
Halotestin halotestex (fluoxymesterone)

Halotestin (fluoksimesteroniaine) on tuotteen edeltäjä metyylitestosteroni, joka on luonteeltaan androgeenisempi kuin tavallinen testosteroni. Anabolic properties of halotestin are not very strong thus it’s mostly used for increasing strength rather than muscle gains. This is especially interesting for powerlifters, who need to increase strength without increasing own mass and moving to higher weight class.

In bodybuilding, Halotestin is mostly used in pre-competition stacks thanks to it’s strong androgenic effect, low aromatization and maintaining low estrogen levels. This leads to decent improvement in muscle hardness and shape, especially if athlete has low body fat. Dosages like 20 mg/ED does not cause water retention.

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Halotestin lisää palautumista ja mahdollistaa intensiivisemmän harjoittelun. Lisäksi käyttäjät ilmoittavat lisääntyneestä aggressiivisuudesta, mikä tekee siitä hyödyllisen paitsi kehonrakentajille tai painonnostajille, myös erityisesti jalkapallo- ja jääkiekkoilijoille sekä kaikenlaisille taistelijoille.

Halotestin (fluoksimesteroni) annostus ja käyttö

Kehonrakentajien annos on yleensä 20-30 mg / ED. Voimanostajien tulisi käyttää 40 mg / ED, joskus enemmän.

Jaa päivittäinen annos kahteen yhtä suureen osaan ja ota aamuisin ja iltaisin runsaalla määrällä vettä. Voidaan ottaa aterian yhteydessä.


Koska tämä on enimmäkseen androgeenista steroidia, se vaatii anabolista komponenttia syklin tehokkuuden lisäämiseksi.
Kilpailua edeltävää jaksoa varten se pinotaan parhaiten primobolaanilla, jotta vältetään veden pidättyminen ja ”turvotetut” lihakset.
Jos haluat enemmän "saada" syklejä ja jopa kilpailuvalmisteluja, se voidaan hyvin pinota nandrolonidekanoaatilla, (deka), oksimetolonilla (anapoloni / anadrol) tai boldenonilla (vastapaino).

Suuri edistys voidaan saavuttaa ottamalla 600 mg boldenonia / viikko ja halotestiini 30 mg / ED 4 viikon ajan

Halotestinin aiheuttama parantunut voima voidaan muuttaa vankaksi, laadukkaaksi lihasten kasvuksi ottamalla yllä mainittu vaihde. Tämä on erittäin hyödyllistä urheilijoille, jotka ovat alttiita estrogeeniin liittyville puolille, kuten vedenpidätyskyvylle ja turvonnulle rintarauhaselle.


3 kuukautta

Halotestin (fluoksimesteroni) sivuvaikutukset ja PCT

Ehkä vain Anadrol / Anapolon (oksimetoloni) tuottaa enemmän sivuvaikutuksia kuin Halotestin (fluoksimesteroni). Tämän tuotteen käyttö syklin aikana ei saisi ylittää 4-6 viikkoa 20-30 mg / ED: n kanssa useimmissa tapauksissa. Halotestin on erittäin maksatoksinen, joten maksan suojainten kuten liv-52 tai Essentiale Forte käyttö on erittäin toivottavaa. Se voi myös aiheuttaa ruoansulatuskanavan kipua.

Muita mahdollisia puolia ovat: akne, nenäverenvuoto, päänsärky ja tietysti se estää endogeenisen hormonaalisen tuotannon, joten tarvitaan asianmukaista PCT: tä, urheilijan tulisi ainakin käyttää klomifeenia palauttamiseksi jälkikäteen. Raportoitu myös lisääntynyt aggressiivisuus miehillä.

Gynekomastia ja korkea verenpaine eivät ole sitä.

Naisten käyttö

Kehonrakennuksessa - EI. On joitain lääketieteellisiä (syöpälääkkeitä) käyttötarkoituksia, mutta tämä on nykyisen artikkelin ulkopuolella

You can buy Halotestin tässä


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We must compete with Mexican “kitchen-style” underground labs. We must compete with cheap Chinese laboratories. Their sellers often deliberately lie about quality assuring you everything is flawless and you get huge muscles with no side and pain.  However, remember, there’s no iPhone for $100. There’s certain value of substance itself, you will not get oxandrolone at the value of methandienone. There’s certain value of oils/powders. There’s certain value of machinery. There’s certain value of sterile laboratory and experienced personnel. Low cost products mean lower manufacturing standards. Not always, but they can switch substances, you think you were lucky purchasing cheap turinabol but in fact you purchased tabs with methandienone or even methyltestosterone. Not always, but they can use cheap painful or even infected oils and dirty machines. It’s much better to purchase human pharm grade drugs, preferably from well-known manufacturers. The choice is up to you, but better do not trust all these “extremely beneficial” offers, especially from UG Labs. We are at least honest with you and provide in this category only trusted brands from legal manufacturers who maintain vet-grade standards. Quite possible to use for 1-2 cycles a year.



Trenbolone Acetate (TrenaJect, Trenaver, Trenabol, Trenol-75), Trenbolone enanthate, Trenbolone cyclohexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Trenbolone is in fact Nandrolone derivative. However, unlike nandrolone, Trenboloni is not being aromatized or being affected by 5alpha-reductase, it shows no estrogen-related sides. It’s powerful class I steroid with strong androgenic effect and a short half-life – 1-2 days. In fact, this is the most powerful androgen available with triple androgenic effect comparing to testosterone! Also, it increases IGF-1 levels in the blood thus leading to muscle hyperplasia.

Although this steroid could be used standalone during mass-gaining cycle a class II steroid like Dianabol or Anadrol should be used along with it in order to increase anabolic activity. Don’t forget that for mass-gaining estradiol is also important and aromatizable drugs could well serve for this purpose.

Ammattilaiset kehonrakentajat pitävät trenbolonia pakollisena lääkkeenä kilpailua edeltävissä jaksoissa. Se osoittaa kuitenkin rasvaa polttavia ominaisuuksia vain maustamattomilla lääkkeillä, kuten methenolone, oxandrolone tai drostanolone ja stanozolol.

Trenboloni on maailman eniten väärennetty steroidi, epäterveet valmistajat käyttävät sen sijaan usein pieniannoksista testosteronipropionaattia.

Trenboloniasetaatin annostus ja pinoaminen

Trenboloniasetaatin (injektoitava) itsenäisen annoksen tulisi olla 50 mg / ED aloitteleville ja edistyneille urheilijoille, jotka eivät ole kaukana luonnollisista rajoista (esimerkiksi korkeintaan 8-9 kg); trenbolonin 100 mg / ED tulisi tehdä PRO: n toimesta

Se kuitenkin pinotaan monien muiden steroidien kanssa.

:trenbolone: + :dianabol: / :anadrol: or Testosterone for mass-gaining cycle

:trenbolone: + :drostanolone: (masteron) / :stanozolol: for pre-competition (definition) cycle

Kun pinotaan, trenbolonin annosta voidaan pienentää vastaavasti.

Oral :parabolan: (Trenbolone cyclohexahydrobenzylcarbonate) dosage should be no less than 75 mg, preferably 100-125 mg.

Trenboloniasetaatin havaitsemisaika

5 kuukautta


Trenboloniasetaatin sivuvaikutukset ja PCT

Androgeeniin liittyviä puolia, kuten rasvainen iho, aggressiivinen käyttäytyminen, akne ja hiustenlähtö.

17-alpha alkylated trenbolone version is called methyl-rienolone, it’s no longer manufactured due to extremely bad impact on the liver. Trenbolone acetate, enanthate and cyclohexylmethylcarbonate (parabolan) side effects are quite acceptable.

Joistakin huhuista huolimatta sillä ei ole kielteisiä vaikutuksia munuaisiin.

Decrease in aerobic capacity is the most common complaint with Trenbolone acetate, it’s less visible with enanthate version.


Trenbolonin naisten käyttö

If you are a woman, using trenbolone is a horrible idea. Way too androgenic.


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Parabolan (trenbolone cyclohexahydrobenzylcarbonate)

Parabolan is trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. The half-life of a steroid ester is mostly dependent on its ratio of fat solubility to water solubility: the longer chain the ester, the higher this ratio, and the longer the half-life. This particular carbonate could be most closely compared with an enanthate ester; the half-life is probably a little less than week.

An amp (76 mg trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate) is comparable only to 58 mg of trenbolone acetate. (The acetate is a little more potent, more effective per milligram, because the acetate ester is lighter and therefore a higher percentage of the weight is trenbolone.)

The properties of Parabolan are the same as trenbolone acetate (Finaject) except for longer half life. While Finaject itself is no longer available, in some cases injectable preparations from Finaplix have been made. The substance is the same: trenbolone acetate.

There is no evidence in the literature, nor I think practical evidence, that trenbolone acetate has a “special role” in burning fat. Rather, it is an extraordinarily potent AAS, being about three times as effective per milligram as testosterone esters. For this reason, any property which anabolic steroids have, trenbolone acetate will demonstrate more strongly per milligram.

I have found no indication in the scientific literature of particular kidney toxicity with trenbolone. I know of a number of users, at doses of typically 50 mg/day, who have experienced no problems. There are however anecdotal claims of kidney problems. It seems to me, however, that this is occurring only with athletes stacking an incredible amount of drugs, and how the blame can fairly be laid at trenbolone (actually at Parabolan, not trenbolone acetate) is not clear.

It is also not clear that trenbolone results in any greater degree of increased aggression for a given amount of anabolic effect than testosterone itself does. However, on a per milligram basis, it undoubtedly does. The substance does not cause uncontrollable “roid rage” despite the hype to that effect often seen.

You may associate trenbolone with the long deceased Finajet, a veterinary steroid that was popular in the United States during the 1980’s. Finajet contained trenbolone acetate, which was a very fast acting form of this drug. Parabolan contains a much different ester, trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. This ester extends the activity of the drug for more than two weeks, a more suitable design for human use. Parabolan is packaged only in ampules of l.5ml, one ampule per a box. Each ampule contains 76mg of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, equivalent to 50mg of trenbolone base (French drugs commonly make this calculation).

Trenbotone is a very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity. It is well suited for the rapid buildup of strength and muscle mass, usually providing the user exceptional results in a relatively short time period. The anabolic effect of this drug is often compared to popular bulking agents such as testosterone or Dianabol, with one very important difference. Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen. This is indeed a very unique compound since mass drugs, almost as a rule, will aromatize (or cause other estrogen related troubles) heavily. When we think of taking milder (regarding estrogen) steroids we usually expect much weaker muscle growth, but not so with Parabolan. Here we do not have to worry about estrogen related side effects, yet still have an extremely potent mass/strength drug. There is no noticeable water retention, so the mass gained during a cycle of Parabolan will be very hard and defined (providing fat levels are low enough). Gynecomastia is also not much of a concern, so there shouldn’t be any need to addition an antiestrogen if trenbolone is the only steroid administered.

The high androgen level resulting from this steroid, in the absence is excess estrogen, can also accelerate the burning of body fat. The result should be a much tighter physique, hopefully without the need for extreme dieting. Parabolan can therefore help bring about an incredibly hard, ripped physique and is an ideal product for competitive bodybuilders. This is of course no secret, and when available on the market, Parabolan was the most sought after contest preparation drug. Now this it is no longer produced, acceptable substitutes for this purpose include of course veterinary trenbolone acetate preparations, as well as Halotestin, Proviron and Masteron.

Trenbolone is notably more potent than testosterone, and has an effect that is as much as three times as strong on a milligram for milligram basis. Likewise we can expect to see some level of androgenic side effects with use of this compound. Oily skin, aggressive behavior, acne and hair loss are therefore not uncommon during a cycle with this steroid. The androgenic nature of this drug of course makes it a very risky item for women to use, the chance for virilization symptoms extremely high with such a potent androgen.

Side Effects of Parabolan
That was the good news. The bad news is that there are negative side effects to using Parabolan:

There are reports of sexual dysfunction (which can be subsided if you stack Parabolan with testosterone) and gynocomastia. Gynocomastia symptoms include bloating and an increase in breast tissue. On the opposite note, it’s not necessarily a great choice for women because it can have strong virilizing effects on women.

It can also lower thyroid levels, so it’s important to take a T3 to minimize the effects of this.

Parabolan is also known to increase aggression. People may like this when it helps them prepare for and compete in and event, but it’s not an isolated aggression and can affect all aspects of life.

Coughs, insomnia and night sweats and decreased cardiovascular capacity are also common.

Parabolan characteristics

Parabolan is another trenbolone product, in the same nature as Finaplix, so what’s been said for finaplix pretty much goes for Parabolan as well. It differs distinctly in a few characteristics. Parabolan is a different ester that acts considerably longer, meaning you could go longer without injecting. But since it comes in 76 mg vials and few people take the time to inject multiple vials at once, its still used on a frequent basis. 2 or 3 days between injections seems to be the general norm. Leading up to a similar build-up of 228-304 mg per week.

Another difference is that Parabolan was specifically designed for human use. That would in itself make it a better choice than Finaplix because it needn’t be prepared and the chance of faulty, painful, home-brewed injections decreases. But since it hasn’t been manufactured in a while and legit lots only surface from time to time the price of the stuff is quite high. As more bodybuilders become aware of the absence of Finaject and that it is very hard to fake Finaplix, Parabolan is also being faked quite a bit. Usually fake trenbolone compounds are a low-dose testosterone propionate product. This has often lead to the belief that trenbolone causes gyno and other estrogenic effects, but that simply isn’t true.

This belief has taken on a life of its own though. Making theories pop up all over the place. The only one that made sense, from some point at least, was that trenbolone was progestagenic and acted at the progesterone receptor. Its structure is similar to nandrolone, so this is a logical assumption. But even then, for progesterone activation to cause things like gyno, it needs to act as an estrogen agonist. It needs an estrogen as mediator. Since trenbolone doesn’t cause aromatization, any sighting of gyno with trenbolone use should be regarded as a misinterpretation and is most likely to blame on another compound, an aromatizable one. So while trenbolone may increase the risk of gyno when stacked with heavily aromatizing substances, its simply not true that trenbolone alone causes gyno.

For more information on the substance trenbolone I refer you to the Finaplix profile…

Parabolan Stacking and Use

Trenbolone is relatively safe steroid all in all. There is some concern about kidney toxicity, but usually exaggerated. The beauty of trenbolone is that its one steroid that has it all : Its highly effective in its own, provides all lean gains which are fairly easy to maintain and isn’t very prone to cause side-effects. Parabolan is the more expensive way to go, but definitely the most userfriendly as you side-step the need to make your own home-brewed concoction and any risk of involuntary infections and abscesses. Parabolan is quite hard to come by however, and should you find a real one, its not all that cheap.

Trenbolone doesn’t have to be stacked per use, its quite effective on its own and as such is quite popular with beginners as it delivers good lean gains without extra costs. 76 mg every two or three days and you are done. But some prefer to stack it, and justly so. As a strong androgen mediator it stacks particularly well with base steroids such as nandrolone, boldenone and methenolone. Nandrolone for bulking, methenolone for cutting and boldenone can be used for either. As with basically any steroid, it stacks quite well with all forms of testosterone as well, most notably testosterone propionate during a cutting cycle.

Trenbolone is preferred over Winstrol, Masteron, Proviron and so forth in strength, so simply upping the dose to every day would be a better choice than stacking it with these compounds. Great gains can be obtained using oxymetholone or methandienone with trenbolone. Of course for short stacks of 6 odd weeks, and taking the necessary precautions. You need to use Nolva and probably add some winstrol if you are stacking with oxymetholone, since both oxy and tren have some progestagenic activity. So all in all a very useful, powerful and versatile steroid in use.

There is little or no need to stack secondary drugs with Parabolan. It does not aromatize. There is some concern as to Parabolan being progestagenic, so you should you opt to stack it with an aromatizable compound it may worsen potential gynocomastia so adding winstrol or Nolvadex, or even both to such a stack may be wise. But in itself or in a non-aromatizing stack this is not necessary. The use for post-cycle estrogen antagonists is limited as well, so Nolva or clomid to boost natural test will have little use. It is a very strong androgen receptor agonist however, so perhaps using some HCG from the second to the before last week of a cycle may help you retain more gains and prevent testicular shrinkage.

Oral Parabolan

Suun kautta annettavan parabolaanin (trenbolonisykloheksahydrobentsyylikarbonaatti) annoksen tulisi olla vähintään 75 mg, mieluiten 100-125 mg.

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