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Anavar (Oxandrolon)

Anavar (Oxandrolon)

Oxandrolon (auch Oxanoger, Anavar, Oxandrin usw.) ist eines der sichersten oralen Steroide. Es hat einen hohen anabolen Index, während seine androgenen Eigenschaften extrem niedrig sind. Dieses Steroid stimuliert die Immunität erheblich und erhöht die Insulinsensitivität.

Daher wurde es zunächst als Medikament für immungeschwächte HIV-Patienten und übergewichtsbedingten Diabetes in die medizinische Praxis eingeführt. Es ist auch wirksam zur Behandlung von Osteoporose, Osteochondrose, Turner-Syndrom, Anämie usw. Später, als seine anabolen Eigenschaften entdeckt wurden, wurde es bei Bodybuildern beliebt.


  • Anabole Eigenschaften – 400% Testosteron
  • Androgene Eigenschaften – 25% Testosteron
  • Umwandlung in Östrogene – nein
  • Hepatotoxizität – mäßig
  • Verabreichung – mündlich (Tabs)
  • Halbwertszeit – 8-12 Stunden
  • Erkennungszeit – bis zu 60 Tage

Die Wirkungen von Oxandrolon

  • Verbessert die Entlastung und Härte der Muskulatur
  • Fettverbrennung
  • Erhöht den Wachstumshormonspiegel
  • Erhöht die Kraft

Verschiedene Experimente zeigten, dass Anavar bei der Fettverbrennung effizienter ist als beim Aufbau von Muskelmasse. Daher ist es für diejenigen geeignet, die über ausreichend Muskelmasse verfügen und die Muskelhärte erhöhen und Körperfett reduzieren möchten.

Nebenwirkungen von Oxandrolon

Trotz der Tatsache, dass Oxandrolon eine Methylgruppe an der 17. Position hat, ist seine Lebertoxizität vernachlässigbar. Klinische Studien haben gezeigt, dass Anavar in einer Dosierung von 20 mg/Tag (über 12 Wochen) keinen Einfluss auf den Spiegel der Lebertransaminasen hat – Enzyme, die auf eine Leberschädigung hinweisen.

Da Anavar ein Derivat von Dihydrotestosteron ist, findet keine Umwandlung in Östrogen statt. Daher verursacht es keine östrogenbedingten Nebenwirkungen wie Gynäkomastie und Wassereinlagerungen.

Im Vergleich zu anderen Steroiden haben moderate Dosen von Oxandrolon keinen großen Einfluss auf die natürliche Testosteronproduktion und die HPG-Achse. Bei hohen Dosen reduziert der Körper jedoch den Gonadotropinspiegel. Daher kann die mangelnde Stimulation zu einer Hodenatrophie führen.

Beispielsweise sinkt der Testosteronspiegel nach 12-wöchiger Anavar-Verabreichung (bei einer Dosierung von 80 mg/Tag) um 67%. Dies führt schließlich zu einer verminderten Libido. Um diese Nebenwirkung zu vermeiden, sollten Sie Oxandrolon mit kombinieren Gonadotropin oder führen Sie androgene Steroide in Ihren Zyklus ein.

Anavar kann auch verminderten Appetit, Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Bluthochdruck usw. verursachen. Bei moderaten Dosen sind die Nebenwirkungen von Anavar jedoch selten, weshalb es als eines der sichersten Steroide gilt.


In „Solo“-Zyklen verbessert Anavar Ihre Muskelentlastung. Die Gesamtdauer eines Zyklus beträgt 6-8 Wochen. Beginnen Sie Ihren Zyklus mit kleinen Dosen (20 mg/Tag). Teilen Sie die Tagesdosis in zwei Portionen auf und nehmen Sie sie morgens und nach dem Mittagessen ein. Erhöhen Sie die Dosierung innerhalb einer Woche auf bis zu 40 mg/Tag. Die maximale Dosierung beträgt 80 mg/Tag, die in 3 Portionen aufgeteilt werden sollte.

Beginnen Sie zwei Tage nach Ende des Anavar-Zyklus mit der Einnahme Tamoxifen in einer Dosis von 10 mg/Tag zur Wiederherstellung der natürlichen Testosteronproduktion (für 1-2 Wochen). Stellen Sie sicher, dass bei Ihnen keine Kontraindikationen vorliegen, bevor Sie Oxandrolon einnehmen (Prostatahypertrophie, Leberprobleme usw.).


Um einige Nebenwirkungen von Oxandrolon (verminderte Libido, erektile Dysfunktion, Lebertoxizität) zu verhindern und Muskelzuwächse zu erzielen, wird empfohlen, Anavar mit androgenen Verbindungen zu kombinieren: Testosteron, Sustanon, Primobolan usw.

In Kombination mit anderen Steroiden sollte die tägliche Dosierung von Oxandrolon etwa 40 mg/Tag betragen. Integrieren Sie die richtige Sporternährung und eine Diät zur Gewichtszunahme in Ihren Zyklus, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

Sie können Anavar kaufen Hier.

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Steroidkombinationen zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse

Steroidkombinationen zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse

Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass alle professionellen Bodybuilder Kombinationen von Steroiden einnehmen, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Aber manchmal ist es schwierig, sichere und wirksame Steroidkombinationen zu finden. Deshalb haben wir in diesem Artikel die klassische Kombination von Steroiden zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse zusammengestellt, auch im Hinblick auf Sicherheitsaspekte.

Normalerweise beinhalten Steroidkombinationen eine Kombination androgener Substanzen mit vorwiegend anabolen Substanzen. Es sollte erwähnt werden, dass :Boldenon, :Methenolon:, :Nandrolon:, :Oxandrolon: und :Stanozolol: zur anabolen Gruppe von Steroiden gehören, während :Testosteron-U: und :Oxymetholon: zu den androgenen Substanzen gehören.

Einerseits verringert dieser Ansatz das Risiko androgener Nebenwirkungen (Alopezie, Akne, Prostatahypertrophie usw.). Andererseits kann es die Wahrscheinlichkeit östrogener Nebenwirkungen verringern. Daher wurde es in den 1960er Jahren populär, als Antiöstrogene nicht zugänglich waren. Darüber hinaus können Kombinationen aus androgenen und anabolen Substanzen einen synergistischen Effekt erzeugen und die Effizienz eines Zyklus im Vergleich zu Zyklen, die nur Anabolika enthalten, steigern.

Da nun wirksame Aromatasehemmer verfügbar sind, kann man Wassereinlagerungen und Gynäkomastie leicht vermeiden. Somit beginnen sich Testosteron-basierte Zyklen (Cypionat und Enantat) durchzusetzen. Dennoch ist es sinnvoll, vor allem zu Beginn eines Zyklus anabole Substanzen zu sich zu nehmen.

Die folgenden Zyklen eignen sich für Männer mit schlankem Körperbau, über 25 Jahren und ohne Kontraindikationen für die Einnahme von anabolen Steroiden.

Kurzer Zyklus zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse

:turinabol: – neutralisiert die androgene Wirkung von Testosteron. Teilen Sie die Tagesdosis in zwei Portionen auf: morgens und abends.

:testosteron-p: löst schnell einen anabolen Prozess im Körper aus, der die Länge eines Zyklus verkürzt. Erwähnenswert ist, dass Propionat auch für Schneidzyklen geeignet ist, ebenso wie :winstrol:. Einige Bodybuilder verwenden in diesem Zyklus Enanthate anstelle von Propionat. Der Unterschied zwischen ihnen liegt nicht im Wirkmechanismus. :Testosteron-e: hat eine längere Halbwertszeit, was praktischer ist.

Aromatasehemmer. Da es sich bei Testosteron um einen stark aromatisierbaren Stoff handelt, sind bereits in geringen Dosen Aromatasehemmer erforderlich. Die Einnahme von Anastrozol in niedrigen Dosen kann östrogenbedingte Nebenwirkungen verhindern und gleichzeitig den notwendigen Östrogenspiegel im Körper aufrechterhalten.

Denken Sie daran, dass Gynäkomastie oft irreversibel ist. Eine übermäßige Unterdrückung des Östrogenspiegels kann jedoch zu einer erektilen Dysfunktion und einem Rückgang der Libido führen. In diesem Fall sollten Sie die Dosierung reduzieren.

:Tamoxifen: ist die Grundlage der Post-Cycle-Therapie, die 3-5 Tage nach der letzten Propionat-Injektion beginnt. Sie können Tamoxifen auch durch weniger giftiges Clomifen ersetzen.

Langer Zyklus zum Aufbau von Muskelmasse

Denken Sie daran, dass bei einer Zyklusdauer von mehr als 6–7 Wochen das Risiko einer Hodenatrophie steigt. Sie können dieses Problem durch die Verwendung von Gonadotropin lösen. Das Maximum an Muskelwachstum und sportlicher Leistung erreicht man in der 6. bis 8. Woche. Dann kommt es zu einem allmählichen Rückgang, während gleichzeitig das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen steigt. Daher besteht keine Notwendigkeit, Ihren Zyklus über 10–12 Wochen zu verlängern.

Turinabol steigert die anabolen Prozesse im Körper in den ersten 2 bis 4 Wochen, bis die Testosteron-Enanthate-Konzentration hohe Werte erreicht. Teilen Sie die Tagesdosis in 2 Portionen auf und nehmen Sie diese morgens und abends ein.

Testosteron-Enantat kann durch Cypionat ersetzt werden. Aktuellen Studien zufolge ist Choriongonadotropin für lange Zyklen (länger als 6 Wochen) notwendig. Es wird Ihnen helfen, sich nach dem Zyklus schnell zu erholen.

Die folgende Steroidkombination ähnelt der vorherigen. Hier wird Turinabol durch Methandrostenolon ersetzt. Teilen Sie die Tagesdosis ebenfalls in 2 Portionen auf und nehmen Sie sie auf nüchternen Magen ein.

Hier ist ein weiteres Beispiel für Steroidkombinationen mit Methandrostenolon, die als anaboler Booster verwendet werden.

In diesem Zyklus können Sie Methandrostenolon durch Turinabol (30 mg/Tag) ersetzen. Boldenon kann durch Primobolan (200-400 mg/Woche) ersetzt werden. Während Testosteron-Enanthate durch :testosterone-c: (oder :sustanon: ) ersetzt werden kann.


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Winstrol für Frauen

Winstrol for Women

Concerning anabolic steroids, females are in unfavourable position comparative to males. Whereas males can use great variety of steroids, females are limited to a very small choice due to safety issues. In this article we will focus on one of the most efficient steroids for women – Winstrol.

Female and male organisms have different response to Winstrol. Whereas male athletes take Winstrol mostly for cutting purposes and to keep the gains, females can use it for bulking. This occurs due to increased level of dihydrotestosterone, which stimulates anabolic processes in female bodies. Besides women are more sensible to small doses than men, therefore this medication can last for long.

Dosierung und Anwendung

Most female athletes take Winstrol for cutting cycles at the dosage of 10mg every other day (or 5mg/day). During bulking cycles Winstrol is taken at the dosage 5-10mg/day along with proper diet and exercises. The length of both cycles is about 6 weeks. Here is an example of Winstrol cycles for women.

If you don’t want to deal with side effects, do not exceed the recommended doses and length of a cycle.

Helpful advices

The following advices will help you to make your cycle more efficient and safe.

  • Adjust your diet and exercises to your aims. In order to achieve optimal results your diet and type of exercises should correspond to your aims. For instance, during cutting cycle you should follow low-calorie diet and perform intensive aerobic exercises every other day. Whereas during bulking cycle your diet should be calorie-rich and amount of aerobic exercises should be less.
  • Don’t use liver-toxic substances (alcohol or medications) along with Winstrol. Winstrol is a hepatotoxic compound. However at low doses (which is prescribed for women) the risk is low. Nevertheless, taking liver-unfriendly substances like alcohol or medications (e.g. acetaminophen) may increase the risks of liver damage. Make sure that you don’t have contraindications before taking Stanozolol.
  • Drink enough of water. Winstrol belongs to “dry” steroids, which means it can cause a joint pain, especially during cutting cycles. By drinking enough of water you can avoid this problem.
  • Injectable Winstrol is also hepatotoxic. Some athletes think that by using injectable stanozolol one can avoid liver damage. However, it’s not the case, as injectable form of this compound is also processed by the liver.
  • Make sure you are not pregnant. This is important for sexually active females, as Stanozolol usage during pregnancy can lead to birth defects. Therefore, keep in mind this issue before taking Winstrol and several weeks after its usage.
  • Don’t take Winstrol during breastfeeding as it can penetrate into breastmilk.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage. The risk of side-effects may greatly increase in women taking more than 10mg/day.
  • Start from small doses to ascertain your individual tolerance. By gradually increasing the dosage you can figure out your “individual dose” or tolerance point, where side-effects become troublesome.


The risk of virilization

Though Winstrol is considered safe, it may cause virilization – appearance of male features in women. The signs of virilization include voice deepening, baldness, mood changes, growth of excessive body hair, and clitoral enlargement. So, if you noticed first signs of virilization, discontinue Winstrol usage immediately and contact your doctor. It’s important to detect these signs at early stage, because they may become irreversible with time.

The treatment of virilization may be different. At early stage you can treat it by small doses of corticosteroids, which may decrease the androgen levels. Nevertheless this treatment may cause additional side-effects. The other option is hormonal contraceptives, which can oppose the effects of dihydrotestosterone. However, the best way to “treat virilization” is strict adherence to recommended doses and immediate discontinuation of steroid usage at the early signs of virilization.

Winstrol efficiency

Stanozolol is very efficient steroid. In case of proper diet and exercises a female athlete can gain up to 15 pounds of lean muscles during 6 week-cycle (10mg/day). At 5mg/day female can burn up to five pounds of body fat in just a few weeks. Therefore, results will become visible very soon.

Though Stanozolol belongs to safe steroids, it may cause undesirable side effects. One should remember that we all have different response to medications and some females are more susceptive to steroid side-effects than others. That is why one should be very attentive to your body while taking Stanozolol or other steroids.
Du kannst buy Winstrol here!

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Methandrostenolon (Danabol)

Methandrostenolon (Danabol, Naposim, Methanoger)

Methandrostenolon ist ein anaboles Steroid, das ursprünglich als Heilmittel gegen Verbrennungen und als Arzneimittel zur Verbesserung des allgemeinen Tonus bei Frauen eingesetzt wurde. Als sich später herausstellte, dass diese Substanz zu Muskelaufbau führen kann, erfreute sie sich bei Bodybuildern großer Beliebtheit. Obwohl dieses Medikament heutzutage von der FDA verboten ist, können Sie es in verschiedenen Ländern Asiens und Osteuropas frei kaufen.


Diese Substanz gibt es unter verschiedenen Handelsnamen wie: Dianabol, Danabol, Nerobol, Naposim, DBOL, Methandienon, Methanoger, Anabolin, Bionabol, Dehydromethyltestosteron, Metasthenol, Novabol, Perabol, Perbolin, Pronabol, Stanolon, Anaboral, Vanabol, Dianoget und so weiter .

Heutzutage gibt es viele Fehlinformationen über Dianabol. Normalerweise werden seine toxischen Eigenschaften überbewertet, während seine anabolen Eigenschaften unterschätzt werden. Dennoch kann ein 6-wöchiger Danabol-Zyklus mit einer Dosierung von 30 mg/Tag die Muskelmasse um 8–10 kg steigern. Normalerweise kommt es dann zu einem Gewichtsverlust von 2–5 kg, der bei richtiger Durchführung des Zyklus reduziert werden kann.

Injizierbares Methan

Die injizierbare Form von Methandrostenolon ist als Averbol, Reforvit B, Methastenon, Methanoliq, Metabol-25, Methanoger, Pharmabol 100, Methanabone, Methandienone, Dianoged usw. bekannt. Es liegt in Form einer Suspension oder einer Öllösung vor.

Diese Substanz ist ebenfalls an Position 17 alkyliert, einige Forscher sagen jedoch, dass die flüssige Form besser bioverfügbar ist und eine geringere Hepatotoxizität aufweist, obwohl dies nicht bewiesen ist. Die injizierbare Form kann auch oral eingenommen werden, hat aber einen schrecklichen Geschmack.


Anabole Eigenschaften (im Vergleich zum Test) – 200%
Androgene Eigenschaften (im Vergleich zum Test) – 50%
Umwandlung in Östrogene – gering
Lebertoxizität – mäßig
Verfügbare Formen – Tabletten, Injektionen
Wirkdauer – 6-8 Stunden
Dopingtest – nachweisbar innerhalb von 3 Monaten ab dem letzten Gebrauch.

Die Wirkungen von Dianabol

• Sorgt für einen schnellen Muskelaufbau.
• Erhöht die Kraft
• Steigert den Appetit
• Moderate Fettverbrennungswirkung
• Stärkt die Knochen


Obwohl Danabol eine geringe Umwandlungsrate in Östrogen aufweist, kann es Gynäkomastie verursachen. Um diese Nebenwirkung zu vermeiden, sollte man Aromatasehemmer einnehmen.


Da Danabol an der 17α-Position methyliert ist, verursacht es eine mäßige Lebertoxizität. Die Methylierung in dieser Position schützt es jedoch vor einer schnellen Zerstörung durch Leberenzyme und ermöglicht die Tablettenform. Methylierung verringert auch die Bindung von Danabol an SHB-Globuline.

Bei längerer Einnahme verdickt Dianabol die Membranen der Leberzellen und verschlechtert die Leitfähigkeit der Gallenwege, was allen oralen Steroiden eigen ist. Dies führt schließlich zu einer Stagnation der Galle und verursacht Schmerzen im Bereich der Leber. Um dieser Nebenwirkung vorzubeugen, werden Cholagoga eingesetzt.

Es sollte jedoch erwähnt werden, dass Cholagoga in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt werden können: Choleretika, die die Gallenproduktion steigern (z. B. Allohol, Holenzim), und Cholekinetika, die der Gallenblase helfen, die Galle in den Darm freizusetzen (z. B. Cholosas).

Um die Leberschädigung zu reduzieren, werden Choleckinetika zusammen mit der Einnahme von Dianabol eingesetzt, während Choleretika nach dem Zyklus eingesetzt werden. Machen Sie keinen Fehler, denn die gleichzeitige Einnahme von Choleretika und Danabol kann die Situation verschlimmern. Daher ist es besser, nach dem Dianabol-Zyklus einen Hepatoprotektor wie Ademetionin zu verwenden.


Es gehört zu den östrogenbedingten Nebenwirkungen. Da es hauptsächlich in den Muskeln vorkommt, verleiht es diesen ein geschwollenes Aussehen. Daher verringert sich nach Absetzen des Medikaments das Volumen der gewonnenen Muskeln um 10-50%. Sie können dieses Phänomen vermeiden, indem Sie während Ihres Zyklus Aromatasehemmer einnehmen.

Andere Nebenwirkungen

Akne, Haarausfall, Sodbrennen, hoher Blutdruck (Sie können dies durch die Einnahme von Aromatasehemmern während des Zyklus verhindern), gesteigerte Libido während des Zyklus und vorübergehender Rückgang danach, Hodenatrophie (bei hoher Dosierung und Langzeitanwendung), Virilisierung (bei Frauen), Myokardhypertrophie (bei Überdosierung oder genetischer Veranlagung) usw.

Verwendung und Dosierung

Nehmen Sie Dianabol zunächst nicht ein, wenn Sie unter 21 Jahre alt sind oder Kontraindikationen haben – hoher Blutdruck, Hypertrophie der Prostata, Herz- oder Leberprobleme usw. Vergessen Sie nicht, Ihren Arzt zu konsultieren, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie es nicht einnehmen Es gibt keine Kontraindikationen.

Zweitens: Überschreiten Sie nicht die Tagesdosis, die 30 mg/Tag beträgt. Die Dosierung wird üblicherweise in 2-3 Teile aufgeteilt. Aufgrund der Lebertoxizität ist es besser, Methandienon nach der Nahrungsaufnahme einzunehmen.

Man sollte den Danabol-Zyklus mit 10 mg beginnen und die Dosierung nach ein paar Tagen schrittweise auf 20-30 mg/Tag erhöhen. Normalerweise dauert der Zyklus 6 Wochen. Nach der ersten Woche des Zyklus ist die Einnahme von Aromatasehemmern (z. B. Anastrozol 0,5 mg/alle 3 Tage) notwendig. Sie reduzieren Wassereinlagerungen und das Risiko einer Gynäkomastie.

Sie sollten 2–3 Tage nach Ende Ihres Zyklus mit der PCT beginnen – Tamoxifen 20 mg für 2–4 Wochen. In der letzten Woche wird die Dosierung von Tamoxifen schrittweise reduziert, bis hin zum vollständigen Absetzen.
Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig Ihren Blutdruck. Bei hohem Druck reduzieren Sie die Dosis oder nehmen blutdrucksenkende Mittel (Enalapril, 5 mg) ein.

Verwenden Sie Testosteron-Booster 3-4 Wochen nach Ende Ihres Zyklus, um das natürliche Testosteron wiederherzustellen.
Nutzen Sie auch Sporternährung und richtige Ernährung, um maximale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.


Kombinationen von Danabol mit anderen Steroiden können die Effizienz Ihres Zyklus verbessern und mögliche Nebenwirkungen reduzieren. Um die Muskelmasse zu erhöhen, wird Danabol normalerweise kombiniert mit: Testosteron; Sustanon oder Omnadren; Primobolan; Trenbolon + Testosteron; Nandrolon + Testosteron. Bei kombinierten Zyklen wird Dianabol normalerweise in den ersten 4 Wochen eingenommen.

Sie können kaufen Danabol hier!

Schauen Sie auch mal vorbei Wie man anabole Steroide kauft und wie man die besten auswählt

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Wie kaufe ich Steroide mit Kreditkarte über Bitcoins?

Aufgrund seiner Sicherheit und Anonymität BITCOIN ist eine der zuverlässigsten Methoden, um anabole Steroide auf dem rezeptfreien Markt zu kaufen. Aber wie bekommt man diese wunderbaren Bitcoins mit der Visa- oder Mastercard?

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testosteron propionate

Testosterone propionate is considered one of the most popular steroids among bodybuilders. It can

testosterone propionate formula
testosterone propionate formula

be used for gaining muscle mass and strength, but due to its specific properties it is also used for cutting cycles.

Testosterone serves as a core molecule for creation of numerous hormonal (androgenic) compounds. By adding or removing atoms in testosterone molecule one can change its properties. For instance, testosterone propionate is created by attaching of propionic acid ester to testosterone molecule. Thus propionic residue determines pharmacological properties of this substance.


  • Anabolic activity – 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity – 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (transformation into estrogen) – high (anti-estrogens are required)
  • Suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis – yes
  • Hepatotoxicity: Liver friendly
  • Method of usage: injection
  • Duration of action – 2-3 days
  • Doping tests – detectable during 40-60 days

Mechanism of action

  • Testosterone propionate initiates transcription of genes involved in metabolism of nitrogen. Thus it causes accumulation of nitrogen.
  • It also increases the level of insulin-like growth factor in muscles and liver.
  • It stimulates proliferation of satellites cells in muscles, which in turn cause muscle enlargement and enhanced muscle recovery.

One should mention that all testosterone esters have the same mechanism of action. The only difference is in their durability and preferential direction of action.

The Effects of Testosterone propionate

  • Muscle mass enlargement
  • Fettverbrennung
  • Improvement of muscular relief
  • Increase of strength
  • Increased libido
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Reduces the risk of cardiac ischemia and heart disease.

Due to a short propionic residue it has a short half-time, therefore injections should be done every other day. Probably this is the major disadvantage of propionate, in comparison with its long-living relatives, e.g. testosterone enanthate. A higher price can be also regarded as disadvantage, but its multifunctionality make it outstanding as it can be used both for gaining and cutting cycles.

Its short duration of action can also be regarded as advantageous – it provides ability to quickly adjust the dose and avoid allergic reaction in case you have intolerance to one of the drug constituents (e.g. oil).

At proper dosages it doesn’t make water retention in the organism, and doesn’t cause the rapid increase of body weight. Therefore the gained muscle mass is more qualitative than with other testosterone esters (for example enanthate).

After injection it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, so you can quickly feel the result. For these reasons testosterone propionate is suitable both for beginners and for experienced bodybuilders.


Dosierung und Anwendung

You can use testosterone propionate standalone, but optimal results can be achieved by stacking it with other steroids. The usual dosage for beginners is 50 mg/ every other day. Professional bodybuilders can do 100mg daily or more.

In order to avoid gynecomastia and other estrogen related side-effects you should take anti-estrogen (for example  Proviron) or aromatase inhibitors starting from the second week of your cycle. When your cycle is completed a Post Cycle Therapy is required (tamoxifen or analogues). Usage of cortisol blockers will be also helpful in order to avoid the loss of gained muscle mass. Follow the diet for gaining weight and use sports nutrition.

Testosterone Propionate Combinations

For cutting cycles testosterone propionate is stacked with Stanozolol, Trenbolone acetate, Masteron, Primobolan and some other steroids. Besides, Propionate is an obligatory component of testosterone ester mixtures, such as Sustanone or Omnadren – it provides immediate effect of these compounds.

Here is an example of propionate cycle for beginners:

  • Propionate 50mg/ EOD
  • Winstrol 30mg/day (starting with 10 mg, and adjusting the dose to the optimum within 1 week).
  • After 6 weeks you should discontinue using anabolics and start PCT after 3-4 days.

In this cycle you will see synergistic effect of these drugs. This means that the effect of their simultaneous usage is greater than the effects of their separate usage. Moreover, the risk of side effects in this cycle is reduced. Some bodybuilders inject propionate into the target muscle (e.g. biceps, deltoids etc.), but the effectivity of this method is not yet proven.

Side effects of propionate

The usual complain about propionate usage is pain, irritation and redness at the spot of injection. The side effects of testosterone propionate are similar to other testosterone esters when taken at high dosages:

  • Gynäkomastie
  • Akne
  • Hair loss (scalp)
  • Increased growth of body hair
  • Prostate enlargement (especially in the elderly)
  • Virilization (in women)

Testosterone propionate suppresses natural testosterone production, which usually returns to the normal level in 2-3 months after the end of the cycle. If you do a prolonged cycle, then you should take gonadotropin at the dosage 500 IU/ week, starting from the second week of your cycle. At proper dosages it doesn’t make any adverse effect to such organs as liver or kidneys. Women should avoid it due to high risks of androgenic side-effects.

Sie können kaufen Testosterone propionate here!

Schauen Sie auch mal vorbei Wie man anabole Steroide kauft und wie man die besten auswählt

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EPO – Erythropoietin (Produkt in Pharmaqualität)

We’ve been asked many times to post a pics of EPO (Erythropoetin) bieten wir an. Auf geht's:

Chinesisches EPO in Pharmaqualität (3000 IE)

Chinesisches EPO in Pharmaqualität (3000 IE)

EPO – Erythropoietin is widely available on the pharmaceutical and black markets and got raising popularity due to significant increase in performance for endurance sports, fighters and players of all kinds, i.e. everywhere stamina is important. Endurance athletes are highly attracted to EPO for the effect it has on red blood cell production.

This product has put a whole new spin on blood doping. No need for messy transfusions, simply inject EPO to increase your erythrocyte levels. EPO is actually not that dangerous a product to use if it is used properly, and athlete’s blood is monitored. With proper blood work, and boosting to a safe level there shouldn’t be major complications. But do not cross that line. Typically max HC level is 53-54% for elite endurance athlete, while “regular” level for untrained human is around 40%.

Although it is much less counterfeited comparing to other popular peptides – HGH, IGF, etc., they are still an issue, fake product could produce low or no HC level increase. One of the measures which can help to avoid fakes is to pay attention to product look. To small details like stickers texts and taps designs. Always ask seller about is the product that you buying looks exactly like on a picture.

Vorsicht vor Fälschungen

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How to use Tostran 2% Gel

tostran 2% gel


Men over 40 y.o. experience stable testosterone production downfall, which results in decreasing quality of life. Testosterone levels affect mood, muscle size and condition, erectile function and many others. How to fight this? One of the ways is lifetime testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which could be done in several ways. The most popular way is daily applications of low-dosage testosterone gel (Tostran 2% Gel).

Tostran 2% gel

1. Name of the medicinal product

Tostran 2% Gel.

2. Qualitative and quantitative composition

One gram of gel contains 20 mg testosterone. One press of the canister piston delivers 0.5 g of gel containing 10 mg testosterone.

Excipient(s) with known effect:

One gram of gel contains 1 mg butylhydroxytoluene.

One gram of gel contains 350 mg propylene glycol.

For the full list of excipients, see Section 6.1.

3. Pharmaceutical form


Clear, colourless to slightly yellow gel.

4. Clinical particulars

4.1 Therapeutic indications

Testosterone replacement therapy for male hypogonadism when testosterone deficiency has been confirmed by clinical features and biochemical tests. (see Section 4.4).

4.2 Posology and method of administration


Adults and Elderly Men

The recommended starting dose of Tostran is 3 g gel (60 mg of testosterone) applied once daily at approximately the same time each morning. Dose titration should be based on both serum testosterone levels and the existence of clinical signs and symptoms related to androgen deficiency. It should be taken into account that physiological testosterone levels decline with increasing age.

The daily dose should not exceed 4 g of gel (80 mg testosterone).

Paediatric Population

Tostran is not indicated for use in children and has not been clinically evaluated in males under 18 years of age.

Method of administration

For cutaneous use

The dose can be applied to the abdomen (entire dose over an area of at least 10 by 30 cm), or to both inner thighs (one half of the dose over an area of at least 10 by 15 cm for each inner thigh). Daily rotation between the abdomen and inner thighs is recommended to minimise application site reactions.

The gel should be applied to clean, dry, intact skin. It should be rubbed in gently with one finger until dry, then the application site should be covered, preferably with loose clothing. Hands should then be washed with soap and water.

Each full depression of the canister piston delivers one half gram of gel (10 mg testosterone). To obtain a full first dose, it is necessary to prime the canister pump. To do so, with the canister in the upright position, slowly and fully depress the actuator 8 times to ensure that the pump is fully primed. The first few depressions may result in no discharge of gel. Discard the gel dispensed during priming (i.e., from the first eight depressions). It is only necessary to prime the pump before the first dose. The canister should be stored in an upright position between use.

In Table 1 below the amount of gel dispensed once the pump is primed and the amount of testosterone which would be applied to the skin from a number of piston depressions are shown.

Table 1: Dose of tostran dispensed after pump priming

No of Depressions

Amount of Gel (g)

Amount of Testosterone Applied to the Skin (mg)
















Patients who wash in the morning should apply Tostran after washing, bathing or showering.

Tostran must not be applied to the genitals.

Treatment Control

Serum testosterone concentration should be measured approximately 14 days after initiation of therapy to ensure proper dosing. The blood sample for measurement of serum testosterone level should be obtained 2 hours after application of Tostran. If the serum testosterone concentration is between 5.0 and 15.0 µg/l, the dose should not be changed from 3 g/day. If the serum testosterone concentration is below 5.0 µg/l, the dose should be increased to 4 g/day (80 mg testosterone). If the testosterone concentration is above 15.0 µg/l, the dose should be reduced to 2 g/day (40 mg testosterone). Smaller 0.5 g gel (10 mg testosterone) dosage adjustment may be made if necessary.

Because of the variability in analytical values amongst diagnostic laboratories, all testosterone measurements should be performed in the same laboratory.

There is limited experience of treating men older than 65 years of age with Tostran.

No formal studies have been conducted with the product in patients with renal or hepatic impairment (see also Section 4.4).

4.3 Contraindications

Tostran 2% Gel is contraindicated in patients with:

– hypersensitivity to the active substance(s) or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1

– known or suspected carcinoma of the breast or the prostate

4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use

Tostran should not be used to treat non-specific symptoms suggestive of hypogonadism if testosterone deficiency has not been demonstrated and if other aetiologies responsible for the symptoms have not been excluded. Testosterone deficiency should be clearly demonstrated by clinical features and confirmed by two separate blood testosterone measurements before initiating therapy with any testosterone replacement, including Tostran treatment.

In patients suffering from severe cardiac, hepatic, or renal insufficiency or ischaemic heart disease, treatment with testosterone may cause severe complications characterised by oedema with or without congestive cardiac failure. In such case, treatment must be stopped immediately.

Testosterone may cause a rise in blood pressure and Tostran should be used with caution in men with hypertension.

Testosterone level should be monitored at baseline and at regular intervals during treatment. Clinicians should adjust the dosage individually to ensure maintenance of eugonadal testosterone levels.

In patients receiving long-term androgen therapy, the following laboratory parameters should also be monitored regularly: haemoglobin, and haematocrit, liver function tests and lipid profile.

There is limited experience on the safety and efficacy of the use of Tostran in patients over 65 years of age. Currently, there is no consensus about age specific testosterone reference values. However, it should be taken into account that physiologically testosterone serum levels are lower with increasing age.

Tostran is not indicated for treatment of male sterility or sexual impotence.

Prior to initiation of testosterone replacement therapy, all patients must undergo a detailed examination in order to exclude a risk of pre-existing prostatic cancer. Careful and regular monitoring of the prostate gland and breast must be performed in accordance with recommended methods (digital rectal examination and estimation of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA)) in patients receiving testosterone therapy at least annually and twice yearly in elderly patients and at risk patients (those with clinical or familial factors).

Androgens may accelerate the progression of sub-clinical prostatic cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

There are no studies undertaken to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of this medicinal product in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Therefore, testosterone replacement therapy should be used with caution in these patients.

The treatment of hypogonadal men with testosterone may potentiate sleep apnoea in some patients, especially those with risk factors such as obesity or chronic lung disease.

Care should be taken in patients with skeletal metastases due to the risk of hypercalcaemia/hypercalciuria developing from androgen therapy. Regular monitoring of the serum levels of calcium in these patients is recommended.

Tostran should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy and migraine as these conditions may be aggravated.

Improved insulin sensitivity may occur in patients treated with androgens who achieve normal testosterone plasma concentrations following replacement therapy.

General: certain clinical signs may indicate excessive androgen exposure requiring dosage adjustment. The physician should instruct patients to report any of the following:

– Irritability, nervousness, weight gain.

– Too frequent or persistent erections of the penis.

– Any nausea, vomiting, changes in skin colour or ankle swelling.

– Breathing disturbances, including those associated with sleep.

If the patient develops a severe application site reaction, treatment should be reviewed and discontinued if necessary.

Athletes should be informed that Tostran contains an active substance (testosterone), which may give positive results in a doping test. Androgens are not suitable for enhancing muscular development in healthy individuals or for increasing physical ability.

Tostran should not be used in women due to possible virilising effects.

Clotting disorders

Testosterone should be used with caution in patients with thrombophilia, as there have been post-marketing studies and reports of thrombotic events in these patients during testosterone therapy.

Potential for transfer

If no precautions are taken, testosterone gel can be transferred to other persons by close skin to skin contact, resulting in increased testosterone serum levels and possibly adverse effects (e.g. growth of facial and/or body hair, deepening of the voice, irregularities of the menstrual cycle) in case of repeat contact (inadvertent androgenisation).

The physician should inform the patient carefully about the risk of testosterone transfer and about safety instructions (see below). Tostran should not be prescribed in patients with a major risk of non-compliance with safety instructions (e.g. severe alcoholism, drug abuse, severe psychiatric disorders).

This transfer is avoided by wearing clothes covering the application area or bathing or showering prior to contact.

As a result, the following precautions are recommended:

For the patient:

– wash hands with soap and water after applying the gel,

– cover the application area with clothing once the gel has dried,

– bathe or shower before any situation in which this type of contact is foreseen.

For the health care professional or carer:

– disposable gloves should be used if a health care professional or carer needs to apply the testosterone gel to the patient,

– the disposable gloves should be resistant to alcohols as the gel contains both ethanol andisopropyl alcohol, which facilitate the penetration of testosterone.

For people not being treated with Tostran:

– in the event of contact with an application area which has not been washed or is not covered with clothing, wash the area of skin onto which testosterone may have been transferred as soon as possible, using soap and water,

– report the development of signs of excessive androgen exposure such as acne or hair modification.

To guarantee partner safety the patient should be advised for example to observe a minimum of four hours between Tostran application and sexual intercourse, to wear clothing covering the application site, during contact period or to bathe or shower before sexual intercourse.

Furthermore, it is recommended to wear clothing covering the application site during contact periods with children, in order to avoid a risk of contamination to children’s skin.

Pregnant women must avoid contact with Tostran application sites. In case of pregnancy of a partner, the patient must take extra care with the precautions for use described above (see also Section 4.6).

Absorption studies of testosterone conducted in patients treated with Tostran indicate that patients should wait at least two hours between gel application and bathing or showering.

Tostran contains butylhydroxytoluene (E321) which may cause local skin reactions (eg contact dermatitis) or irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes. Tostran contains propylene glycol which may cause skin irritation.

4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

When androgens are given simultaneously with anticoagulants, the anticoagulant effect can increase. Patients receiving oral anticoagulants require close monitoring of their INR especially when the androgen treatment is started, stopped or the dose of Tostran changed.

The concurrent administration of testosterone with ACTH or corticosteroids may increase the likelihood of oedema; thus these drugs should be administered with caution, particularly in patients with cardiac, renal or hepatic disease.

Laboratory test interactions: Androgens may decrease concentrations of thyroxin-binding globulin, resulting in decreased total T4 serum concentrations and increased resin uptake of T3 and T4. Free thyroid hormone concentrations remain unchanged however, and there is no clinical evidence of thyroid dysfunction.

4.6 Fertitilty, pregnancy and lactation

Tostran is only intended to be used by men.

Tostran is not indicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women. No studies on women have been carried out. Pregnant women should avoid all contact with skin treated with Tostran (see Section 4.4). Tostran can give rise to adverse, virilising effects on the foetus. In the event of contact with treated skin, the area should be washed with soap and water as soon as possible.

4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed

4.8 Undesirable effects

The most commonly reported adverse reactions in a controlled clinical study (up to 4 g Tostran) were application site reactions (ASR; 26%) including; paresthesia, xerosis, pruritus and rash or erythema. The majority of these reactions were mild to moderate in severity and diminished or cleared, despite continued application.

All adverse reactions reported with a suspected relationship are listed by class and frequency (very common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100) and rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000)).

Organ System

Very Common

(≥ 1/10)


(≥ 1/100 to < 1/10)

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Haematocrit increased, Red blood cell count increased, Haemoglobin increased

Endocrine disorders

Increase in male pattern hair distribution

Vascular disorders


Reproductive system and breast disorders


General disorders and administration site conditions

Administration site reactions

Peripheral oedema


Increased PSA

Hyperglycaemia was reported as an adverse event in two patients with a history of diabetes mellitus.

Gynaecomastia develops in 1.5% of patients being treated with testosterone for hypogonadism and occasionally persists.

According to the literature, other known undesirable effects have been reported following testosterone treatment and are listed in the following table:

Organ System

Adverse reactions

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Weight gain, electrolyte changes (retention of sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, inorganic phosphate and water) during high dose and/or prolonged treatment.

Nervous system disorders

Nervousness, hostility, depression.

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Sleep apnoea

Gastrointestinal disorders


Hepatobiliary disorders

In very rare cases jaundice and liver function test abnormalities.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Various skin reactions may occur including acne, seborrhoea and balding (alopecia).

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Muscle cramps, muscle pain

Reproductive system and breast disorders

Libido changes, increased frequency of erections; therapy with high doses of testosterone preparations commonly reversibly interrupts or reduces spermatogenesis, thereby reducing the size of the testicles; testosterone replacement therapy of hypogonadism can in rare cases cause persistent, painful erections (priapism), prostate abnormalities, prostate cancer*, urinary obstruction.

General disorders and administration site conditions

High dose or long-term administration of testosterone occasionally increases the occurrences of water retention and oedema; hypersensitivity reactions may occur.

* Data on prostate cancer risk in association with testosterone therapy are inconclusive.

Other rare known undesirable effects associated with excessive dosages of testosterone treatments include hepatic neoplasms.

Because of the excipients (butylhydroxytoluene and propylene glycol) contained in the product, applications to the skin may cause irritation and dry skin which usually reduce over time.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the yellow card scheme. Website:

4.9 Overdose

There is a single case of acute overdosage after parenteral administration of testosterone enanthate reported in the literature. This resulted in testosterone concentrations of up to 114.0 µg/l, which was implicated in a cerebrovascular accident. Oral ingestion of Tostran will not result in clinically significant testosterone concentrations due to extensive first-pass metabolism. It is unlikely that such serum testosterone levels could be achieved using the transdermal route of administration.

Treatment of transdermal overdosage is by washing the site of application with soap and water as soon as possible, discontinuing application of Tostran and treatment of any symptoms.

5. Pharmacological properties

5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Androgens; ATC-code G03BA03

Endogenous androgens, which are excreted by the testicles, mainly testosterone and its main metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are responsible for the development of the external and internal male sex organs and for maintaining secondary sex characteristics (stimulation of the hair growth, voice breaking and development of libido). They have a general effect on the protein anabolism, affect the development of the skeletal muscles and the distribution of body fat, reduce the excretion in the urine of nitrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphates and water.

Testosterone does not affect the development of the testicles but reduces the excretion of gonadotrophin from the pituitary gland.

The effect of testosterone on certain target organs occurs after a peripheral transformation of testosterone to oestradiol which then binds to the oestradiol receptors in the nuclei of the target cell, e.g., in the pituitary gland, fat tissue, brain, bone tissue and the Leydig cells in the testicle.

5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties


Tostran is a hydroalcoholic formulation that dries quickly when rubbed into the skin. The skin acts as a reservoir for the sustained release of testosterone into the systemic circulation. Testosterone absorption into the blood continues throughout the entire 24 hour dosing interval, with concentrations significantly above the base level the whole time. Varying application areas between 200 and 800 cm2 in size has not been shown to have any clinically relevant effect on serum testosterone concentrations.

Application on the inside of the thighs and the abdomen results in comparable serum testosterone concentrations.

The bioavailability of Tostran is estimated to be 12%. Administration of 3 g gel daily over 6 months results in time-averaged serum testosterone concentrations of 5.0 ± 2.0 µg/l and individual minimal concentrations of 3.0 ± 1.0 µg/l and maximum concentrations of 12.0 ± 7.0 µg/l.


About 40% of the testosterone in plasma is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), 2% remains unbound (free) and the rest is loosely bound to albumin and other proteins. Albumin bound testosterone easily dissociates and is considered to be biologically active. However the binding to SHBG is strong. Thus, the concentration of serum bioactive testosterone is the unbound fraction plus that bound to albumin.


The major active metabolites of testosterone are oestradiol and DHT. DHT binds with greater affinity to SHBG than does testosterone. DHT is further metabolised to 3-α and 2-β androstanediol.


About 90% of a dose of testosterone given intramuscularly is excreted in the urine as glucuronic acid and sulphate conjugates of testosterone and its metabolites; about 6% of a dose is excreted in the faeces, mostly in the unconjugated form.

5.3 Preclinical safety data

Toxicological studies have not revealed other effects than those which can be explained based on the hormone profile of Tostran.

Testosterone has been found to be non-mutagenic in vitro using the reverse mutation model (Ames test) or hamster ovary cells. A relationship between androgen treatment and certain cancers has been found in laboratory animals. Experimental data in rats have shown increased incidences of prostate cancer after treatment with testosterone. Sex hormones are known to facilitate the development of certain tumours induced by known carcinogenic agents. The clinical relevance of this observation is not known.

Fertility studies in rodents and primates have shown that treatment with testosterone can impair fertility by suppressing spermatogenesis in a dose dependent manner.

6. Pharmaceutical particulars

6.1 List of excipients

Propylene glycol

Ethanol, anhydrous

Isopropyl alcohol

Oleic acid

Carbomer 1382


Butylhydroxytoluene (E321)

Water, purified

Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)

6.2 Incompatibilities

Not applicable

6.3 Shelf life

2 years.

6.4 Special precautions for storage

Do not store above 25°C.

Do not refrigerate or freeze.

Store canister upright.

6.5 Nature and contents of container

60 g multi-dose container (comprised of an epoxy phenolic lined aluminium canister) with a fixed volume metering pump.

Pack sizes: 60 g, 2 x 60 g or 3 x 60 g

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handling

No special requirements.

7. Marketing authorisation holder

Kyowa Kirin Ltd

Galabank Business Park




8. Marketing authorisation number(s)

PL 16508/0025

9. Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation

Date of first authorisation: 25 October 2006

Date of last renewal: 12 December 2009

10. Date of revision of the text


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Alles über den Kauf anaboler Steroide und wie man die besten auswählt

Um die Muskelmasse schnell zu erhöhen und einen durchtrainierten und gesunden Körper zu haben, brauchen wir Steroide. Besonders kaufbedürftig sind beispielsweise Bodybuilder anabol Steroide, da sie häufig an sportlichen Wettkämpfen teilnehmen und eine perfekte Passform beibehalten müssen.

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