikke ment for bruk hos kvinner. Nebido er ikke til bruk hos barn og ungdom.
Ikke bruk Nebido:
hvis du noen gang har hatt androgenavhengig kreft eller mistenkt kreft i prostata eller bryst
hvis du har eller har hatt leversvulst

Før testosteroninitiering må alle pasienter gjennomgå en detaljert undersøkelse for å utelukke en risiko for eksisterende prostatakreft. Det må utføres nøye og regelmessig overvåking av prostatakjertelen og brystet (det samme gjelder enhver testosteronbehandling).

Fortell legen din dersom du har eller noen gang har hatt: epilepsi, hjerte-, nyre- eller leverproblemer, migrene, midlertidige pusteforstyrrelser under søvn (apné), da disse kan bli verre;
kreft, ettersom nivået av kalsium i blodet ditt kanskje må testes regelmessig;
problemer med blodpropp;

Hvis du lider av alvorlig hjerte-, lever- eller nyresykdom, kan behandling med Nebido forårsake alvorlige komplikasjoner i form av vannretensjon i kroppen din, noen ganger ledsaget av (kongestiv) hjertesvikt.


Manglet dose av testosteronundekanoat

Hvis du savner en dose av dette legemidlet og doseringsplanen din, ta den glemte dosen så snart som mulig. Men hvis du ikke husker det før neste dose, hopper du over den glemte dosen og går tilbake til din vanlige doseringsplan. Ikke doble doser.Oppbevaring av Nebido

Oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn.
Oppbevares vekk fra varme og direkte lys ved romtemperatur.
Hold medisinen fra å fryse.
Ikke hold utdaterte medisiner eller medisiner som ikke lenger er nødvendig.


Buy Nebido Bayer (testosterone undecanoate)

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EPO – Erythropoietin usage for endurance sportsmen

EPO - Erytropoietin

Buy EPO (Erythropoietin) online

In this article we will describe different aspects of EPO including epo dosage for athletes
Erytropoietin (EPO)is a naturally occurring protein hormone. EPO is produced in the body by the kidneys and is used to regulate red blood cell production.  Patients suffering from anemia or chronic renal failure are legally allowed to use this form medically, it is proven that this product effectively stimulates and maintains erythropoiesis in a large percentage of patients treated. The efficiency of this drug quickly made it a ready replacement for older and less effective therapies such as Anadrol (oxymetholone) 50 or Nandrolone Decanoate. The biological activity or rHuEPO is indistinguishable from that of human erythropoietin. Some athletes have decided to take advantage of this substance as well.Nowadays, all EPO on the market is Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). There are five erythropoiesis-stimulating agents currently available: epoetin-alpha, epoetin-beta, epoetin-omega, epoetin-delta, and darbepoetin-alpha. Both, endogenous and recombinant EPO makes body producing more red blood cells, thus increasing oxygen transmission from lungs to all systems of the body, including muscles, which results in increased stamina in performance sports. In the medicine it cures symptoms of anemia including cancer-caused.


EPO has put a whole new spin on blood doping. No need for messy transfusions, just shoot up with EPO to increase your circulating erythrocyte mass.EPO is actually not that dangerous a product to use if it is used PROPERLY, and one’s blood is monitored. With proper blood work, and boosting to a safe level (typically max of 53-54% for elite level endurance athlete, while it’s around 40% for “normal” people) there shouldn’t be major complications. But do not cross that line.

Endurance athletes are highly attracted to EPO for the effect it has on red blood cell production. It is no secret that the practice of “blood doping” is popular with endurance sports. This procedure involves removing and storing a quantity of blood from your body, to be later replaced. By adding this stored blood before an event (by then the body has restored the lost blood volume), the athlete has a much greater number of red blood cells. The blood can therefore transport oxygen more efficiently, and the athlete is given a noticeable endurance boost. This has no doubt been the difference between winning and losing for many individuals. This procedure, however, carries with it a great number of risks. Blood is a difficult thing to store and administer, not to mention the problems that can occur with the extra cell volume. Part of these risks (besides cells volume problem)  are reduced with EPO, a drug that basically equates to “chemical blood doping”. Some studies have shown that athletes have had an 9% increase in VO2 max, 7% increase in power output, and a 5% decrease in max heart rate.

While the benefits of using erythropoietin are unquestionable, there are serious side affects that an athlete needs to consider. After injection, the blood has a higher concentration of red blood cells and a thicker viscosity. This may lead to thromboembolic events that could be fatal. I.e. if you dope more than necessary, thrombs may stop the bloodstream during the exercises and sportsmen dies. There are serious suspicions against EPO for the deaths of some top cyclists during 80s and 90s. Seizures and hypertension are also demonstrated in those athletes who are blood doping. Most athletic federations have banned this practice and a hemoglobin limit of 18.5 g/dL has been implemented.

The injection of EPO in the body is a practice that would be very beneficial to any athletes involved in endurance activities. It would allow them to carry more oxygen per unit of blood than before thus improving their performance. Who can use it? All long-distance runners (800+meters), cyclists, etc., i.e. anywhere you need high aerobic stamina. EPO also increases performance and durability of all fighters and players (football, hockey players, etc.)

In a study done by Audran, nine well-trained athletes (seven males, two females) received a 50U/kg dosage of rhEPO daily for 26 days. Tested were four triathletes, two cyclists, one rower, one swimmer, and one handball player, averaging an age of 24 years old and weight of 73kg. During treatment, significant increases in reticulocyte, EPO and sTfr concentrations and sTfr/serum protein ratios were seen by day ten, whereas hemoglobin and hematocrit levels did not clearly increase until day 14. From the results after the last rhEPO injection, reticulocyte, hemoglobin and sTfr concentrations remained above baseline values for seven days; and hematocrit levels remained above baseline up to 14 days; and EPO levels stayed above baseline for two days, as was expected due to its short half-life. Physiological tests were also done to measure the effect of rhEPO. On average, VO2max increased by 5ml/min/kg, and maximum heart rate lowered by 9 beats/min after the treatment period. In simple words – athlete can take advantage on the EPO injections effect for up to two weeks, but peak level is reached just after the last injection.


EPO dosage for athletes

Weekly dosage varies 50-300 IU per kilogram of body weight. By this guideline a 176 lb (80 kgs) athlete would take a maximum of 4000 U per injection. This would be done in the days/weeks prior to a competition, the peak effect hopefully reached near the day of the event. Sportsmen starts feeling results after two weeks of usage (hematocrit level increases 3-4%). Most of specialists agree that one should not use erythropoietin for more than six weeks!

We find it optimal to use following schedule: Loading phase 4500-12000 IU for week 1-3 (6000 IU in average), then keep supportive dosage 3000-4000 IU for weeks 4-6.  Weekly dosage is to be split on three equal shots.

Also one can use this formula: 20-30 IU per kg for every shot (three shots a week). Conservative approach is 4500 IU / week (3 shots x 1500 IU) with 3000 IU supportive dosage (3 shots x 1000 IU).The higher dosage is – the more effect and more risks you gain. Anyway, it depends on the personal characteristics, base levels, target goals desired. Blood tests recommended if you’re toying with higher doses.

Pre-competition protocol, low detection, 30 000 IU of substance available:
Weeks 1-3, 2000UI 3x per week
Weeks 4-6, 2x1500UI +1x 1000UI per week (so total of 4000UI per week)

Pre-competition protocol, low detection, only 15 000 IU of substance
Weeks 1-3, 1500UI 3x per week
Week 4, 3x 500UI per week

Take one tab of aspirin two times a day after meal or along with milk to prevent stomach damages (milk neutralizes aspirin acids). Aspirin will decrease blood viscosity thus decreasing risks of thrombosis which could be fatal during the long race due to sweating and extreme dehydration.

In general, greater dosages of rhEPO induce a quicker response of increased erythropoiesis than lower dosages, however, they are more likely to be detectable by doping tests. If athlete is not in a rush, it’s better to make three shots a week – peak form will be achieved anyway.

Injecting EPO

EPO is sold in recombinant form (rhEPO) for injection. It usually is packaged as a lyophilized (freeze dried) powder that is reconstituted with sterile water before injection. Injections preferably to be made by thin needle with insulin syringes. Erythropoietin is to be given subcutaneously (between the skin and muscle – into the body fat) or intravenously. These two paths of administration have greatly different effects on the blood level of the drug. When given as an IV injection, peak blood levels of the drug are reached very quickly. The half-life is also short, approximately 4 or 5 hours long. When administered “SubQ”, the drug will take 12 to 18 hours to reach a peak level. Given an equal dose, this concentration will also be much lower than the intravenous method. The half-life also greatly extended, estimated to now be approximately 24 hours.

SubQ injections are to be made in the outer upper arms, front of thighs, or abdomen. If you are injecting in the abdomen, just be sure to not be too close to the umbilicus. If you’re doing some anticoagulant as well, you could still give EPO in the abdo, just not in the same site. EPO injections often burns because you inject it cold. If you can roll it between your hands a couple of minutes or let it get to room temperature, it is painless as an insulin injection.


Stacking EPO

Be extremely careful if you are going to use Erythropoietin (EPO) along with anabolic steroids, this can be a dangerous chem to mess with, especially with erythropoetesis-stimulating drugs like Anadrol.

Some endurance athletes may use both, EPO and winstrol during preparation for the contest, however, we have no information on the possible synergetic effects, and, most important, side effects. If anyone emails us his own winstrol + Erythropoietin (EPO) experience – this would be appreciated.

With high dosages anticoagulant therapy such as Lovenox is indicated to help reducing the risk of developing DVT, or deep vein thrombosis. For regular dosages aspirin is enough.

In practice, it is common for rhEPO injections to be accompanied with intravenous injections or oral supplementation of iron (orals are more effective). However, Iron overload may occur and lead to symptoms similar to those of genetic hemochromatosis. Folic asid and Vitamins also advisable.

Here’s possible EPO stack (weekly dosage!):  100 IU/kg of rhEPO; 25mg of iron, 25mg of folic acid; 2500mcg of Vitamin B12, lenght of treatment 10-20 days, 2-3 shots per week.


Dopingkontroll og EPO

Until recently, accurate testing has been difficult because the recombinant human EPO made in the lab is virtually identical to the naturally occurring form and there are no firmly established normal ranges for EPO in the body. The only previously available route to curtail cheating for sports governing bodies was to ban an athlete if the hematocrit level was too high (e.g., above 50%). Thus, in the past many athletes chose to cheat because, as long as they kept their hematocrit levels below 50%, there seemed little risk of getting caught. Of course, the other way to get caught was highlighted in the disastrous 1998 Tour de France. Several team doctors and personnel from several teams were caught red-handed with thousands of doses of EPO and other banned substances. Ultimately about 50% of the teams withdrew from the race – either for cheating or in protest.

Unfortunately, testing technology has now notably improved. There are now accurate urine and blood tests that can detect the differences between normal and synthetic EPO. This test became the standard one and was the sole means to detect for EPO use in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The reliability of this test helps explain the cascade of athletes who have been caught. Therefore, at the present, athlete must consider “window” – just like with steroid use – when chances to detect falls down, but effect is still considerable. I.e. at the moment of competition, EPO should move out of the system but red blood cells should be still in.

There are short-acting and long-acting types of EPO (we offer short-acting version). It’s better to take smaller doses on regular basis than single big injection. This reduces the possibility of detection by the urine test by lowering the percent of basic isoforms  in the urine. A smaller dose means a drug tester might only have 12 hours to detect the last injection, and given the fact that drug tests aren’t usually carried out in the middle of the night, this leaves only a very small window open for being tested “positive”. Taking small, regular doses also simulates the body’s natural physiology more closely than a super-sized dose, which means that it could even get under the radar for the longer term blood testing.  So 2000 IU three times a week is better than 6000 IU once a week.

Detection time varies 12-48 hours according to different sources (in fact you might be in danger even longer with high dosages). Most likely it also highly depends on the  dosage and cycle schedule. Fortunately, rhEPO has a short half-life and is similar in structure to endogenous EPO. These two factors make blood and urine detection difficult since electrophoretic techniques must be done within a limited timeframe in order to be able to distinguish between the two forms of erythropoietin.

So, what is this test? It is possible to detect rhEPO in urine and blood serum as was done by Wide. He tested 15 healthy, moderately-trained men between the ages of 19 to 40 years old. At a fairly low dosage, 20U/kg three times a week for eight weeks, rhEPO was accurately detected in blood up to two days after the last injection; and in urine one day after the last injection. From the data, sensitivity of the test decreases to fifty percent in detecting rhEPO in blood or urine after three days from the last injection

In order to gain the physiological effects of rhEPO, athletes need to continue its use until a late stage of preparation for an event. A test for increased erythropoiesis in the two to six weeks before competition would have a high likelihood of detecting rhEPO abuse – they can catch you during preparation.


Risks and side effects with EPO

Just like with steroids – you should use it wisely. Inappropriate usage might be dangerous if not fatal, but proper one eliminates all the risks or lowers it to the affordable level. Nowadays, we gained enough experience and stats to know how to avoid the problems.

The reason that EPO, and transfusion blood doping, might be dangerous is because of increased blood viscosity. Basically, whole blood consists of red blood cells and plasma (water, proteins, etc.). The percentage of whole blood that is occupied by the red blood cells is referred to as, the hematocrit. A low hematocrit means dilute (thin) blood, and a high hematocrit mean concentrated (thick) blood. Above a certain hematocrit level whole blood can sludge and clog capillaries. If this happens in the brain it results in a stroke. In the heart, a heart attack. Unfortunately, this has happened to several elite athletes who have used EPO in 80es.

EPO use is especially dangerous to athletes who exercise over prolonged periods. A well-conditioned endurance athlete is more dehydration resistant than a sedentary individual. The body accomplishes this by several methods, but one key component is to “hold on” to more water at rest. Circulating whole blood is one location in which this occurs and, thus, can function as a water reservoir. During demanding exercise, as fluid losses mount, water is shifted out of the blood stream (hematocrit rises). If one is already starting with an artificially elevated hematocrit then you can begin to see the problem – it is a short trip to the critical “sludge zone” (so drink enough liquids and don’t forget about aspirin!).

Additional dangers of EPO include sudden death during sleep, which has killed approximately 18 pro cyclists in the past fifteen years, and the development of antibodies directed against EPO. In this later circumstance the individual develops anemia as a result of the body’s reaction against repeated EPO injections (so do not use for longer than 6 weeks! and do not use through the whole year, do it 1-2 times before the most important competitions).

There are also a number of side effects associated with general use of this substance. Most notable, blood pressure can begin to rise as cell volume changes. This can reach the point of headaches and high blood pressure, obviously an unwanted effect. Additionally, flu-like symptoms, aching bones, chills and injection site irritations are also possible. Since athletes are not using this product for a medical condition, a strong incidence of side effects should be an indicator to discontinue using the drug. Clearly one should not wish to compromise their health for an athletic push.


Does EPO contain blood fractions?

While erythropoietin itself is not a blood product, some brands of the synthetic form do have a very small amount of a blood fraction added to them. The epoetin-alfa formulation (Epogen®, Procrit®) contains 2.5 mg human serum albumin. The albumin first prevents the pharmaceutical from sticking to the vial, and then acts as a carrier molecule to help the EPO remain in the bloodstream until it reaches its destination at the bone marrow.



Stimulates RBC (red blood cells) production.

T max is 5 to 24 hours (subcutaneous).

Elimination half-life is approximately 4 to 13 hours (IV).


Special Populations

Elderly: Pharmacokinetic data indicate no apparent difference in half-life among adult patients older or younger than 65 yr of age.
Children: Pharmacokinetic profile in children and adolescents is similar to that of adults. Limited data are available for neonates.


What alternatives to EPO are there?

EPO is the standard of care for many patients with anemia of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). For certain patients, such as those who produce antibodies to erythropoietin, who develop pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), or who develop arterial hypertension, treatment with any form of EPO is not appropriate. However, these patients may be given androgens (hormones) that have been shown to stimulate bone marrow function. Of course, as with any medicine, these substances are not without side effects of their own. One of the most widely used of these is nandrolone decanoate (NAND), which seems to be better tolerated with less dramatic side effects than other androgenics.

In some cases, intravenous iron without EPO appears to be as effective in correcting anemia.


Medical Indications and Usage

Below we’ll provide some information for medical EPO (erythropoietin) usage. Please use this for information purposes only! We can give advices in sport, but not with life-threatening deceases. We do not to harm anybody by improper advice, make sure to contact your GP before usage!!!

So, where it is used in medicine? Treatment of anemia related to chronic renal failure (CRF), anemia related to zidovudine therapy in HIV-infected patients, and anemia due to chemotherapy in patients with metastatic non-myeloid malignancies; reduction of allergenic blood transfusions in surgery patients.

Kidney disease patients : Recombinant human erythropoietin was first approved as an adjunct in the treatment of kidney disease patients on hemodialysis, in whom anemia is an inevitability due to both the disease and the dialysis.
AIDS patients : Approval was also given for it to be given to AIDS patients on AZT (ziduvidene).
Red cell production : Its use is increasing in preoperative and postoperative settings to stimulate the surgical patient’s red cell production.
Acute surgical and post-op : It may be of benefit in acute surgical settings, and may permit more rapid recovery in the post-op period. In particular, it may be a useful adjunct following perioperative hemodilution.
Chemotherapy : It is also gaining currency in the treatment of anemia secondary to chemotherapy for cancer.
Blood transfusion alternative : In many clinical settings EPO may be used to reduce or even eliminate the need for blood transfusion. It can be used in neonates for treatment of anemia of prematurity. Various clinical applications for EPO and a succinct historical perspective of erythropoietin are presented and discussed in research by T. Ng, et al. (2003).
Other potential benefits : There is evidence to show that, in addition to boosting RBC production, EPO may have a positive effect on platelet and leukocyte production. EPO has also demonstrated a tissue-protective ability, of particular benefit in chronic heart failure and neurological damage, and may benefit surgical and burn patients through its wound healing properties.
Unlabeled Uses: Anemia associated with critically ill patients, CHF, chronic disease (eg, rheumatoid arthritis), postpartum anemia, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, multiple myeloma, Jehovah’s witnesses (due to prohibition of human blood transfusion), radiation treatment, epidermolysis bullosa, porphyria, for athletic enhancement (yes, that’s our case!), sexual dysfunction, transfusion iron overload, uremic pruritus.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to mammalian cell–derived products or human albumin; uncontrolled hypertension.


Medical Dosage and Administration of EPO

The optimal dosing regimen has yet to be defined. The authors of some studies favor lower doses such as 75 to 150 IU for every kilogram (u/kg) of body weight given daily or every other day. Others found that 600 u/kg given once a week was more effective. Nevertheless, the most commonly ordered dose is likely to be 300 u/kg three or four times a week. Thus, for a 70 kg patient, 60,000 IU per week would be ordered.


Cancer Patients EPO usage


Subcutaneous 3 times/wk dosing: 150 units/kg 3 times/wk. Reduce the dose by 25% when Hgb reaches a level needed to avoid transfusion or increases more than 1 g/dL in any 2-wk period. Withhold the dose when Hgb exceeds a level needed to avoid transfusion and restart at 25% below the previous dose when the Hgb approaches a level where transfusions may be required. Increase the dosage to 300 units/kg 3 times/wk if the response is not satisfactory after 4 wk to achieve and maintain the lowest Hgb levels sufficient to avoid the need for RBC transfusion and not to exceed the upper safety limit of 12 g/dL. Discontinue if after 8 wk there is no response as measured by Hgb levels or if transfusions are still required. Weekly dosing: 40,000 units/wk. Reduce the dose by 25% when the Hgb reaches a level needed to avoid transfusion or increases more than 1 g/dL in any 2-wk period. Withhold the dose if the Hgb exceeds a level needed to avoid transfusion and restart at 25% below the previous dose when the Hgb approaches a level where transfusion may be required. Increase the dosage to 60,000 units/wk if the response is not satisfactory (no increase in Hgb by at least 1 g/dL after 4 wk of therapy, in the absence of an RBC transfusion) to achieve and maintain the lowest Hgb levels sufficient to avoid the need for RBC transfusion and not to exceed the upper safety limit of 12 g/dL. Discontinue if after 8 wk there is no response as measured by Hgb levels or if transfusions are still required.

IV Weekly dosing: 600 units/kg/wk (max, 40,000 units/wk). Reduce the dose by 25% when the Hgb reaches a level needed to avoid transfusion or increases more than 1 g/dL in any 2-wk period. Withhold the dose if the Hgb exceeds a level needed to avoid transfusion and restart at 25% below the previous dose when the Hgb approaches a level where transfusion may be required. Increase the dosage to 900 units/kg/wk (max, 60,000 units/wk) if the response is not satisfactory (no increase in Hgb by at least 1 g/dL after 4 wk of therapy, in the absence of a RBC transfusion) to achieve and maintain the lowest Hgb levels sufficient to avoid the need for RBC transfusion and not to exceed the upper safety limit of 12 g/dL. Discontinue if after 8 wk there is no response as measured by Hgb levels or if transfusions are still required.
CRF EPO usage

IV / Subcutaneous Individually titrate to achieve and maintain Hgb levels between 10 and 12 g/dL. Increases in dose should not be made more often than once monthly. Start with 50 to 100 units/kg 3 times/wk. Increase the dose by 25% if the Hgb is less than 10 g/dL and has not increased by 1 g/dL after 4 wk of therapy or if the Hgb decreases below 10 g/dL. Reduce the dose by 25% when the Hgb approaches 12 g/dL or the Hgb increases by more then 1 g/dL in any 2-wk period. If the Hgb continues to increase, temporarily withhold the dose until the Hgb begins to decrease, then reinitiate treatment at a dose approximately 25% below the previous dose.

IV / Subcutaneous Individually titrate to achieve and maintain Hgb levels between 10 and 12 g/dL. Increases in dose should not be made more often than once monthly. Start with 50 units/kg 3 times/wk. Increase the dose by 25% if the Hgb is less than 10 g/dL and has not increased by 1 g/dL after 4 wk of therapy or if the Hgb decreases below 10 g/dL. Reduce the dose by 25% if Hgb approaches 12 g/dL or the Hgb increases by more then 1 g/dL in any 2-wk period. If the Hgb continues to increase, temporarily withhold the dose until the Hgb begins to decrease, then reinitiate treatment at a dose approximately 25% below the previous dose.
Surgery EPO usage

Subcutaneous Prior to starting treatment, obtain Hgb to establish that it is more than 10 to less than 13 g/dL.

Usual dosage: 300 units/kg/day for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery, and for 4 days after surgery.

Alternative dose schedule: Subcutaneous 600 units/kg in once-weekly doses (21, 14, and 7 days before surgery), plus a fourth dose on the day of surgery.
EPO usage on Zidovudine-Treated, HIV-Infected Patients

IV / Subcutaneous Prior to starting therapy, determine the endogenous serum erythropoietin level. Evidence suggests that patients receiving zidovudine with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels more than 500 milliunits/mL are unlikely to respond to epoetin alfa therapy. Titrate the epoetin alfa dosage to achieve and maintain the lowest Hgb level sufficient to avoid the need for blood transfusion and not to exceed the upper safety limit of 12 g/dL. For patients with serum erythropoietin levels of 500 milliunits/mL or less who are receiving zidovudine 4,200 mg/wk or less, the recommended starting dosage is epoetin alfa 100 units/kg 3 times/wk for 8 wk. Monitor the Hgb weekly. If the response is not satisfactory in terms of reducing transfusion requirement or increasing Hgb after 8 wk of therapy, the dosage of epoetin alfa can be increased by 50 to 100 units/kg 3 times/wk. Thereafter, evaluate the response every 4 to 8 wk and adjust the dose accordingly, in 50 to 100 units/kg increments 3 times/wk, to a dosage of epoetin alfa 300 units/kg 3 times/wk. After attaining the desired response, titrate the epoetin alfa dose to maintain the response. If the Hgb exceeds the upper safety limit of 12 g/dL, stop until the Hgb drops below 11 g/dL. Reduce by 25% when treatment is resumed and titrated to maintain the desired Hgb.


General Medical Advice on EPO

For subcutaneous or IV bolus administration only. Not for intradermal, IM, or intra-arterial administration. IV route recommended for patients on hemodialysis.

Do not shake or vigorously agitate vial. Prolonged vigorous shaking may denature the glycoprotein, rendering it biologically inactive.

Do not administer if particulate matter, cloudiness, or discoloration is noted.

If transferring saturation is less than 20%, give supplemental iron.

IV dose may be administered into venous line at end of dialysis procedure to obviate need for additional venous access.

Rotate subcutaneous injection sites.

Single-dose vials contain no preservative. Use only 1 dose/vial. Do not reenter vial. Discard any unused portion. Do not combine unused portions or save unused portions for later use.

Do not administer in conjunction with other drug solutions. However, at time of subcutaneous administration, single-use vials may be admixed in a syringe with bacteriostatic sodium chloride 0.9% with benzyl alcohol 0.9% at a 1:1 ratio. Multidose vials contain benzyl alcohol and admixing is not necessary.

Adjust dose to achieve and maintain lowest Hgb level sufficient to avoid the need for RBC transfusion and not to exceed 12 g/dL.

Storage/Stability: Store vials in refrigerator (36° to 46°F). Do not freeze or shake. Protect from light. Multidose vials may be stored in refrigerator at 36° to 46°F for up to 21 days after initial entry.

Buy EPO (Erythropoietin) online

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Proviron (DHT, Masterlone, Masterolone, Mesterolone)

Proviron (Masterolone) er en oral form av 1-metylert DHT (methyl-dihydrotestosteron). This is very strong androgen which is 3-4 times more effective than “normal” testosterone, it possesses no anabolic characteristics and no capabilities of converting to estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and achieve some progress. Unfortunately, there is a control mechanism for DHT in the body. When levels get too high it is being converted to an inactive compound. This inactive compound can equally be transformed in the opposite direction to dihydrotestosterone by the same enzyme when low levels of DHT are detected. But this means that very large amounts of this substance are useless to achieve muscle hypertrophy. Very common usage is fighting estrogen just like with Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomiphen. Provironhas four distinct applications in bodybuilding.First of all, proviron serves as anti-estrogen, it prevents  aromatization of other steroids as a process and also partially blocks estrogen receptors. In this instance its action differs from tamoxifen, which only blocks  estrogen receptors. Thus side effects such as gynecomastia and increased water retention are successfully eliminated. Proviron hits the root of the problem, while Tamoxifen fights only symptoms and should be used for longer period until all excessive estrogens are washed out of the body.
The second application is based on expanding the capacity of testosterone. 97-98% of testosterone in the body of a healthy person is inactive and bound to certain proteins. Proviron in this case replaces testosterone, thus more of latter is being released into the blood and helps to build muscle mass.

Thirdly, mesterolone is added in pre-competition cycles to increase the rigidity and quality muscle volume. It also decreases water retention in the body, giving the user a visual effect of a dry, high-quality, lean muscles. Proviron is often used not only among bodybuilders, but even the actors and models, who use it to acquire the necessary sportive form  before the shooting. Just like the another methylated DHT structure called drostanolone, mesterolone is particularly strong in achieving this effect.Finally, Proviron is used for recovery of sexual activity during the cycles of steroids such as trenbolone and nandrolone, which decrease libido. Proviron is also commonly prescribed by doctors for people with low levels of testosterone, or patients with chronic impotence.Mesterolone is preferred by many athletes because it has virtually no side effects on men. In large doses it can cause some virilization symptoms in women. Doses of 25 and 250 mg per day shall be applied without adverse effects. 50 mg per day is usually sufficient to reach goals for any of four applications that we mentioned above. Thus, there is no need to increase the dose.

Mannlige idrettsutøvere bør foretrekke Proviron fremfor Nolvadex. Med Proviron oppnår atleten bedre muskelhardhet, ettersom androgennivået økes og konsentrasjonen av østrogen forblir lav. Dette er spesielt tydelig når man forbereder seg på en konkurranse i forbindelse med kosthold.

Imidlertid bør man være klar over at tap av styrke forårsaket av redusert naturlig testosteronproduksjon etter syklusen ikke er kurert. Idrettsutøver bør bruke andre medisiner som HCG og clomiphen for det.

Dosering og bruk

Proviron er veldig effektiv forbindelse, daglig dose på 50 mg er tilstrekkelig, selv om noen menn gjør 100 og til og med 250 mg / dag. Idrettsutøver tar normalt en 25 mg tablett om morgenen - og den andre om kvelden. I noen tilfeller er til og med en 25 mg tablett nok. Kombinasjon av 50 mg Proviron per dag og 20 mg Nolvadex per dag resulterer i nesten fullstendig undertrykkelse av østrogen. Husk imidlertid at østrogen ikke er absolutt ondt, det spiller også en viktig rolle i muskelbygging. Fullstendig undertrykkelse av østrogen betyr lavere gevinster, så man bør holde en balanse og redusere østrogennivået bare til det punktet når det ikke gir noen bivirkninger, men fremdeles gir positive.

In the past athletes used it throughout the whole season to make dry and fit outlook all the time, however, we don’t advice such practices nowadays. Clenbuterol / albuterol (ventolin) can do the same but with less side effects.


Proviron is an oral 1-alpha-alkylated substance mostly used as  an anti-estrogen drug. Mesterolone may actually contribute to gains.  It is taken daily in 50-100 mg doses.

The best stack is certainly with testosterone. This results in qualitive, lean gains as free testosterone levels are increased and less converted to estrogen.

Selvfølgelig brukes proviron også i mange andre stabler, for eksempel med dianabol (methandrostenolone), boldenonundekanoat og nandrolon for å redusere østrogenrelaterte aktiviteter øker muskelhardheten.

Combo of proviron with boldenone makes dead lock for a cutting stack. Sometimes it’s even become possible to add deca into that cutting stack, preferably along with winstrol. It’s good idea to use proviron with nandrolone, because nandrolone temporarily decreases libido.


2 måneder

Bivirkninger med proviron

When athlete do it for more than 10-12 weeks it may slightly increase liver values although in general proviron is well tolerated by it. Side effects of Proviron for men with a dose of 2 – 3 tablets are very small, so that Proviron, in combination with a steroid cycle can be relatively safe to be taken over several weeks.

DHT can increase blood pressure. High dosages may lead to premature baldness and sexual overstimulation, which leads to prolonged erection. Since this state is painful and can cause penis damage, it makes sense to reduce the dose or discontinue its use altogether.

Only 34% of recipients observe minor decrease in endocrine glands function. Proviron did not stop work of HPTA (glands) for noone who took the drug for a year at a dose of 150 mg / day. In general it’s pretty safe and has little impact on the work of HPTA.

Det er ingen effekt på frekvensen LH (luteiniserende hormon) og FSH (stimulerende hormon) i en dose på 100-150 mg / dag.

Proviron erstatter ikke Clomid som hormonbehandling, men forårsaker heller ikke problemer.

Virkningen av mesterolon gir ingen endringer i nivåene av steroider, skjoldbruskhormoner, gonadotropiner og prolaktin.

Bruk av kvinner

Kvinnelige idrettsutøvere bør være forsiktige når de bruker Proviron, siden det ikke utelukker alle mulige androgene bivirkninger. Kvinner rådes til ikke å ta mer enn en 25 mg tablett / dag. Høyere doser og langvarig bruk i mer enn 4 uker øker risikoen for virilisering. Kvinnelige idrettsutøvere som ikke har problemer med Proviron, oppnår gode resultater ved å ta 25 mg Proviron per dag og 20 mg Nolvadex per dag. De sier at det i kombinasjon med en diett akselererer fettforbrenning og rask herding av muskler.

Female athletes who naturally have higher estrogen levels,  often add Proviron to steroid cycle, which results in increasing of muscle density. In the past female athletes did proviron whole year in order to look lean, especially before contests and starring. Nowadays, clenbuterol / albuterol do the same work, because they do not cause virilization effects.

You can buy cheap Proviron (Masterolone, dihydrotestosterone) online here.

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Oral Turanabol (Turanol, Turinabol, Chlordehydromethyl-testosterone)

Androgenic effect of the drug in pretty poor (6 out of 100), but in combination with anabolic effect (54 out of 100), Turanabol (Turinabol) becomes extremely effective drug. For instance, dianabol has androgenic effect 43/100 and anabolic effect 90/100, but, in turn, dianabol has much more side effects and unacceptable for performance sportsmen such as runners or cyclists. With Turanabol you won’t have problems with enlarged breasts, excessive estrogen or watery, puffy outlook like with dianabol.

The drug turinabol (turanabol) was invented in Eastern Germany and was first used in medical practice in 1965. A year later it was fully applied in the sport. At the beginning the users were only men, but since 1968 a new drug was introduced for the preparation of females. The use of oral Turinabol has been thoroughly documented. A secret document dated 1973 indicates that the outcome for women in the shot put increased by about two meters (!) due to the using of only two oral turinabol tabs (10 mg/tab) daily for 11 weeks. The results were raising along with dosage and duration of use. In 1972 oral turinabol usage in Eastern Germany spread over many other sports  where speed and strength were needed besides athletics, where it was initially introduced.

Here is a small table, which clearly shows oral turinabol effects on improving the results of the athletes.

Men / Women
Shot put 2,5-4 m / 4,5-5 m
Discus Throw 10-12 m / 11-20 m
Hammer Throw 6-10 m
Javelin 8-15 m
Running at 400 m 4-5 sec
Running at 800 m 5-10 sec
Running at 1,500 m 7-10 sec

Impressive, isn’t it?

Turanabol – What is it?

Oral turinabol is actually a version of methandrostenolone with extra chlorine atom in the fourth position. Hence the official name of turinabol is  4-chloro-alpha-Dihydromethyltestosteron. This upgrade has made the drug practically non-aromatized. Even more, turinabol metabolites very quickly leave the body, making huge advantage against the threat of doping tests.

Like the vast majority of oral AAS oral turinabol is 17-alpha alkylated, thus is potentially harmful to the liver. However, negative impact on the liver was not reported even after prolonged use.

Oral turinabol sufficiently resembles methandrostenolone not only on the structure of the molecule but the action of both drugs is also very similar. Turinabol produces less gains, but this is “quality”, lean mass and also it produces less side effects. Despite turinabol does not aromatize and is quite mild drug, prolonged usage may cause the suppression of secretion of endogenous testosterone but at much lesser extent comparing to methandrostenolone (dianabol) and it’s easily rejuvenated.

Oral turinabol and injectable turinabol in bodybuilding

The difference between oral and injectable turinabol is like with most of other steroids. Oral is easier to take but in theory it may be harmful to the liver, so one can sustain higher dosages of injectable version. Furthermore, injectable is slightly more detected. But, in general, this is a matter of personal preferences.

In bodybuilding turinabol can be called a rookie. Not surprising – in the past “pharmacological king” in Eastern Europe used to be relatively cheap methandrostenolone (dianabol). All turinabol smuggled from Eastern Germany was captured by light athletics coaches. Western Europe and USA even did not know that such product exists, at least no bodybuilders reported they ever used it. Situation changed not that long ago when this very useful drug has been given a second chance and had a stunning success on US market and short after that in all other countries.

What are the reasons of this success? At-first turinabol notably raises power. Secondly, as has been said, oral turinabol quickly leaves the body and not found in the urine within 6-8 days after end of usage. We have not heard about any positive doping tests for turinabol. However, it may be because such tests are simply not being made nowadays.

A positive feature of the drug can be considered as giving hardness to the muscles without any significant accumulation of water. Experience shows that using of turinabol is almost mandatory in contest preparation stacks. Also it copes with the task of protection of muscle mass against destruction after bulking cycles.

There is another feature of turinabol – it’s a «sex drug». This steroid fairly rapidly increase libido for men, sometimes too much, so desire of sex prevail over desire for trainings 🙂  This property, as well as the ability just slightly inhibit the production of endogenous testosterone, makes it useful drug to take in moderate doses between the cycles of “heavy” AAS to maintain sex-drive.

Dosering og bruk

Turanabol is mostly used to build  lean body mass and strength without water retention, which often occurs with Daianabol and testosterone. The results with Turanabol straightly depends on the daily dosage, which normally varies between 20 to 100 mg. Athletes below 90 kgs experience no side effects at 20 mg daily and more heavy athletes easily adopt 40 – 50 mg daily.

When administered 50 mg / ED it significantly increases dry muscle mass, strength, and all of this without water retention, which can cause serious side effects due to estrogenic activity. Because of these characteristics, Turanabol is very effective product for powerlifters. In order to increase the results at the end of the course it is recommended to combine this drug with Parabolan (200 mg every week) or with Stanozolol (150 mg every week). This is very good pre-competition combo as well. The above combination allows us to construct a relief and build muscle without any additional fat-burners and guaranteed against side effects such as gynecomastia, and excessive estrogen.

In light athletics dosage is following: body weight in pounds divided by 10. For bodybuilders dosage is: body weight in kilograms divided by 1.5-2 (normally it’s 1.5 times more than your daily dianabol dosage).

Product could be applied once a day in the morning or split on two applications – morning and evening.


It’s good for performance sportsmen, powerlifters or bodybuilders on cutting stacks. But if serious fat-burn needed, it won’t help because it’s a steroid, not pure fat-burner.

1) Turanabol 35 mg/ ED for three weeks at the end of deca-dianabol-testosterone cycle to make a relief

2) Turanabol 50 mg / ED for 6 weeks with Parabolan (200 mg / w) and / or Stanozolol (150 mg /w) at the end of cycle for 2-3 weeks (possibly from the beginning of cycle)

3) Turanabol standalone cycle 50 mg/ED for 6 weeks. Lean mass / pre-competition stack.

4) During preparation stacks turinabol is often combined with trenbolone, oxandrolone or stanozolol. Very good results are obtained by combination with testosterone propionate.

5) The combination of oral turinabol + oxandrolone is too weak, it can be recommended only for women.

6) You can use oral and injectable turinabol during mass-gaining cycle in various combinations, for example with testosterone, nandrolone or a combination thereof, instead of methandrostenolone (dianabol). It is recommended for those athletes who want to get quality muscles.

PCT is needed after most of these courses


There is a big controversy on this matter. There are some sources, which tells that turinabol depot is detectable up to 18 months and oral turinabol is detectable up to 12 months in worst-case  scenario. Some other people on the forums tell that 6-8 weeks in more than enough. However, we cannot understand where they all took such huge and unreliable numbers from. Doping tests rarely shows chlordehydromethyl-testosterone indeed and it was widely used in 60es and 70es so there is a good evidence that real detection times are much shorter. Most likely this mistake happened because athletes used some long-living substances like deca long with it. Or, maybe, these sources misrepresent turinabol with the same deca, we have seen some product descriptions, supposedly made for turanabol but after reading we understood they were just copypasted from deca descriptions, stupid, isnt’ it? Also, just as brain-storming: YES, it quickly leaves the body and not detectable in the urine tests, but probably modern blood tests can detect it for longer time, especially when using injectable turinabol.

So, it’s difficult to be absolutely sure, but we stick to the idea that Oral turinabol moves out of the body within 5-8 days after the end of cycle (if this was turanabol standalone cycle up to 100-150 mg/ ED) and any urine doping test shows negative results. Ok, if the risks of testing is too high and you are too nervous about it, discontinue turanabol 2 weeks before the contest to feel certain. 2 months is most likely sufficient evenfor injectable turinabol and sophisticated blood tests.

Another positive thing is that nowadays doping tests do not include turinabol at all, because it is considered to be a drug, which came out of usage after decease of Eastern Germany. Unfortunately, with its growing popularity one day it may change back as it happened with genabolom (norboleton) during Olympic Games 2000.

Bivirkninger og PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) med Turanabol

Side effects of this drug depends on dosages or personal characteristics of an athlete. Women usually experience virilization side effects from prolonged use of the drug at dosages of above 20 mg per day. For men side effects occur very rarely as the estrogenic activity of the drug is quite low. Six weeks cycle makes no negative effects at all, nut normally one can use it even longer.

When doing 20 mg daily, endogenous testosterone production starts being suppressed  after ten days. However, it goes down only to 60-70% (for instance dianabol suppresses it to 30-40%), which is the reason of quick rejuvenation afterwards. Just 5 days after the cycle is over, natural testosterone production normalizes. 7 days after the cycle, endogenous testosterone production may even become higher (!!!) than before the cycle.

High dosages of oral turanabol version may lead to increasing of liver values, thus some protection like Liv-52 is needed. However, this is not a case when using injectable turanabol.

Other side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, high blood pressure, acne, gastrointestinal pain, and uncontrolled aggressive behavior are highly unlikely.

Increased libido during cycle occurs for both sexes.

PCT is not absolutely necessary if used standalone but desirable if used more than 20 mg daily. In this instance clomid (clomiphen) is preferred to nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate). Do 3 tabs (150 mg) of clomiphen for the 1st day after the cycle, and 2 tabs / ED for two more weeks (you may reduce to 1 tab/ED at the end of PCT)

Bruk av kvinner

Oral Turinabol is relatively safe drug for women in dosages no more than 20 mg daily and if used for no longer than 4-5 weeks. According to many studies under such conditions it does not cause virilization effects.

Combination of oral turinabol + oxandrolone well suits for females.

You can Purchase online cheap Turinabol here.

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Winstrol Depot (StanoJect, Stanozolol, Stanabol, Stromba, StrombaJect)

Winstrol (winstrol depot, oral winstrol) is a brand name of very popular anabolic steroid called stanozolol, which is  a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It has low androgenic ratio and thus low possibility of aromatization and estrogen-related side effects.

It’s primarily usage in bodybuilding is cutting (relief) cycles. However, winstrol is widely used not only by bodybuilders but also by non-bodybuilding athletes such as runners, cyclists, football players, soccer or hockey players and fighters of all kinds (kick-boxers for instance); i.e. in the sports where you have to be swift but not too heavy, because it provides you with lean mass and improves your strength without gaining excessive muscles.

Stanozolol is, one of the chemicals, which allowed amazing results to famous runner and simply exceptional athlete Ben Johnson. This substance provided him with a noticeable gain in muscle mass and relief, which could be perfect even for professional bodybuilder.

So, winstrol is a very effective steroid when used properly. It is important to distinguish between two forms of winstrol-stanozolol,  first is long-acting injectable version called winstrol-depot. Second is short-acting oral one (winstrol oral). Winstrol depot is more effective and thus preferred by most athletes.

The main usage of Winstrol (Winstrol Depot) in bodybuilding is preparation for a competition. When complemented by a proper calorie-rich and protein-rich diet,  Winstrol Depot provides the muscles with firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, due to its low androgenic component, it is unable to protect the athlete from damages to muscle tissue. The absence of androgenic effect is compensated by stacking with Parabolan. The combination of injectable Winstrol 50 mg per day and Parabolan  2-3 amps / week is “a combination of top championships”.

Winstrol is good not only for preparation for a competition, but also in the bulking phase. Due to low water retention rapid weight gains with Winstrol are unlikely to occur. It provides rather moderate amount of lean and dry mass, which preserves after the cycle is over.

Injections of Winstrol in certain muscle groups are gaining in popularity because athletes have noticed that this leads to an accelerated growth of the affected muscles.


Dosering og bruk

Injectable version is just slightly more efficient than the oral one and it’s not being destroyed by the liver. Because of this oral Winstrol requires a little bit higher dosages, however, most of athletes underdose it due to gastroenterial pain and increased liver values – oral winstrol is liver-toxic. So, here is where the myth of superiority of injectable winstrol comes from. People simply can’t take equal dosages of oral version. Common  dosage of oral stanozolol is  15-30 mg / ED, daily dosage should be split on two parts – in the morning and evening during a meal, drink a liquid along with it.

Feature of the injectable Winstrol Depot is that its substance is dissolved in the water and not oil unlike most of other steroids. Therefore, intervals between injections with Winstrol Depot must be shorter comparing to other oil-based steroids like Primobolan, Deca-Duraboline, Sustanon, Parabolan, etc. because its lifetime is much shorter. Practice has shown that Winstrol Depot should be administered at least twice a day and the best results are observed at a daily dose of 50mg. (300-350 mg/week). Milder dosage is 50 mg/EOD (150 mg/week)

Inject deep in muscles and constantly rotate the spots. However, if athlete wants to promote particular muscle group injections should be done into it.



Winstrol (stanozolol) is all-purpose steroid, however, we should admit that in first turn it’s a cutting agent for bodybuilder and it plays rather limited role in bulking cycles. The main reason for using it in non-cutting cycles is that in limited dose it can lower SHBG, which, in turn, increases the amount of free testosterone in the body

Depending on the level of the athlete, one usually takes 50 mg of long-acting Winstrol /ED or EOD and Parabolan 76 mg/ every 1 – 3 days. Although there is no scientific evidence in favor of special interaction between Winstrol Depot and Parabolan, it’s very likely that a synergistic effect appears basing on real-world evidence. Other steroids that well stack with winstrol during pre-competition (cutting) cycle are Masterolone, Boldenone, Halotestin, Oxandrolone (anavar), Testosterone propionate, Primobolan and human growth hormone (HGH).

Bodybuilders who want to build up strength and mass often combine Winstrol injectable with Dianabol, Anadrol 50 (Anapolon, Oxymetholone), Testosterone,(long-acting) and Deca-Durabolin. With the combination of Anadrol 50 100 mg  / ED, 50 mg Winstrol depot 50 mg / ED and 400 mg of Deca / week athlete is slowly coming to the ambitious results.

Aged athletes and steroid novices can achieve good progress with Winstrol depot and Deca-Durabolin or Winstrol depot and Primobolan


Cycle 0

winstrol depot 50 mg / ED is a cutting stack. Some people may do 50 mg/Ed, it’s more aggressive.


Cycle  1:

Winstrol 100-150 mf/week + primobolan 200-300 mg/week for 6 weeks as a cutting phase AFTER regular deca-dianabol cycle


Cycle 2

Oxandrolone (anavar) 20-30 mg/ED + winstrol 150 mg/week + clenbuterol 120 mg/ED for 12 weeks; prabolan 152-228 mg / week for the first 8 weeks; proviron 300 mg/week + cytomel increase from 25 to 100 mg / week during weeks 9-12


Cycle 3

Winstrol 150 mg/w + parabolan 152 mg/w


Cycle 4

winstrol (150 mg/w) + dianabol (20-30 mg/ED) + test propionate (150 mg/w) for 8-10 weeks+clen at the end


Cycle 5

winstrol 50-100 mg/w + deca 300-200 mg/w


Cycle 6

winstrol oral 40-60mg/ED + equipoise (boldabol) 100-200 mg/w


Cycle 7

winstrol + trenbolone + clenbuterol – relief cycle for novices.


Cycle 8

primobolan 200-300 mg/w + winstrol 150-300 mg/w + oxandrolone 20-60 mg/ED + clenbuterol + PCT (tamo and HCG) – relief for advanced users


Cycle 9

boldenone 300 mg/w + winstrol oral 40 mg / ED + nandrolone phenilpropionate 300 mg / w – relief for advanced users



Oral stanozolol – 3 weeks
Injectable stanozolol (winstrol depot) – 3 months


Side effects and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) with winstrol / stanozolol

Only small number of athletes report water retention or  other negative effects. However, one should be aware that oral winstrol can be toxic to the liver in excessive dosages.


Other non-androgenic side effects, which might occur are: headaches, muscle spasms, in rare cases high blood pressure can occur. The possibility of liver damage in the form of injectable Winstrol is very small, but still in high doses may increase the liver values.


Because the Winstrol Depot is dissolved in the water, injection,  in common is more painful comparing to oil-based gear and have to be taken more frequently. This leads to another negative effect – scar tissue on the often injection spots, which cause athletes t inject not only  into buttocks but also to shoulders, legs or even calves. Athletes wishing to avoid this take Winstrol Depot twice a week for 2-3ml. This decreases effectiveness but decreases pain and prevents scar tissue appearance.

As with most of other steroids, winstrol suppresses natural hormonal levels although not to that extension as many others. Running testosterone in a cycle containing Winstrol helps to avoid possible sexual dysfunction.

After winstrol cycle is over it’s necessary to do PCT: First week: 40mg of tamoxifen or 100mg clomiphen / ED or combo of both. One-two more weeks:  20mg of tamoxifen or 50mg clomiphen or combo of both.


Bruk av kvinner

It’s one of the few substances, which could be used more or less safely by females in low dosages because it has more anabolic properties than androgenic ones. But occasionally winstrol can cause virilization, even this small androgenic component may, become noticeable for women with a dose of only 50 mg per week. And troubles are almost guaranteed for female athletes with a dosage of 100 mg / week. Despite Winstrol moves out quickly, it can cause undesired accumulation of androgens in the female body, which cause virilization effects such as deep voice, hair growth, hypersexuality, etc. (something similar happens to some of natural brunettes). However, ambitious female athletes still use it 50 mg / EOD disregarding all side effects.

Normally, female athlete can tolerate around 5-10mg of stanosolol per day, which perfectly fits for oral winstrol usage


Oral Winstrol

As it has been already mentioned, injectable version is more efficient than the oral one but this is mostly because oral winstrol is used in lower dosages than injectable one and athletes simply don’t receive enough substance. If you take 50 mg of oral winstrol a day, the results will be almost par with 50 mg of Winstrol depot, however, you may have problems with stomach and liver.

From the other hand, oral winstrol is a good gear for females, they can do just 5-10 mg/ED and thus negative effects described above will not occur. Furthermore, oral winstrol allows splitting daily dosage on two equal parts,


Winstrol fakes

Due to popularity of winstrol there are many fakes on the market. The first thing to mention is that British Dragon winstrol depot and stanozolol (oral winstrol)  is no longer manufactured since they got busted, It might be still in circulation till the end of 2011 but anything with manufacture date after 2008 is a fake.


Brief description of stanozolol:
Activity: 48 hours
Classification: Anabolic / Androgenic Steroid
Dose: Men 25-100 mg / day
Acne: Rare
Water Retention: Rare
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Hepatotoxicity: Yes, it is 17-Alpha alkalized
Aromatization: No, it is a derivative of DHT
DHT Conversion: No
Decrease HPTA function: Weak

Buy online cheap winstrol (stanozolol)

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Deca Durabolin [Nandrolone Decanoate] review

Deca-durabolin is Organon tradename for extremely popular and widely used bulking anabolic steroid, which contains substance called nandrolone decanoate. Another less known but still very efficient nandrolone ester is phenylpropionate (Durabolin). There are dozens of different brand names like Retabolin or Nandrolona-D, but we’ll call it “Deca” for short.

With proper diet and usage it reduces body fat, provides great strength and size gains and does not cause problems with the liver. At the same time it increases hematorcrit level and bone density, therefore having positive effect not only in sport but also in treating certain forms of cancer,  anemia and osteoporosis, which is very important for females during menopause.

Main advantage of deca-durabolin is good anabolic effect and increased protein synthesis in muscle cells, which leads to superb muscle growth. However, protein building effect will occur in the body only if sufficient amount of calories and proteins is supplied, otherwise good results cannot be obtained.

Since Nandrolone stores more water in the connective tissues, it can temporarily ease or even cure existing pain in joints. This process is called water retention, which is more considerable comparing to using of injectable testosterones and it also leads to bigger outlook. Therefore, athletes who complain about pain in the shoulders, elbows, knees, can safely train with the aid of Deca-Durabolin.

Dosage of 400 mg per week also helps to accelerate recovery due to moderate androgenic effect of deca.

Dosering og bruk

Athletes use Deca-Durabolin for muscle buildup and during bulking part of preparation for a contest because Deca promotes protein synthesis although other side of coin is water retention in the body. The dosage for men lies between 200 – 600 mg per week, the most common option is 400 mg. Scientific studies have shown that the best results can be achieved with 4 mg per 1 kg (2 mg/pound) of body weight.

At a dosage below 200 mg per week, the anabolic effects is very weak. 200-600 mg – anabolic effects growth rapidly with dosage. If dosage exceeds 600 mg / week, anabolic effect is still no more than effect of 600 mg  but side effects start killing all positive ones, so this dosage is not advisable. 1000mg is not better than 600 mg.

Beginners should use 200 mg/week, max 400 mg/week.

Inject deca-duraboline (nandrolone decanoate) in equal dosages twice a week deep in muscles, preferably buttocks.


Deca-Durabolin is an effective steroid, which not only gives the desired results, but also goes well with other steroids in order to achieve a more rapid effect.

For muscle-build purposes deca very well combines with Dianabol (methandienone) og Testosteron. The classic Deca / Dianabol combo is for fast and strong gaining of muscle mass. Most athletes usually take 15 – 40 mg Dianabol per day and 200 – 400 mg Deca per week. Even faster results can be achieved with 400 mg of Deca / week and 500 mg Sustanon 250 / week.

Enormous gain in strength and muscle size could be achieved with 400 mg Deca, 500 mg Sustanon 250 / week and 30 mg of Dianabol /  day.

Professional users can combine deca with anapolon (anadrol/oxydrol) instead of dianabol.

A good startup stack is deca (deca durabolin, nandrolone decanoate) 400 mg/week + dianabol (danabol, naposim, methandienone) 40-50 mg/day. Length of cycle is 8 weeks. Don’t forget about anti-estrogen from the week 3 and 1 week after the cycle – tamoxifen or clomid (1 tab ED). For this cycle we advice you also using LIV-52 for liver protection.

Using anti-estrogen for this cycle is important. Also, it restores natural test production. Using liv-52 is not absolutely necessary but makes this cycle completely safe.

For the whole 8 week cycle athlete needs: Deca: 3200mg, Dianabol” ~ 2240-2800 mg, Tamoxifen/Clomid: 50 tabs, Liv-52: 1 bottle.

Although Deca-Durabolin is not an optimal steroid when preparing for competition due to excessive water storage many athletes still achieve good results during this phase of preparation if they have suficient time to “dry” afterwards. Alternatively, athlete may switch from long-acting deca to faster-acting ester duraboline (nandrolon-phenilpropionate) and thus avoid extra water retention.

Classic preparatory stack for contest is following: Deca-Durabolin 400 mg/week, Winstrol 50 mg/day, Parabolan 228 mg/week (every ampule contains 76 mg of substance) , and  Anavar (Oxandrolone) 25-30 mg/day (10 mg tabs).

Injectable Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin) has no negative effect on the liver even if used for years UNLESS OVERDOSED. It can even be used by persons with liver diseases.

Even deca/dianabol combo negative effect on the liver could be eliminated quickly after user discontinues dianabol part.

Relatively  safe stack is a combination of Deca Durabolin 400 mg/week with Andriol 280mg / day. Both of these products are liver-friendly. However, PCT is still necessary.


If doping tests are expected it is better to refrain from taking Deca Durabolin because its traces remain in the body for quite a long time.

In certain cases Nandrolone Decanoate (deca-duraboline) is detectable for up to 18 months (1 and 1/2 year) although this is an extreme occasion.

Bivirkninger og PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) med deca

It’s not advisable to use nandrolon for the athletes below 21 y.o. and especially in prepubescent period because it might be very harmful for their health.

Due to relatively low androgenic ratio, aromatization (i.e. conversion into estrogen) with Deca used standalone appears only at a dose of 400 mg per week, although this does not mean that one should neglect it completely. Aromatization appears for all steroids with androgenic component and may result in growing breast (so-called “bitch tits”), female-patter fat deposits, etc., so it’s much better to avoid such side effects by using anti-estrogen (see below).

Androgen-related side effects are unlikely to appear at dosages up to 400 mg but still should be considered. They include high blood pressure, blood clotting, which leads to frequent bleeding from the nose and a long healing of scratches, as well as increased production of the sebaceous gland and occasional acne. Some athletes also report headaches and sexual overstimulation. When very high doses are used over a prolonged period they can inhibit spermatogenesis. I.e., testes produce less testosterone because Deca-Durabolin, like almost all steroids, inhibits the release of gonadotropins from the hypophysis. To prevent this using of clomiphen/tamoxifen AFTER the cycle is must-do requirement.

Another common side effect is excessive water retention, which is not that bad in certain occasions, for instance pain in joints, but most athletes still want to avoid it.

Aromatization and partially water retention could be eliminated by use of proviron and tamoxifen (zymoplex, novadex, cytotam) or clomiphen. Take 1 tab of clomiphen/tamoxifen during the cycle, 3 tabs for the first day after it  and 2 tabs / ED (every day) for two-three weeks afterwards. Proviron should be added in case of “heavy” cycle when action of tamo/clom is not sufficient.

Bruk av kvinner

One of classic female stacks is Deca + Primobolan + winstrol depot or it’s variances Deca+oral primo / Deca+oral winstrol

Deca dosage up to 100 mg per week is normally quite safe for women. With higher dosages androgen-related side effects may occur. This is called virilization – irreversible appearing of deep “men’s” voice, increased growth of body hair, acne, increased libido, clitorishypertrophy.

To avoid skin problems female athletes may use more fast-acting duraboline (nandrolon-phenilpropionate). 50-100 mg of Duraboline per week could be a good choice for them who are very sensetive to androgenic side effects.

But in most cases even long-acting Deca 50-100 mg/week is OK and female athletes may combine it with Anavar 10 mg/ ED (every day). Both compounds, when taken in a low dosage, have only slight androgenic component so that virilization side effects only rarely occur. Deca provides substantial muscle growth and Anavar provides measurable strength gain with very low water retention. Switching from deca to primobolan in this stack will make cycle even safer but gains will be lower, too.

You can buy cheap deca-durabolin / nandrolone decanoate online here.