
Nachtschattengewächs (Korea)

Preis $200.00

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Description Price package
SNAP-8 20 x 10 mg Price $200.00 20 vials x 10 mg Total 200 mg buy undefined SNAP-8 20 x 10 mg >>


SNAP-8 is an anti-wrinkle peptide with effect similar to Botox, however without its side effects.

Action of SNAP-8
Not all wrinkles on the face are age-related, most of them appear due to usual facial expressions. When facial muscles move, especially regular and frequent movements – squinting eyes, smiling, etc. on any face, folds are formed. Over time, these folds deepen and new folds and wrinkles appear nearby. Peptide SNAP-8 blocks excessive facial expressions and muscle contractions, resulting in a skin smoothing and rejuvenating effect. It should be noted that SNAP-8 , unlike Botox, does not give side effects, and the use of this component in cosmetics is quite simple.

Snap-8 contains 8 amino acids, each of which actively resists wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. This peptide is more effective in formulations with argireline. SNAP-8  slows down the impulses that  contract the muscles of the face, because the contractions are slower and weaker, and the expression lines are smoothed out.

Snap-8 among anti-age peptides is perfectly combined with other anti-aging compounds, like hyaluronic acid, vitamins, other peptides Leuphasyl, Argireline, etc.